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Do/ does he help his mum ?

do / does jim live with his dad ? yes
do / does Mary Play the Piano? YES, HE DOES
do/ does she eat Pizza? YES, SHE DOES
do / does They like music ? YES, HE DOES
do / does his mum bake cakes ? YES, SHE DOES
do / does you play soccer ? Yes, I do
do / does lisa live in london? yes she lives in London
do / does his dog like cast ? if he likes it
do / does you understand me? I do understand you
do / does your sister eat chicken? YES, SHE DOES
do / does your brother like cheese? yes he likes cheese
do / does Lisa work in Englad ? yes she works in england
do / does your friends like music? if they like music
do / does your mum wear glasses ? if she the united states
do / does your friends eat meat ? YES, HE DOES
do / does Jim and jack play golf ? If they practice golf
do / does your teacher wear glasses ? if he or she wears glasses
Do you use/use a computer every day? if i use it every day

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