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Lesson 3: Advanced Grammar and Discourse Markers PRE-SPEAKING Exercise I: KEY EXPLANATION 1. [fT owned an isolated island, I would build a gorgeous castle on the beach. 2. My neighbors are always complaining of the crime rate. They feel ill at ease in an area full of burglary and theft. 3. If Thad slept earlier last night, I wouldn’t be so tired today. I'm exhausted now due to sleep deprivation. 4. get his point across. 5. go against the best soccer team 6. bail him out 7. bring the most difficult task off (Cau diéu kién loai 2 - diéu khéng cé that trong hign tai be always V-ing: ‘always’ di cing thi hign tai tiép dién dé chi thoi quen xau hod hinh dng lap di lap lai -be ill at ease: feel anxious: khéng an tam Cau diéu kign loai 3 va 2 - digu khéng c6 that trong qué khit va hign tai ‘get something across (phrasal verb): make someone understand something: truyén tai thong digp {g0 against someone (phrasal verb): oppose someone: di dau, phan khang bail someone out (phrasal verb): help someone by giving them money: gitip d& ai dé (bing cach cho mugn tién) bring something off (phrasal verb): succeed in doing something: thinh cng trong didu gi dé Exercise 2: KEY EXPLANATION Taugh a lot: split one’s sides available for help: up for grabs love sugary things: have a sweet tooth very small or young: knee-high toa grasshopper do not take something seriously: take it with a pinch of salt be loyal no matter what: through thick and thin ~ split one’s sides: cuéi nhiéu in sing try gidp ~ up for grabs: ~ have a sweet tooth: yéu thich nhimg thir e6 dudng knee-high to a grasshopper: rat nhé hodc tré take it with a pinch of salt: khong coi trong diéu gi dé through thick and thin: trung thanh vugt qua thang tram Exercise 3: 9 connectives and discourse ma irkers EXPLANATION ‘That’s a tricky qu Dang khi cn thai gian suy nghi I guess Ding dé dua ra y kién c4 nhin although Dé chi hai vé d4i lap Frankly speaking ‘That ra ma ndi On top of that Ding khi thém vao mgt y tuéng méi Despite Dé chi hai vé d6i lap As I said earlier tue voi da néi tir trade Ir u digu kign Anyway Dang khi dé cap mét vé déi lap WHILE-SPEAKING SHARING - Do you like sharing things with other people? Sample answer: Undoubtedly yes. I’m always up for grabs when people need me. As I’ve read from an article, sharing food releases oxytocin, a kind of ‘love hormone’, in both the giver and the receiver, which actually facilitates bonding, So I think sharing is caring, and giving others what we have can enhance a long-lasting relationship. - What things do you like to share with others? Sample answer: Ihave a sweet tooth and I love sharing sugary snacks with people around me. Unfortunately, when it is impossible to meet up with my friends like during this global pandemic, I'm fond of creating a meme or a funny image and sending them, you know they just split their sides with laughter sé ing it. - Did your parents teach you about sharing? Sample answer: Absolutely yes. To be honest, I used to be excessively possessive towards my belongings when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, but my parents always taught me to share more. They told me to donate toys and used textbooks to a local philanthropic group which would be sent to underprivileged peers later on, INSECTS -Do you like insects? Yes. I love insects and think they are absolutely fascinating, I can watch nature documentaries on insects such as fireflies or ants for hours and hours. I also love learning how ants construct their nest and get their messages across, it’s like a real tiny miniature world. I think if I were insect-sized, life would be pretty interesting, - Which insects are there in the place you live? Well, as I am living in the suburbs, the number of insects around my area is incalculable, Despite some innocuous and endearing insects like dragonflies, bees and butterflies, some other insects like cockroaches are really irritating, = What are some impacts of inseets on our life? Absolutely. Insects benefit our life on multiple levels. For example, butterflies and bees pollinate wildflowers and crops. However, the spread of mosquito-bomne diseases such as dengue fever during the rainy season is what the local government makes an effort to control, VOCABULARY LIST Word Example Meaning believe that sharing is caring and it can Chia sé chin sharing is caring _ | enhance the long-lasting relationship with 1a quan tam others. believe that sharing is caring and it can long-lasting (adj) _| enhance the long-lasting relationship with Lau dai others, split one’s side | When T watch that TV show, I just split with laughter my sides with laughter cudi nghiéng nga (phrase) underprivileged —_ The government is trying to help : kém may min (adi) underprivileged children. She is known for her philanthropic work philanthropic (adj) nhan ai, tir thign for children in Africa for hours and hours (phrase) ‘Those kids spent hours and hours playing football, Trong mét thai gian dai miniature (adj) T bought some miniature furniture for my sister's dolls house Thude vé vat thé thu nhé incalculable (adj) ‘The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable. Rat lén khéng thé dém duge innocuous (adj) Some mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact poisonous, V6 hai dengue fever (noun) Mild dengue fever causes a high fever and flu-like symptoms Bénh sot xuat NGUON THAM KHAO. NGUON THAM KHAO. Ex 1, 2,3 Destination B2, C1 hutps: isi www.theenglishbureau.convblog/discourse marke While-speaking IELTS Speaking by Ngoc Bach 31 Hig! questions coring formulas to answer the IELTS Spe ing

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