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Peanut butter is typically made by grinding roasted peanuts into a paste. Here are the basic
steps for making peanut butter:

Roast the peanuts: Peanuts are typically roasted before they are ground into peanut butter.
Roasting the peanuts helps to bring out their flavor and makes them easier to grind.

Grind the peanuts: Once the peanuts are roasted, they are placed into a food processor or a
specialized nut butter grinder. The peanuts are ground until they form a smooth paste. Some
peanut butter makers add salt or sugar at this stage to enhance the flavor.

Mix in additional ingredients (optional): Some peanut butter recipes call for the addition of oil,
such as vegetable oil or coconut oil, to make the peanut butter smoother and creamier. Other
ingredients, such as honey or chocolate, can also be added for flavor.

Store the peanut butter: The finished peanut butter can be stored in an airtight container in
the refrigerator for up to several weeks.

It's important to note that different brands and types of peanut butter may have variations in
their production processes and ingredients.

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