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Munir1 GROWING UP Nouns adolescence /edalesants! ‘adulthood Mardalthud! bond bond! brotherhood MbraBabud/ character Pkierokta! childhood Mtfatldhud/ confit kontivkt! connection /ka'nek fan! fatherhood /fa:6ahud/ friendship Mfrendftp/ instinct /mstigkt/ intevaction anta'raekfond mmotherhaod /madahud nature nest fo! parent "pearant felation inlenfand Felationship (between/with) Irv lenfanfip! relative relatrv! resemblance ri'zemblans! rivalry ratvatid sibling "stbhiy/ teenager /tizn,erds0/ temperament /temporomoat/ ties Marz! upbringing "pba! ‘Compound nouns active role extended family family gathering immediate family maternal instinct sibtng rivalry stable upbringing striking esemblance Adjectives close lous! closesknit/klous' nit! smaternat/m'ta:nal parental ipo'ental! rewarding in'wardin/ stable "sterbl! Verbs accommodate /atkomadest! ‘adopt /'dopt! break down forerk davn’ develop fd'velop! endure /n'djual establish "stably! have sth in common inherit /in'herit/ interact /anta'rarkt/ nurture /inazt fay play a role relate (to) v'tewt/ Munir2 MENTAL AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Nouns ability /atbilati! adolescent /,edol’esant/ behaviou: for'hervja/ childhood /'tfarldhod! concept /konsept/ consequence konsikwans/ gesture dgestfa/ ‘growth /grav6l height Mart! imagination /y,maeds1'netfon! infancy /rafansil infant ‘infant! knowledge molds! maturity mo tjuaroti/ memory 'memorid milestone /mailstoun/ mind Imaind peers /piaz/ period /proriad phase iferz! rate fret! reminder irt'mamda/ social skills shail skal! stage /sterds/ toddler tadtav transition Areen'zifon/ Adjectives abstract 'ebsteaekt/ cognitive ‘kognattv/ clumsy Mklamzi! fond /fond fully-growa Tuli graun/ immature /ma'tjua! Sndapendent (ands pendont/ incesponsibie /n'sponsabl! mature /ma'tjual patient 'perfant/ rebellious /'belias! significant /stg'niftkant/ tolerant /tolarant/ Verbs acquire /a"kwaral develop /dr'velap/ gesture dest fal ‘row /grau imitate /umitert/ loak baci master mazsta/ mature /ma'tjua/ remember /rt'membal remind /rt'maind reminisce ,remi‘nus/ throw a tantrum visualise vigualarz/ Adverbs typically "trprkliy Phrases with mind beatin mind broaden the mind have something in mind / have something on your mind Skipped my mind keep an ogen mind ‘my mind went blank put your mind at ease Hunir3 KEEPING FIT Nouns allergy lads anxiety /an'zatotiv appetite "zepitant/ artery Mastari asset eset! benefit "bensfit! ravings Pkrcrvayel depression /dr'prefan! diagnosis ,datag'nausis/ ict /daot/ dietician /data'tsfon/ disease dt'zizz! (cating) disorder /dt'sorda/ exercise eksasarz! factor "fekta/ fast food fast Curd fat et harm fha:m! health nel6/ heart attack hast a‘teek/ infection in'fekfan! ingredients /in‘grisdionts/ ‘insomnia /in'somnia/ intake /ntetk/ junk food /dsank fu: muscle masal/ ‘obesity fu'bissati! onset onset! portion pa fan/ Fisk cask? serving stress /stres/ stroke /strauk/ treatment fir:tmant/ therapy /Oerapid variety jvalratati/ weight Avert! Adjectives acute /a'kjust/ allergic /alszdstky alternate /ol'tarnat brisk Mbriski chronic Pkrontki narmful hazmfal) healthy Mheleiy infectious /in'fekas! moderate 'modorat/ obese /au't overweight suvawert! persistent /pa'sistont/ tegular /regjulo/ vital arta’ Verbs avoid /a'vord counteract /kauntor'akt/ curb /kat cure skjus! diminish fdt'mant diseupt /dts'eapt eliminate /shiminest/ ‘maintain /mein'tetn/ ‘overdo /auva‘dus/ overeat /auvar'ist! prevent /prn'venti recommend /,eka'mend/ recover /rtkaval reduce /t'dju:s/ skip /skap/ stimulate stemnjatert/ trigger trigal yf 167 Wordlist Hunt make a choice tutor /'tjustal Verbs LiresrvLes tees Wires ota Stee ene Nouns ms on epriy) Adjectives Chive oni patty lek vat Ply are cig eas coon on aiude Rec seg iene tom postaraduate /,paus'oraedsuat (achieve 5) baiance “batons: take part fin) vaneant Prelavoat competition kompa'tsf>ni hare fora ving creativity /rizes'tvati ally routine smorstiate demanstrent distinguish 2ck'seangwasi Phrases with life or living single-sex /sinal'seks! emerge mand eveive ''valv eee alls of ie sus sido fete zo xpi spe cost of bing work-related /wazk ri'lectidi ‘al pl isappoinement costo vig tore work rea xpress ik spres “iso panimant Verbs store seta sxgerienchlesprocians aca (an approach) f'dopt trate Paste tar once ina le'ime opportu fulhlterent fful fimant gfe ep analyse P'enalarz imply m'play oa 920 a jt kandi deate nk? wy “hobié wway of Iie concentrate /"konsantrest prongunce /pra'nauns! nig Pana ; consid ans recal Jk tesure Pega Bung: find ot and wt tele (9) fac lifestyle Mar staul 5. a graduate /'gredguot, sigeify /'signifan tins optemist STUDENT LIFE team (aboot sn site seit suilok “aula erganise Patgaa Site stato! spoorunty ppetinnat) NOUR outcome 9uv9"ka suggest ages personality /,pa:san‘elati! assignment /a'sainmant/ ‘eview int'yju ronslate étraenz'teat! pessimist pstmt lege kod use var tne Controversy "kontrevais a Idioms prionty fprat'orati struggle stexaah Curtigulum Pea'etkialar she course) wei ‘here ' something to be 5886 for realist rea issectation jdsa'tetfan/ seedless ta say eee inal etkos edacatonfedgo'kesfan Adverbs smeay chore felt sk'sprefan’ #2 /ig'zzem volatialy relay shen alls sai and done selheapess mre el sta) is ovary sae that findings farndigz Wu tw say the least Adjectives funding Tandy WNIT. 6. ou can say that agin Bored Eodalon’gredw‘eyoa! EFFECTIVE mes confused /kan'fju:zd! fantgraint COMMUNICATION Blunitz_ cissatshied its secasfand high school far skusl Nouns ‘tense /m'tens mework houmwa; *wkjoross ~egalve negatii indeegaeton "kindo,guston! To mjuen ket{ani Nouns outdoor jot ds: disorder cept "kansept accomadation fa knma'detfaw ostive "pozatty lecturer Mekt fara! kan’ dgeke a! uation vr faa creation reke''e1fanal rary Manbraeu sekt comunity kam jumati success isk sesfal lists Pi Pooney !iucared! stays Pkaatstsand Verbs Mascers Pmorstax! idgest/y dfesingioniclestt net ané wehiece (goal ft fi sursery Pais hesitation jez eafan eco-ourism ikaw, tuarr2an appeal stp. Pos pizenf ianguage Menards) effec ffekt ee primary schaal ‘pratmaci sku’ ngage vorior cilities fa’ stot Neate A fa roe’ si priors inguistngwrst ication oe pro-ac pradgekt istics ig aes au dlentstkesfon gross k'spres ne fessatch sort) ‘al cammnurication ‘nhabicantirs"hattant pins resourees frais meiner tone tineraryfan'marar improve en'pre fesultsizsts) witive spencer journey *dgo:nu iativate Mmautivent scholarship skolaftpy provurciation ipra,nansi'erjon’ —_ lenescope Flensketp! part a scope skoupy Sgn anguage San engwrdy’ — lusnate Magtdy pertcinte ‘por tsipert an anguag. ngwids! les rept in'gtet secondary stool Meckondt vacabulery va'kaebjalorv peak pick , sks oth rourism /tuortzany cee sources soi Adjectives fours tose Sat set sylabus /stlsbas swoherentraka‘hroront/ transgort transport Verb phrases ask task! erent fenheront travel Meavall lead a hapoy Ife hear Ora sopristicated sa'frsuikertid? —ayelling Ptaevahin! live Ie on the edge hess 9518 spontareaus ‘spon’ tetnins live ie tothe full trend trend 168 Wordiist aevenurous iodvent)orasi ‘span /spaen! Wi arid "semi ‘werid/ toxic /toksik! pudpetbadgiti is oem “ sunwhabtsb Srethabing tOtckin) Phrases with ime wopeafrprkal || arb const aust intine wid wait nando cesmapabitan ,kozina'politan’ lose track of ime ved antinasnd diverse iat’ vars! time Verbs Verbs Ponte ck sorte won tent mente Kamat ca uta these Sat ete conor Neunncesrmoninog a Mots wt picturesque /prktfor'eski chronologicaily rotate fra'tent : Ker rafi Doltesfptioctd i tustan sastern! pels formery frat ° ua vera Bunt Slate Pinot emote /r'maut previously prisviash 10_ undergo /,anda'gou! sudsequertly sabstkwantl akin REACHING FOR THE we a Bure Skies Munir 11 Seng sta houns Testa ius ug THE NATURAL WORLD Ms restar raditonal te'éhfonal ee eet INNOVATION soot spol Nouns Shinn tac Nouns isco aw dares ue xguka Stone toni Nouns Verbs pail tinesom rae ket bie ee Shen otek ve covet ves dy Auetuate lake fuett ceropls) kropi Fath 304 ceiling sic HL Gein feaploreritk'splasal Construction kan'strakfan UNIT Bist thy Peakhs Shame THR iH 2 avily 'graevatit cevice /dr'vars! OUGH THE AGES cology H'kolad gioviy gra dears! ge fend etinction ficstigkfan taumch ang engyreering endgrnsarig Bchacologist{arkioladgist? Jeune ena imetear Pita ‘rene frenm century sen [ari ora Pfloical ‘mn mur aacge’ Pgredgut Seen Paste fev davneuks conan rowing Pay tretorfetstoveyou nen pla ent vd tend! taraoion|eskovessed Ise ise (eon verde titra rr Adjectives sollisou , Staion speis ‘Seton Storage story cen fo tae shee et Suture sa hronological/,krona'Todsa ed wi Universe *jumavass tension ftenfan’ finorea sto t ; iminent Front viet Adjectives Adjectives ged Jamia ents catastrophic / kicta'steoftki commercial fka'ma:fall airy Pear prehstrie/ pn’stortk domesticted do'mestukentds —e2eme k'strismy cosy koa por {to} fprara! endangered faded favitationa'geeveterjanal ——vamnped skraempti ee coun Fenton cu hase time corsong exons neva neal Sina spazabU taimkan.sjusinin} lrar “lusnei domestic ida'mests 169 Wordlist exterior ik'stiaria! functional "fankfonal! futuristic /{justfa'rastak? high-rise /han'rarz/ innovative “navattv/ internal in'tarnall mass-produced /rmaespra'djust/ ‘modern modon! multi-storey /malt’stoxri/ old-fashioned /,aul'faefandi ‘orate Jo:'nett prefabricated /pri:'faxbrikertid singlestorey 'siqgal 'sto:ri/ spacious spetfas/ slate of-the-art traditional /tra‘dufanal/ two-storey tu: 'stozri/ typical trpskaly ultra-modern Maltea ‘modand Verbs activate aektivert/ automate />:toment/ build ould condemn /kon'dern/ construct "kanstrakt/ decorate dekarest! demolish /d'molif/ design dt'zarnl develop /dr'velopl evise /dt'varz/ haul hod hoist fhatst/ lnvent /n'vent/ maintain /mesn'tern/ occupy /okjapay/ reconstruct [vitkan'strakt! renovate renavert/ jpport/sa'part trigger Mtriga! Munir 12 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Nouns automatic pilot computerisation ‘kam, pjustorar'zetfan/ connection /ka'nek an! data dental device /dr'vats/ function *Cankfan/ gadget /'gaedgit/ the Internet keyboard kisba:d/ keypad /kispaed! laptap (computer) Maptop/ the latest memory 'memari! ‘monitor monitaf patent /pettont/ rogram /praugrazm/ 170 prototype prautataipl femote control /t'maot kon'traol/ silicon chip silikan tfip/ technology tek'nolodsi! telecommunications /,teltko,mju:nt'ketfonz! vision vigan/ wireless connection Adjectives compact kompaekt/ computerised ‘kom'pjustararzd cutting-edge "katineds/ cyber /sauba! dated “deta igital /didsital labour saving Metba serving! portable /pa:tabl/ state-of the-aet up-tosdate /apta'dent/ user-friendly /,ju:za'frendli viewal vactfual! wireless connection Verbs access 'xkses! ‘connect ka'nekt/

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