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Romeo & Juliet

1- Write the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.

Many years ago, in Verona, Italy there were two families. The Capulets and The Montagues.

These families (are)_____________ always fighting. The Montagues (have) ________ a son,

Romeo. The Capulets (have) _____________ a daughter, Juliet.

One night, The Capulets (have) ____________a party and Romeo (goes) ____________. He

(meets) ______________ Juliet and they (fall) ______________ in love.

Juliet’s cousin (sees) ______________ Romeo and (is) _______________ very angry.

Romeo and Juliet (talk) ____________ and (decide)_______________ to get married. They

(know) ___________their families will be very angry. So, they (go) __________ to Friar

Lawrence and (get) ____________ married in secret.

The next day, Tybalt (sees)______________ Romeo. He (is) __________ still angry with Romeo

and (wants) _____________ to fight him. Romeo (doesn’t)______________ want to fight, but

his best friend, Mercutio, (does) ______________. Mercutio (fights) _____________ Tybalt.

Tybalt (kills) _______________ Mercutio. Romeo (is) ____________so upset. He (fights)

___________ Tybalt and (kills) _____________ him, too.

The prince of Verona (is) _______________ very angry and (send) ___________ Romeo away.

Juliet (goes) _____________ to Friar Lawrence for help. Friar Lawrence (gives)____________

her a special drink. She will sleep for two days. Her family will think she (is) _________ dead,

but she will wake up. Then she and Romeo can be free together

Friar Lawrence (sends) ____________ Romeo a letter, to tell him the plan, but Romeo

(doesn’t) _______________ get the message.

He (hears) ______________ that Juliet (is)_____________ dead. Romeo (is) _____________ so

upset. He (buys) ________________ some poison and (goes) ____________ to see Juliet.

Romeo (drinks)_________________ the poison and (dies) ______________. Too late! Juliet

(wakes)_____________ up. She (sees) __________ what happened. She (is)_______ terribly

sad and (kills) ______________ herself with Rome’s knife.

Romeo and Juliet (are) ___________ both dead. Friar Lawrence, (tells) ___________ The

Capulets and The Montagues what happened. They (are)___________ so sad, they (agree)

_________not to fight anymore

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