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Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:

“The puppy did not have a very prepossessing appearance, and he

wasn’t too playful, but this did not prevent his owners from sitting
in a circle around him and admiring him. They debated as to what
he should be named...”

i) What were the names considered while naming the puppy? What
does Attila mean?
Ans: Names like Thunder, Grip, Fire, Tiger and Caesar were considered
while naming the puppy.
Attila was a scourge of Europe and he was a brave and dynamic leader.
ii) What was the narrator's mother’s opinion of Attila? Was she right in
her criticism? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: Mother detested Attila because he would not behave like a watchdog
nor bark at strangers instead would get affectionate and friendly with them.
Yes, she was right in her criticism as the family wanted a formidable dog
and Attila did not possess that quality.
iii) ‘He eats like an elephant’ Identify the figure of speech.
Ans: Simile – Comparison is made between Attila and the elephant's
iv) Who was supporting Attila and why?
Ans: The younger child of the family was Attila’s defender because he
trusted Attila and had faith in him, he believed that Attila would prove his
mother wrong someday and she was expecting too much from the dog.
v) How does Attila rise to the rank of a hero? Justify your answer with
instances from the text.
Ans) One day while strolling through the market, Attila was called by
the elder son of the family. Ranga, the burglar tried to escape as he didn't
want to get caught. Attila started running after the burglar and clumsily
blocked him. Ranga stumbled over him and fell, and a piece of jewellery
fell off from him and he was caught by the police. This is how Attila
proved to be a hero.

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