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National Polytechnic Institute.

Center for Foreign Languages Zacatenco Unit.

Basic English I.
Key: IB1A1213L-V.
● Castañeda Navarro José Iván
● Del Valle Aguilar Tonanzthin Ixchel
● García Aguilar Iván Uriel
What would the english group of 12 to 13
prefer to eat?
1° Choose the food that you like:
2° Say two dishes you prefer of previous option
or choose:

Mexican Italian Chinese

Tacos Pasta Ramen

Pozole Pizza Rice

Chicken with mole Lasagña Tempura Rolls

Barbecue Bittersweet chicken

3° How often a month do you eat them?
4° Do you know how to make food a cook?
5° Which would you like to try?
● As final results; We know that there is a wide variety of dishes in the world, however, our
Mexican food is preferred by our colleagues followed by Italian and Chinese food. Among
the dishes of the different gastronomies, the favorites are tacos, pasta and ramen.

● Most of the participants consume an average of 3 to 6 times a month their favorite foods and
more than 60% know how to prepare them.

● The gastronomy that our participants would like to try is Brazilian, followed by Thai and

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