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Craftsmen all! WHEREVER craftsmen gath- ‘er—the youngsters in school or experienced carpenters in the shop—you will find but one opinion on tools, Millers Falls Tools are the ones, above all others, to pick for unfail- ing service. Boys, no less than men, are keen judges of tools; their minds are quick to grasp such marks of merit as smooth running, carefully eut gears, and fine finish. Your sehool shop should not ask its eager workers to struggle along with indifferent tools. Give them Millers Falls. braces, bits, hand drills, coping and hack saws; then they are working with the same tools they will use later in their Falla Mechanics’ Hendbook wilt for ten conte to cover Postage MILLERS FALLS COMPANY, Millers Falls, Mass. Makers of “Millers Fall ind “Universal” Hacksaw Blades. ed in 1870. ETT ie

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