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Title that suggests guidelines/suggestions:

a. "10 Rules for Financial Success"

b. "The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Time Management"

c. "Unlocking Your Potential: 21 Tips for Personal Growth"

2. Title that attracts attention with a startling/effective opening:

a. "The Shocking Truth About Climate Change: A Wake-Up Call for Humanity"

b. "From Homeless to Millionaire: The Unbelievable Journey of John Smith"

c. "The Day I Cheated Death: A Survivor's Tale of a Near-Fatal Accident"

3. Title that attracts with alliteration:

a. "Marvelous Marketing Strategies: Maximizing Your Message"

b. "Crafting Creative Content: A Comprehensive Guide"

c. "Lose Weight with Lisa's Lean Lifestyle"

4. Title that attracts with literary or biblical allusions:

a. "The Gatsby Effect: Living the American Dream"

b. "David and Goliath in the Boardroom: Small Business Success Stories"

c. "Finding Your Inner Hamlet: Navigating Life's Existential Questions"

5. Title that attracts with puns:

a. "Punderful Adventures: A Journey Through Wordplay"

b. "A Grape Opportunity: Wine Tasting for Beginners"

c. "Laugh Your Way to Better Health: The Comedy Cardio Workout"

6. Title that mystifies:

a. "The Enigma of the Whispering Woods"

b. "The Secret Chronicles of Professor Xander"

c. "Into the Abyss: Exploring the Unknown Depths of Human Consciousness"

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