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Proficiency Use of English Revision KEY

Verb Phrases & Collocations

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box, you will need to use some verbs more
than once:
bring give take buy make do place get have put

1. Could you please BRING me up-to-date with the latest news about the project?
2. We’ve PUT our plan into action, now we just have to wait for the results.
3. When is the wedding TAKING place?
4. She TOOK exception to his comments about her lateness and got quite offended.
1. The release of the chemicals HAD a detrimental effect on wildlife in the surrounding area.
5. He GIVES the impression that he doesn’t care but really, underneath he’s completely committed to the
6. A few days off would DO wonders for my mental health.
7. Some people in this business HAVE no scruples about stabbing their rivals in the back to get what they
8. The council has TAKEN steps to bring the situation under control.
9. Where can I GET hold of a good bottle of French red wine?
10. How long do you think they’re going to TAKE to finish the refurbishment?
11. This school PLACES a lot of importance on punctuality and respect.
12. They failed to TAKE into consideration just how expensive organising the festival would be.
13. After GIVING your suggestions a lot of thought, I’ve decided to make the changes you recommended.
14. Most bars BUY all their food and drink in bulk in order to save money.
15. I’ve PLACED/MADE an order for a new TV on the website, it should arrive next week.
16. Don’t worry if your cat ate one of the leaves of the plant, it won’t DO it any harm.
17. The company MADE a pre-tax profit of €10,000 last year.
18. Calm down, I’ve managed to BUY us some more time to get the presentation finished, I told the boss I
had food poisoning.
19. The sight of my brother and his fiancé finally tying the knot BROUGHT tears to my eyes.

Missing Prepositions
1. IN all likelihood, the new store will be opening at the end of next month.
2. BY and large, the school play was well received by the audience.
3. ON the whole, the product launch was a success despite a few hitches.
4. He broke his mum’s favourite salad bowl BY/ON accident.
5. The instructor gave the group a safety demonstration to put them AT ease before their first dive.
6. Sadly bees seem to be IN decline across Europe.
7. They gave her the job ON the strength of the excellent answers she gave to the interview questions.
8. You can’t expect me to work the Saturday shift AT such short notice, I can’t do it I’m afraid.
9. He handed IN his final project at 12:00 ON the dot, just in time.
10. I’m sorry but I’m AT the end of my tether, I can’t handle this group anymore, they’re driving me UP the

Phrasal Verbs & Fixed Expressions

1. More OFTENthan not, we go out for dinner on Friday night. (usually)
2. For ALL we know, there might be aliens living underground on Mars.
3. I had to put UP with a screaming baby right next to me for the whole return flight.
4. I didn’t know what to say so I just blurted out the first thing that CAME/POPPED into my head.
5. We can’t give up, there’s NOTHING he would love more than to see us fail!
6. I’ve put a lot of effort INTO organising this evening so I hope everything goes TO plan.
7. Darkness FELL while we were still on the mountain so we had to walk the last part in the pitch black.
8. His work didn’t see the LIGHT of day until years after his death.
9. The last bus had already gone so we were LEFT with no choice but to walk back.
10. We’ve GOT/GOTTEN into the habit of eating dinner in front of the TV, it’s so bad.
11. The fog and rain made IT difficult to make OUT what was written on the signpost.
12. The fire brigade arrived and managed to PUT out the fire in 20 minutes.
13. We need to come UP with a way to raise enough money for the trip to Paris.
14. The renovations to the old church have given it a new lease of LIFE as a community centre.
15. The financial crash in 2008 gave RISE to a huge jump in the number of families in poverty. CAUSED
16. We need your help to organise the ad campaign, we’re giving you FREE rein, you can do whatever you
17. My friends always STAND up for me in tricky situations.
18. What were you doing on the night IN question?
19. I KEEP in touch with my family via Skype or Whatsapp.
20. Don’t worry sir, your order is IN hand and will be ready soon. (WORKING ON IT NOW)

Word Formation
1. Watching the video about immigrants crossing the Mediterrean made me realise that my problems pale
into INSIGNIFICANCE compared to what they have to go through. SIGNIFY
2. We need to see a drastic cut in carbon EMISSIONS if we’re going to meet our green targets. EMIT
3. The economic effect of the pandemic could be DISASTROUS for some families. DISASTER
4. One of the DOWNSIDES of living in a city is the relentless noise pollution. SIDE
5. I spent many SLEEPLESS nights listening to my neighbours’ parties. SLEEP
6. Life EXPECTANCY in the western world has increased considerably in the last century. EXPECT
7. Scientists’ theories on what will be found beneath the surface of Mars remain SPECULATIVE
8. Green INITIATIVES such as carpooling or cycling schemes can only do so much to mitigate climate
change. INITIATE
9. The city centre has UNDERGONE a marked change in the last few years. GO
10. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the public have been MISLED about the true state of our planet.
11. I think it’s fair to say that the current ecological crisis in the arctic is an INCREDIBLY complex issue that
presents many problems. CREDIBLE
12. One of the problems is that people make ASSUMPTIONS about the situation without knowing all the
details. ASSUME
13. The school has opened a special unit for students with IMPAIRED hearing. PAIR
14. I have complained to the council REPEATEDLY but nothing has been done about the problem.
15. We need to protect the area by DISCOURAGING tourists from taking rocks and plants home as
souvenirs. COURAGE

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