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Resolution MCQs


Negotiating and Conflict Resolution MCQs

Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or

agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute. Here on we have prepared

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on negotiation and good skills and negotiating techniques in business,

these include the essentials of negotiation, the basic negotiation skills and mcq on conflict management.

These great negotiation skills and negotiation course is useful for Professional accountancy exams,

Business management exams and Competitive exams.

1. What is Negotiation?
A. Negotiation can be defined as a basic means of getting what you want
from others.
B. It is back-and-forth communication designed to reach an agreement
C. Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a
process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding
argument and dispute.
D. All of the above
2. The various stages of the negotiation process are:
I. Preparation and Planning
II. Definition of Ground Rules
III. Clarification and Justification
IV. Bargaining and Problem Solving
V. Closure and Agreement
A. All of the above
B. (I) and (IV) only
C. (I) (IV) and (V) only
D. None
3. Distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining are the two
approaches typically adopted in the negotiation process.
A. True
B. False
4. The ability to negotiate requires a blend of interpersonal and
communication skills used together to achieve the desired result. Which
of the following are the traits of an effective negotiator?
A. Negotiators must have the skills to analyse a problem to determine the
interests of each stakeholder in the negotiation.
B. Effective negotiators are able to listen actively to other parties during
the debate, reading their body language as well as listening to the
verbal communication.
C. Effective negotiators are able to maintain good working relationships
with those involved in the negotiation process.
D. All of the above
5. Some of the measures that a skilled negotiator may adopt to avoid a
deadlock in the final stages of negotiations include:
A. Offer a comprehensive and convincing explanation of the reasons why
the concessions sought by the other party cannot be accepted.
B. Express willingness to review the matter or concessions or benefits
sought by the other party, in the future.
C. Both A&B
D. None
6. High risk negotiation techniques include:
A. Take it or leave it– This is a highly aggressive strategy that may
produce anger or frustration in the other parties.
B. Waiting until the final moment – This technique involves using stalling
tactics knowing the deadline is near.
C. Losing the temper – This is actually a sign of weakness and can be
interpreted as unprofessional and potentially manipulative. It is more
likely to lead counterparties to harden their position.
D. All of the above
7. Low risk negotiation techniques include:
A. Silence – This can be effective and shift the power to the one being
silent. Be careful not to provoke anger or frustrate the other parties.
B. Oh poor me –This approach could lead to sympathy although may as
easily bring out the aggressive and killer instinct nature in the other
C. Address the easy points first – this can help build trust and momentum
towards the more challenging issues.
D. All of the above

Questions and Answers

 1.
The best conflict management style is
o A.

The avoiding style

o B.

The problem-solving style

o C.

The bargaining style

o D.

The smoothing style

Correct Answer
B. The problem-solving style
The problem-solving style is considered the best conflict management style
because it focuses on addressing the root cause of the conflict and finding a
mutually beneficial solution. This style encourages open communication,
active listening, and collaboration among the parties involved. It aims to
find a win-win outcome that satisfies everyone's needs and interests. By
actively working towards resolving the conflict, the problem-solving style
promotes understanding, cooperation, and long-term relationship building.
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 2.
When you have been experiencing conflict with someone else,
you should remember to
o A.

Always apologize

o B.

Always compromise

o C.

Compromise, if needed

o D.

Always argue
Correct Answer
C. Compromise, if needed
In situations of conflict with someone else, it is important to remember to
compromise, if needed. This means that instead of always insisting on
having your own way or always giving in to the other person's demands, you
should be willing to find a middle ground that satisfies both parties.
Compromising allows for a fair and balanced resolution to the conflict,
promoting understanding and cooperation between individuals. However, it
is important to note that compromising should only be done if necessary, as
some conflicts may not require a compromise and can be resolved through
other means.
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 3.
When experiencing conflict, you are always gonna build better
relationships by compromising on the issues.
o A.


o B.

Never true
o C.

Mostly true

o D.

True, in some cases

Correct Answer
D. True, in some cases
In some cases, compromising on the issues when experiencing conflict can
indeed lead to building better relationships. This is because compromise
involves finding a middle ground where both parties can feel heard and
valued, which can foster understanding and cooperation. However, it is
important to note that compromising may not always be the best approach in
every situation, as there may be instances where standing firm on certain
principles or values is necessary. Therefore, while compromising can be
beneficial in certain cases, it is not always the only or best solution for
building better relationships during conflict.
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 4.
One of the most beneficial and critical skills in conflict
resolution is
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

None of these
Correct Answer
A. Problem-solving
Problem-solving is the correct answer because it is a crucial skill in conflict
resolution. When conflicts arise, individuals need to be able to identify the
root cause of the problem and find effective solutions. Problem-solving
involves critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to consider different
perspectives. By using problem-solving skills, individuals can work towards
resolving conflicts in a fair and constructive manner, leading to better
outcomes and improved relationships. Communication and trust are also
important in conflict resolution, but problem-solving is the foundation upon
which effective communication and trust can be built.
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 5.
The conflict can sometimes be clarified through
o A.

Using power

o B.


o C.


o D.

None of these
Correct Answer
C. Communication
Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, and
thoughts between individuals or groups. In a conflict, effective
communication plays a crucial role in resolving misunderstandings,
expressing concerns, and finding common ground. By engaging in open and
honest communication, parties involved in a conflict can better understand
each other's perspectives, address underlying issues, and work towards a
mutually acceptable solution. Therefore, communication can help clarify the
conflict by promoting understanding, empathy, and cooperation among the
parties involved.
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 6.
The first thing that has to be done when resolving a conflict
with someone is to
o A.

Assertively but diplomatically state your perspective

o B.

Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem

o C.

Slap some sense into them

o D.

Listen to their perspective

Correct Answer
D. Listen to their perspective
When resolving a conflict with someone, it is important to listen to their
perspective. This allows for better understanding of their point of view and
helps in finding a solution that addresses both parties' concerns. By actively
listening, one can demonstrate empathy and respect towards the other
person, which can lead to a more productive and collaborative resolution
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 7.
When resolving conflict, it becomes essential to make eye
contact (most) in which of the following circumstances?
o A.

When you are brainstorming

o B.

When you are problem-solving

o C.

When you are listening

o D.

When you are assertively stating your point

Correct Answer
C. When you are listening
Making eye contact is essential when you are listening during conflict
resolution because it shows that you are actively engaged and paying
attention to the other person. It demonstrates respect and helps to establish a
connection and understanding between both parties. Eye contact can also
help to convey empathy and sincerity, which are important for effective
communication and resolving conflicts in a constructive manner.
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 8.
You should use the forcing conflict management style when
o A.

You need to arrive at a workable solution under time pressure

o B.

A creative solution is critical

o C.

Quick, decisive action is important

o D.

People need to work through their emotions surrounding the

Correct Answer
C. Quick, decisive action is important
The forcing conflict management style should be used when quick, decisive
action is important. This style involves asserting one's own interests and
goals without considering the needs or concerns of others involved in the
conflict. It focuses on achieving a resolution quickly and may involve using
power or authority to enforce a decision. In situations where time is limited
and immediate action is necessary, the forcing style can be effective in
reaching a solution.
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 9.
What is the most useful question to ask to discover the
interests of the other person?
o A.


o B.


o C.


o D.

Correct Answer
A. Why?
The question "Why?" is the most useful question to ask to discover the
interests of the other person because it prompts them to provide a reason or
explanation for their interests. By understanding the underlying motivations
or rationale behind their interests, we can gain a deeper insight into their
preferences and what drives them. This question encourages open-ended
responses and allows for a more meaningful conversation and connection
with the other person.
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 10.
Which conflict management styles can get you into the most
o A.

The avoiding style

o B.

The problem-solving style

o C.
The forcing style

o D.

The bargaining style

Correct Answer(s)
A. The avoiding style
C. The forcing style
The avoiding style and the forcing style can get you into the most trouble in
conflict management. The avoiding style involves ignoring or avoiding the
conflict altogether, which can lead to unresolved issues and resentment. This
can further escalate the conflict and make it more difficult to address in the
future. On the other hand, the forcing style involves using power or
authority to impose one's own solution without considering the perspectives
or needs of others. This can create hostility and resistance, damaging
relationships and hindering effective resolution.

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