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Focus 1 Second Edition videoscript

Ruth: We don’t buy vegetables, we grow them in our

Unit 1 Family and Friends garden. I work in the garden and my sisters
Martha and Sue help me. We also clean the
house every Saturday.
1 BBC: Little folk Sarah: And your little sister Jenny, does she help?
Zev: My name is Zev Hoover, I take pictures Ruth: Well … she does. Sometimes.
of miniature people and they’ve sort Sarah: Who does the cooking?
of exploded online recently. Ruth: Our grandmas and grandpas usually do it,
Narrator: This is the story of Zev’s project. He wants because they don’t work. And they love cooking,
to learn Photoshop. To practise this computer especially my grandpas.
programme he starts his ‘Little Folk’ project. Sarah: And how often do you wash the dishes?
He puts his photos on the Internet, and now Ruth: Ha ha! We don’t wash the dishes. We’ve got
they’re very popular. a dishwasher. Actually, 2 dishwashers … So it’s
Zev: Nature is very important in my work and not so bad.
definitely inspires a lot of it and I think a lot Sarah: Wow. Do you have any free time after all that
of that comes from living where we do. Aliza, work?
my sister, is very often the character in the Ruth: Yes, of course! We all listen to music and play
pictures. music. My brothers play the guitar and Jenny
Yeah, that’s fine. plays the piano. We also sing together.
Narrator: Zev looks at the scenes he photographs and Sarah: Do you often go out together?
thinks, ‘What can the world look like when you Brian: Well, no, we don’t go out together much.
are four or five centimetres tall? Ruth: We often stay at home and watch DVDs or have
It is a completely different place.’ picnics in our garden.
Zev: I certainly put a lot of myself into the Sarah: So you never go out?
characters. Brian: Oh, we do. We go out … with our friends …
Narrator: The little people in the photos often do Sarah: That’s all for today. Watch us every Thursday,
something that Zev is interested in: a hobby. at 7 p.m.
Zev: One of my most popular photographs is of me
piloting a paper airplane. I think it’s a popular
picture because people like imagining why
3  rammar Animation: Present Simple:
I make them for my own pleasure … because Yes/No and Wh-questions
I love making them. Pres: Welcome to everybody’s favourite TV quiz, Best
Narrator: The online comments are great. Beautiful Friends. Today we have Maria and Adam in the
work! Very cool. This is so amazing. studio. How are you both?
It’s nice to know that other people like Maria: We’re fine, thanks.
your work. Thanks to the Internet, anyone Adam: A bit nervous.
anywhere in the world can now go online, find Pres: OK, Adam, please go into the box … Hello
Zev’s pictures and spend some time in the Adam? Are you there? OK. Maria, how much do
amazing world of ‘Little Folk’. you know about Adam? Let’s find out. Question
number 1: what’s Adam’s middle name?
2 Grammar Animation: Present Simple Maria: Oh, that’s easy. Richard.
Pres: Question 2: who’s his favourite singer? Who does
Sarah: Good evening everybody! Today in the he listen to?
programme we’ve got very special guests: the Maria: Er … Ed Sheeran?
Jones family! They live in Cornwall. How many Pres: Ed Sheeran? Are you sure?
brothers and sisters have you got, Brian? Maria: Yes, I am. He loves Ed Sheeran.
Brian: Well, I’ve got 2 brothers and 5 sisters. There are Pres: OK. Question number 3: does Adam like Chinese
8 of us. food?
Ruth: And our all our grandparents live with us … and Maria: Oh dear. I’m not sure. Um, no he doesn’t.
we’ve got 1 great-grandpa. His name is Tim and Pres: OK. Final question. When is Adam’s birthday?
he’s 90 years old. Maria: Ah, I know this. 15th May.
Brian: Don’t forget about our parents. Pres: Thank you, Maria. OK Adam, come out please.
Ruth: … and the dog. Adam, what’s your middle name?
Sarah: Wow, that’s a big family. 15 people … and a dog Adam: It’s Richard.
in one house. Do your parents both work? Pres: Who’s your favourite singer?
Ruth: Yes, of course they do! My mum is a university Adam: Taylor Swift.
professor and my dad works in an office. They Maria: Really? Not Ed Sheeran?
work hard so we help a lot at home. Adam: Oh, I like Ed Sheeran too, but I prefer Taylor
Sarah: What do you do? Swift.
Ruth: Samantha and the boys usually do the shopping. Pres: Do you like Chinese food?
Samantha is 20 and she’s got a driving license. Adam: Yes, I do.
Brian: They do the shopping 2 or 3 times a week. They Pres: OK. Final question. When is your birthday?
buy lots of bread, milk, sausages … Adam: 15th April. It’s today!

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Pres: Oh dear Maria. You don’t know Adam very well! Jack: Sure. And you?
Now Maria, go into the box please … Kate: Yes, I do. But I prefer real life films, not fantasy.

4 Focus Vlog: Music preferences

Jason: Hello and welcome to my vlog! My name’s Unit 2 Food
Jason and I go to art school. My friends
say I talk too much sometimes. But it’s not
true! In my vlog I want to ask you guys lots
7 BBC: What’s for lunch?
of questions and listen to you. In today’s Narrator: This is Stefan Gates from the BBC. He’s
video I want to ask you about music. There’s in Thailand. He would like to learn what local
so much good stuff on the Internet. I love people have for lunch.
pop music and listen to it all the time: in my Do you think they eat traditional Asian dishes?
bed when I wake up, in the bathroom when Spicy food? Meat and vegetables? Let’s see.
I have a shower, on the Tube on the way Today Stefan wants to visit a primary school
to school, in my room when I study. Now tell in the north-east of Thailand and cook lunch
me about you! Do you listen to music? for the children together with the school
Matthew: Yes, I do. headmistress, Mrs Noi. Can you guess what’s
Molly: I do, yes. Top 40, Indie, pop, rock sometimes. on the menu? It’s not pizza or hamburgers.
Yeah. Stefan: So it’s lunch time, what are you going to be
Maeve: Yes, I listen to music. cooking for the children today?
Sabin: Yes, I do. Um, I like R&B, hip hop. Um, just any Headmistress: Fried insects for the children’s lunch.
kind of music to be honest but I particularly Stefan: And and what are they?
like R&B and hip hop. Headmistress: They’re crickets.
Jason: Really? Stefan: You would never in a million years serve this
Naomi: I do. Anything except metal or heavy metal. to, to the kids at my kids’ school. And did you
So I like easy pop, I like rock music, country or the children collect these?
music, Bollywood music, anything except Headmistress: The students catch them.
metal. Stefan: The students pick these?
Jason: Where and when do you listen to music? Headmistress: They catch them at night and bring them
Matthew: I like listening to music when I’m around the in the morning.
house. I listen to music most of the day. Narrator: So every day after school students do their
Mo: When I am in a car or walking. homework and every evening, before they
Maeve: I probably listen to music every day. I listen go to bed, they catch insects for their school
to music in the morning when I wake up lunch the next day.
on the radio. It’s time for cooking. Stefan is ready to help
Jason: Me too! the headmistress prepare a meal for all eighty
Maeve: And then I probably listen to music students.The recipe is very simple. There
on my phone on the train to work. aren’t many ingredients. First, you heat some
Sabin: Mainly in my car. oil in a big pan and put the crickets into it. You
Naomi: I enjoy live music more than anything fry them and mix them. You can add some
so I listen to music in bars or if there’s local vegetables too. The smell is very strong.
a concert. Then you take out the mixture and put some
Jason: And what about you, guys? Let me know soy sauce into it.
in the comments. But not too much!
Headmistress: You’ve put in too much soy sauce. So it’s
5  ole-play Video: Expressing
R Stefan: Oh, that is really nice.
preferences (part 1) Narrator: Lunch is ready. Children in this school love
insects – they think they are delicious. They
Natalie: Do you like reading? are one of their favourite dishes. About two
Mike: Yes, I do. I read a lot. billion people in the world eat insects every
Natalie: And who’s your favourite author? day. They are healthy for us because they are
Mike: Terry Pratchett, the fantasy writer. The Colour full of protein. Farmers can catch insects and
of Magic is my favourite. What about you? sell them to make money.
Natalie: I like Stephanie Meyer, you know, The Twilight Stefan: Enjoy your meal everyone!
Saga. I’ve got it on my tablet!
Mike: Oh no. The vampire stories? I think they’re
awful! 8  rammar Animation: Countable and
uncountable nouns
6  ole-play Video: Expressing
R Father: Umm … Curry.
preferences (part 2) Mother: Yes! Vegetable curry. And pancakes with fruit
for dessert! Ella says he’s a fruitarian!
Kate: What do you think of Orlando Bloom? Father: Fruitarian?
Jack: He’s good. But my favourite actor is Martin Mother: It’s like a vegetarian I think … But he eats more
Freeman. He’s awesome in The Hobbit. fruit?
Kate: So do you like films?

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Mother: They’re here! It’s vegetable curry. With Palak: So, every single week, I go to my grocery store
mushrooms, carrots and cream. and buy some bread, some eggs sometimes,
Ella: Cream? if I feel like eating eggs, and some fruits.
Mum: Yes. Jason: And you? What food do you usually buy?
Ella: But mum, Stuart only eats fruit, vegetables and Make sure you leave a comment!
nuts. He doesn’t eat eggs or milk. He doesn’t
eat anything with cream!
Mum: Oh. And the pancakes?
10 Grammar Animation: Articles
Stuart: Are they with eggs? Helen: Do you know any good restaurants in town?
Mum: Yes … Oh dear. Yes, they’re with eggs and Tom: Yes, I often go out with my mum and dad
milk. Don’t worry, honey. We can think on Saturdays. We always go to a small restaurant
of something … and it’s really good.
Ella: We can make a salad for Stuart. Are there any Helen: What’s it called?
vegetables in the fridge? Tom: The restaurant’s called ‘Fishy’. The chef
Mum: Er … Let me check. There aren’t many. is fantastic. He comes from Greece.
There are a lot of potatoes … A whole bag I usually have fish or seafood and I sometimes
of potatoes. have a dessert. The best dessert is banana ice-
Ella: Stuart doesn’t really like potatoes. cream with chocolate sauce.
Mum: OK. I think there are some tomatoes … Helen: Mm delicious! My favourite restaurant is Mario’s
Ella: How many tomatoes are there? Stuart loves because I love Italian food.
tomatoes. Fred: Where is it?
Mum: There’s 1 tomato. Actually … a half of it. And Helen: It’s in a small street behind the Town Hall.
some carrots. … 2 carrots. Small ones. The food is healthy because they use fresh
Ella: That’s not many. OK. Are there any bananas or ingredients.
strawberries? Grace: Do you like Chinese food?
Mum: I’m afraid they’re all in the pancakes. I’m sorry. Fred: Yes, I love Chinese food. Do you know a good
Father: I think there are some nuts in the cupboard. Chinese restaurant?
Yes! There’s a packet of nuts! Grace: Yes, there’s an excellent Chinese restaurant
Mother: … and some orange juice. That’s great! You eat in the old town. It’s next to the History Museum.
nuts, don’t you? They make delicious noodles.
Stuart: Yes! Tom: I’m hungry. Do you think the Chinese restaurant
Ella: Stuart, don’t eat them! Dad, look at the date. is open now?
It’s 2008. They’re really old! You know what? Grace: No, it’s closed on Mondays.
There’s a nice veggie restaurant just round the Helen: Nevermind. I know a place with the best food
corner. I think they might have something for in town. You can have fish or meat or pasta and
fruitarians as well. Why don’t we go there? delicious desserts. The chef is brilliant. It’s my
Fred: Oh great. Let’s go there now.
9 Focus Vlog: Things you eat
Jason: Hi everybody! In today’s episode of my vlog,
I want to talk to you about food. It’s breakfast
11 Role-play Video: Ordering food
time and I’m so hungry! Before I go out to talk Waiter: Hi. Are you ready to order?
to you in the streets of London, I really need Ben: Yes. I’d like a cheese sandwich with tomato,
to eat something. For example, a Spanish please.
omelette … Or fruit pancakes … And have Waiter: OK. What would you like to drink?
a big cup of coffee … A vanilla cappuccino … Ben: Can I have a cola, please?
But stop dreaming, Jason, is there anything Waiter: Large or small?
in your fridge? Oh, I hope there is something Ben: Small, please.
… What’s in your fridge at the moment? Waiter: Anything else?
Ashleigh: Blueberries and raspberries. Ben: Yeah … Can I have a banana?
Jason: Tasty! Waiter: Anything else?
Thomas: In my fridge at the moment there is milk, Ben: No, thanks. That’s it. How much is that?
butter, vegetables and fruit. Waiter: It’s £4.90.
Florian: In my fridge there is nothing. Ben: Here you are.
Simone: I have some fruit and veg and milk in my Waiter: Enjoy your meal.
fridge at home. Ben: Thanks.
Palak: I have fruit in my fridge at the moment.
Mahak: And some milk as well.
Jason: What food do you buy every week?
Ashleigh: Every week I buy oats and almond milk.
Jason: No thanks!
Thomas: Every week I buy meat, vegetables, fruit,
pasta, rice and potatoes.
Simone: I don’t buy any foods.

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What? Am I looking at the right house? Yes, I’m sure I’m

Unit 3 Work in the right place. I’m at number 53. What? Number 54??
Oh no!
12 BBC: Growing furniture
Narrator: The company Full Grown is a furniture factory. 14  rammar Animation: Present Simple
It makes chairs, tables and lamps. and Present Continuous
Man: Except we’re using air and water and sunshine
as our materials. Maria’s a waitress.
Narrator: Why cut trees down, cut them into small bits, She works in a fish restaurant.
then put them together again when we can She takes orders and serves clients.
grow trees into the shapes and forms we want, Maria isn’t at work now. She’s at home. She’s having lunch.
from the start? Is she eating fish? Oh, no! She hates fish! She’s eating
This is the Furniture Orchard. The process chicken.
is quite simple. You take the very small trees 2
and tie them around the shape you want. Jason’s a manager.
Then after some time you graft them together. He works for an international company.
And then just look after them as they get He travels a lot.
thicker. Jason isn’t at work now. He’s on holiday. Is he travelling?
Man: This is one of the chairs in its final form. We’re No, he’s reading in his garden.
Oh, well, he isn’t reading, he’s sleeping!
now just waiting for this to thicken up. So, we’ll
harvest this when these branches at the top 3
here are as thick as this at the bottom here. Jeff and Bill are friends.
Narrator: After you harvest a chair or table, it needs They’re both teachers at school. They teach PE.
They show students how to play basketball and football
to stand for between six months and a year
and do other sports.
to dry. Then it goes to the workshop to get its Now Jeff and Bill are on holiday with their families. Jeff’s
final shape. sons, Tim and George, and Bill’s daughter Lindsay are
The style is simple and shows the natural playing football. Are Jeff and Bill playing with them?
origins of the tree. This process is actually Oh, no, they aren’t! They’re sunbathing and doing
quicker than the usual way. A tree needs crosswords!
to grow for about sixty years before you can
cut it down and make furniture. A Full Grown
chair takes about seven years to grow and
15 Focus Vlog: A typical day
make. The chairs cost £2,500, the lamps about Jason: Hello Internet! It’s Tuesday, it’s a quarter past
1,000, some a bit more, some a bit less. nine in the morning, I’m still a bit sleepy, but
Man: This is our prototype chair, and this here it’s a lovely day. I’m going out in a moment.
is what gave us the confidence to plant Be prepared for my questions! It’s not
hundreds more. This is one tree here, this a typical weekday for me. I don’t usually
is another tree there and here you can see work on Tuesdays and my classes start in the
where they’re grafted together into one solid afternoon today so I can spend some time
piece. with you, guys. I’d like to know what you
Narrator: This is a way to get the things we want, like do on a day like this. I’m ready, let’s go! What
furniture and other useful objects, and reduce do you usually do on a typical working day?
damage to the natural world. In this factory, Matthew: I go into lectures in the morning and then
birds and insects live among the trees. The I go to the library and study.
possibilities are endless. Amanda: On a working day I wake up and take the bus
to my job actually, and I go to an office and
work with my co-workers, and then I have
13  rammar Animation: Present
G lunch with them. And then I come home.
Continuous Oliver: On a working day I go to the office, I answer
Private Investigator: emails, I have meetings with clients, I write
reports and I deliver presentations.
OK, I’m here. I’m standing in the garden. I can see the
Robert: I spend a few hours in my studio, painting
house. I can see people in the house. They’re eating
dinner … and drawing, sometimes writing, normally
in a coffee shop, and I go to museums.
The boy is passing the salt to the girl. The father is getting Jason: Interesting!
up. Is he leaving the house? No, he isn’t. He’s going to the
Peter: On a working day, because I am a history
kitchen. I can see him in the kitchen. Is he opening
a cupboard? … Yes, he is. student, I read lots of books and write essays.
Jason: What are you doing here now?
He’s putting tomato sauce on his food. Now the mother Matthew: I’m here going to the Tate Modern art gallery.
is getting up. Is she leaving the room? No, she isn’t. She’s
Amanda: I’m meeting a friend and going to the
opening a window. Is she looking at me? No. No, she isn’t
looking at me because I’m hiding. museum.
Oliver: At the moment I’m having a lunch break and
No, it’s OK, it’s a cat. Nothing is happening here. getting out into the sunshine, having a nice
Are they going into another room? No, they aren’t. walk along the South Bank.
They’re still eating dinner. They’re having dessert now. Robert: I am leaving a museum and I’m on my way
They’re eating ice-cream. Are they talking? Yes, they are. to a doctor’s appointment.

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Peter: I’m shopping for some groceries. Man: But Miss Hooks is more intelligent than Miss
Jason: And how about you? What do you do Brodie. And that’s more important. She is the
on a typical working day? Let me know in the most intelligent of them all. She knows 4
comments. languages.
Woman: That’s amazing. What about Mr French?
Man: He’s really nice and kind. But he’s the worst
cook. He can’t cook at all! And that’s very
Unit 4 People important!
Woman: Well, I like him! And I think our Jenny likes him
16 BBC: Super siblings Man: I see … But he is the oldest. I don’t think
Scola: Welcome to Life Babble. Today we’re talking he’s very fit or sporty. Miss Hooks is clever
about siblings. The best and the worst things and she’s the most energetic. She runs
about brothers and sisters. in marathons … She’s a very positive person!
Narrator: Do they drive you crazy? Do you love And she’s got a great sense of humour …
them? Some siblings are similar. Some are Lady: Oh, excuse me, are you looking for the perfect
completely different. There are sisters, nanny? I think …
brothers, baby siblings, step-siblings, half- Woman: Ehm, well … No. We’re looking for a person
siblings, twins and triplets! And some people who can take care of our dog when we’re
haven’t got any brothers or sisters. on holiday.
If you have a brother or sister, your parents
always tell you to share your things with them.
So Patrick is happy as an only child. He can 18 Grammar Animation: have to/don’t
get everything he wants. have to
Jo’s brother drives her crazy. He eats like
a monster every time they have dinner Sarah: Welcome to Teen World. Today we’re going
together. to speak to Hana from Japan and Hugo
Denise has a sister and she loves her very from Sweden. I want to know about life for
much. They always do a lot of things together, teenagers in different countries. Let’s start with
like watching films, reading. Now they are Hana from Japan. Hello Hana.
designing their bedroom together. Hana: Hello Sarah.
It’s normal to fight with your siblings and Sarah: Hana you’re wearing a school uniform. Do you
it can be a good idea to leave them alone have to wear a uniform to school?
sometimes. When you’re together, try to be Hana: Yes, I do. All school pupils have to wear school
kind and positive. uniform in Japan.
Grace: OK. So we all know that I’m the world’s Sarah: I like it. It’s very smart. You aren’t wearing
greatest sister. shoes. How about in school, do you have
Amelia: I don’t think so, I think you’ll find I’m the to take your shoes off in school?
world’s greatest sister. Hana: Yes, we do. We have to wear slippers at home
Grace: I don’t think so. and at school.
Amelia: I do think so. Sarah: What about the teachers?
Grace: Excuse me! Hana: They have to wear slippers, too.
Amelia: What? Sarah: Do you have to take a bus to school?
Grace: OK, so seeing as we’re both the world’s Hana: No, it’s near my house. I can walk to school.
greatest sisters, here is a … Sarah: Can you go home for lunch?
Amelia: Grace and Amelia’s guide to being a … Hana: No, I can’t. I have to take a packed lunch
Grace & Amelia: Super-sibling! to school.
Grace: One: Make your sibling laugh every day. Sarah: Thank you, Hana. Now, we’re going to speak
Amelia: Two: Share your wisdom with them. to Hugo from Sweden. Hello Hugo.
Grace: Like get them into your favourite music. Hugo: Hello Sarah.
Amelia: Or you might be able to learn something new Sarah: Hugo, you aren’t wearing a school uniform.
from them. Can you wear your own clothes to school?
Grace: Yes, or differences which keep it interesting. Hugo: Yes, I can. I don’t have to wear a uniform. I can
Amelia: Three: wear jeans to school.
Grace: Get team T-shirts! Sarah: What is a typical day for a Swedish teenager?
Amelia: OK, maybe not actual T-shirts. But you can be Hugo: Well, of course we have to go to school. We
very different people and still be on the same have to learn English! It’s not easy.
team. Sarah: Do you have to do homework?
Amelia: And now you know how to be a super-sibling. Hugo: Yes, I do. But I also have to do guitar lessons
You should go reward yourself for being so and I have to do football practice twice a week
fantastic. because I’m in the school football team. We
have to do sport every day and everybody has
to learn how to swim when they’re 11 years old.
17  rammar Animation: Comparative
G Sarah: Ah, Swedish people are really healthy. Do you
and superlative adjectives have to help at home?
Hugo: Yes, I have to do the dishes after dinner.
Man: So, we’ve got 3 candidates, what do you think? Sarah: Thanks, Hugo. Finally we have a teenager from
Woman: Miss Brodie is kinder than Miss Hooks. England in the studio. Hello Barbara.

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Barbara: Hello Sarah.

Sarah: Is life different for an English teenager? Unit 5 Education
Barbara: No, not really. Hana has to wear a school
uniform and it’s the same in my school. I can
only wear my own clothes to school on Fridays, 20 BBC: The Chinese school experiment
but I can’t wear jeans. Hana ‘s lucky, she can Narrator: This is Liphook, a small village in Britain.
walk to school. For me it’s too far. I have to ask A local mixed secondary school decides
my mum to take me. to do an interesting experiment. They invite
Sarah: Does your mother have to take you to school five teachers from China to spend some time
and pick you up every day? with British students and try to teach them
Barbara: No, she doesn’t. She only has to do that when using Chinese methods.
it’s raining. When it isn’t raining, she doesn’t Naeve: I know that China is big and a lot of things
have to drive me because I cycle to school come from it, but I don’t really know much
Sarah: You’re lucky, you don’t have to learn English. about the history or anything else like that.
Barbara: That’s true, but I’m learning Chinese! Ciara: What do I know about China? I know that
everyone … There are lots of people and
they are very clever.
19 Focus Vlog: Things to do Connor: I know that they have like twelve-hour days
Jason: What’s up, my friends? Are you very busy and then they go home and spend, like, five
today? I am. There are so many things hours on homework.
I have to do today! Look at my ‘to-do’ list. Narrator: Students in China work very hard. They have
To be honest, I really enjoy some of them, to listen to their teachers all the time and do
like talking to you or walking my dog, if he everything their teachers tell them. They must
doesn’t try to run away. But I hate dusting be quiet during lessons and study a lot.
and vacuuming and it’s my turn this week. Teacher 1: Listen! One, two …
They are the most boring things I have Narrator: Morning exercise is on the sports field.
to do at home! OK, I know, I know, someone Teacher 1: One, two, three, four … one, two, three, …
has to clean the house from time to time. Teacher 1: I love morning exercise. When I was a little
What do you have to do at home? child, I was one of the leaders.
Emil: Ah, chores. I have to do the dishes, I have Narrator: The first shock for British students is the
to walk the dog, I have to clean the house. size of the class. In China, there are fifty
Lindsay: I have to clean my house at home. kids in one room. In Britain, the maximum
Deborah: At home I have to cook and I have to tidy is usually thirty.
up, and I have to look after my children, and The second shock is discipline.
I have to do some work for my employer. Teacher 1: Can you turn around, please? Turn around,
Senthan: I usually have to do the washing-up, ironing thank you.
and occasionally gardening. Teacher 2: So now, you can leave and enjoy your lunch.
Gillian: At home I just have to take care of my dog. Narrator: The Chinese school day is a twelve-hour
She is a puppy so I have to walk her, I have marathon. After the 7 o’clock start, lunch
to feed her, I have to clean up after her when comes early at 11.30, and there’s another
she makes messes … meal break in the afternoon. The first lesson
Jason: Oh no! is Maths.
Gillian: … and things like that. Teacher 2: Class begins.
Ini: Well, because I live by myself, I have to clean Teacher 2: Because in China, Maths is the most
everything and I have to cook for myself, important subject and you don’t have
I have to make sure that I go to bed on time a choice, you have to learn Maths.
so I can wake up early in the morning. Teacher: Class begins. Good afternoon, everybody.
Jason: What things don’t you have to do? Students: Good afternoon.
Emil: I don’t have to buy the groceries and I don’t Teacher: Sit down, please.
have to wash the clothes. Teacher: Excuse me. Hey, excuse me, you. Can you,
Lindsay: I don’t have to do the gardening. please, come here? Now you’re going to …
Deborah: I don’t have to clean the bathroom at home. Come here, you’re going to swap, please.
I don’t have to take the rubbish out at home. Student 1: Oh, you’re joking. I didn’t do anything.
I don’t have to tidy the garden at home. Narrator: At 3.30 British students usually finish classes
Senthan: I don’t have to tidy my room, clean the house and go home but now, just like students
and cook. in a Chinese school, they have another meal
Gillian: I don’t have to do laundry so that’s good but and then go back to the classroom. It’s not
my mum does. But not me, not yet. a normal lesson. It’s time to revise everything
Ini: Because I live at home by myself, I have from today’s classes. They must work alone,
to do everything for myself. they can start doing their homework or read
Jason: And what do you have to do at home? Are a book.
you luckier than me or do you have to do the Teacher 4: Please … be quiet.
boring things as well? Narrator: It’s 7 o’clock. Everyone’s tired and wants
to go home to their families and computers.
Teacher 2: So, that’s all your day today, OK?

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Narrator: The Chinese teachers also go home. They Father: Ah well, I was 18 and I was on holiday in France.
have a lot to think about after their first day Jeannette was lovely but she couldn’t speak
at the British school. English …
Bonjour. My name is Anthony.
Father: Ah I’m telling Anna about my holiday in France
21 Grammar Animation: must/mustn’t, in 1991.
should/shouldn’t Mother: Oh yes, your father was very good at French …
Sarah: Today in our programme we ask teenagers what
they like and what they don’t like about their 23 Focus Vlog: School memories
Jacob: My school starts at 8 and students must be Jason: Good morning, everyone! It’s very early, half
there at quarter to eight. I hate it because I have past seven. I’m drinking my morning coffee
to get up at 6 every day. I think students should and thinking about my primary school. It
sleep at least 10 hours! Then our school results was such a happy time! Don’t laugh at me,
are better. I really loved my primary school. And I miss
Maria: I don’t agree! I think it’s good to get up early! my classmates and my head teacher, Mrs
Then we can have more time in the evening for Furnival. My favourite subjects were French
our hobbies! and Art then. I still think they are the best.
Sarah: Is there anything you don’t like, Maria? I could speak French quite well when I was
Maria: Well, yes. We have to wear uniforms. They’re ten. So let’s talk about school today. You’re
ugly. Students mustn’t wear make-up. I think probably sitting on a bus or train and going
people should wear what they want. to your morning class … What were your
Jessica: At our school students have to wear uniforms favourite subjects at primary school?
too. It’s great because you don’t have to think Maeve: My favourite subjects at primary school were
what to wear every day. What I don’t like is the History, Art and Drama.
food in the school canteen. It’s usually meat Thomas: At primary school my favourite subject was PE.
and potatoes … I think there should be more Jason: I did not like that subject!
vegetables. Thomas: My favourite subject was PE because I loved
Jacob: What’s wrong with school meals? They’re playing football and running.
hot and cheap and they’re healthy. My mum Robert: I think my favourite subjects were Art and
is happy because she doesn’t have to cook at I enjoyed Drama as well.
lunchtime. Sabin: My favourite subject was Physical Education,
Sarah: What about the school subjects? PE, because I liked the physical element and
Jacob: Well, I think we should learn more practical you learn the theory in class.
skills, like driving or cooking. Simone: I think my favourite subjects were Maths and
Maria: What? We shouldn’t learn to cook at school. English. I didn’t really like Science. Maths
You can cook at home if you want. is logical, English is easy.
Jessica: I think we should learn to drive. And we should Nicky: My favourite subject at primary school was
have 10 hours of Maths every week. English.
Maria: Oh, no! 10 hours a week! You know what? Jason: Could you speak any foreign languages when
I prefer cookery lessons! you were ten?
Maeve: No, I’m very bad at languages.
Thomas: At the age of ten I could speak French.
22  rammar Animation: Past Simple:
G Robert: I could speak French and a little bit of Spanish.
was/were, could Sabin: I could speak my mother tongue, Nepalese,
English and Hindi.
Father: How was your day at school Anna? Jason: That’s impressive!
Anna: It was a good day, thanks. History was Simone: No I couldn’t speak any foreign languages
interesting, English was fun and Maths was at the age of ten.
hard! Were you a good student at school, Dad? Nicky: Yes, I could speak Welsh at the age of ten
Father: Er, yes, I was a very good student. Ahem. Well, because we moved to Wales when I was six.
I was good at some subjects, and I wasn’t so Jason: And what were your favourite subjects? Please
good at others. I was very good at football. share your primary-school memories and
Anna: But that’s not a subject. What was school like a photo or two of you when you were ten!
when you were young?
Father: My school was quite small. There weren’t many
pupils in my class. Only 12, I think. My favourite 24  ole-play Video: Asking for and
teacher was Mrs Smith. She was the Geography giving information
teacher. She was very strict, but I was never
bored in her lessons. Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?
Anna: Were you well-behaved at school Dad? Ben: Good morning. I’d like some information.
Father: Er, no. I wasn’t. I was noisy and lazy. The Clerk: Certainly, what would you like to know?
teachers were often angry with me. Ben: What are your opening times?
Anna: What was your favourite subject? Clerk: We’re open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Father: It wasn’t French! I couldn’t speak French at all. Ben: And how much does it cost to get in?
Anna: But you’re a French teacher. Clerk: For adults it costs £15.90 and for children it costs
£9.50. There are also discounts for groups.

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Ben: Can I book online? was an old football pitch, but people didn’t use
Clerk: Yes, you can. There’s a discount if you book it. So I wrote an advert, I made some copies
online. and put them in many places. At school, in the
Ben: Are there any guided tours? supermarket …
Clerk: No, but you can download an app to your phone. Sarah: An advertisement? What did it say?
It’s got lots of great information. Mark: It said: Do you want to play football in a team?
Ben: And where is the house, exactly? Come to the old football pitch on Sunday,
Clerk: It’s on Henley Street, near the train station. 20th March, 10 a.m.
Ben: OK, thanks very much. Sarah: So, did many people come?
Clerk: You’re welcome. Mark: Oh, yes! About forty. And all kinds of people
came: students but also grandparents with their
grandchildren. Boys and girls. I didn’t know how
to train a team like this
Unit 6 Health and sport Sarah: So what did you do?
Mark: Well, nothing at the beginning. We met every
Sunday and we simply trained. After 2 months
25 BBC: Bouldering some people stopped coming. You know some
Narrator: Alexia and Molly are soon going to the youth people didn’t have time, some people didn’t like
climbing championships in Italy. Their sport it. Now there are 25 people and it’s great. We
is bouldering, a type of rock climbing. There can still have 2 teams and play a good match.
are no ropes or harnesses, just a mat on the Sarah: It’s amazing!
floor. But the girls love it and say they always Mark: It’s fun … you know, we have a 70-year-old
train safely. grandma who’s a great goal keeper!
Alexia: I’ve preferred bouldering because the moves Sarah: Well, good luck to you and the team.
are bigger and more exciting and you don’t
have to bother with ropes or harnesses, you
can just grab your shoes and go straight 27 Focus Vlog: Walking
to the wall. Jason: Hello, everyone, and welcome to my vlog!
Narrator: Both girls train almost every day at the The topic of today’s video is walking. If you
Westway Climbing centre. Alexia is sixteen. want to keep fit and stay healthy, go for a walk
She changed school so she can train up to six every day! I try to, even when it rains or snows.
times a week. But she still got the top results Last weekend it rained, but I had a wonderful
in her exams this year. time with my friends. We walked more than six
Alexia: If you do badly in a competition, it’s quite miles! It feels great to be in a park or forest,
hard to pick yourself up and go to the next listening to the birds singing. Do you agree?
competition. But once you learn to do that Some people prefer walking around a city, for
well, you can do that in your life as well and example. Is it a good idea? I’m not sure. Let’s
just learn to overcome failures and get in back find out about you! Did you go for a walk last
from doing badly. weekend?
Narrator: Molly’s seventeen. She’s Britain’s junior Nicky: Yes, I did.
bouldering champion. She’s also the UK’s Emil: Yes, I went for a walk last weekend.
number one lead climber, which means Julian: I didn’t go for a walk last weekend, but I did
a climber using ropes. There are climbing a lot of homework.
walls in many London playgrounds now and Senthan: Yeah, I did actually.
climbing centres around the city. Climbing Lindsay: I went for a walk last weekend.
is getting more and more popular and may Peter: No, I didn’t go for a walk last weekend
even become an Olympic sport soon. because I ran instead.
Molly: I love climbing because boys think you can’t Jason: Good for you!
do it, but really you can. It’s amazing when Deborah: Yes, I did.
you’re stronger than a boy, they’re literally Jason: Where did you go?
shocked. It’s a great funky sport that’s not Nicky: I walked to London Fields for my friend’s
so popular, but it works your whole body and birthday.
it’s really great. Emil: I went for a walk to the church.
Narrator: The championships start on Saturday. Good Lindsay: Victoria Park.
luck to Alexia and Molly! Senthan: I went to Edinburgh and I went up to Arthur’s
26 Grammar Animation: Past Simple Jason: That is a long way!
Deborah: We were in Wales and we walked along the
Sarah: This is Mark. He wants to tell us about his coast by the sea.
football team. Why is it so special, Mark? Jason: And did you go for a walk last weekend? Was
Mark: It’s unique because there are all kinds of people it fun? Please let me know!
in the team, boys, girls, young people, old
people. And we’re all neighbours.
Sarah: Was it your idea?
Mark: Well, yes, it was. I wanted to play football. But
I couldn’t. There weren’t any football teams
or sports clubs in the neighbourhood. There

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29 Grammar Animation: Present Perfect

Unit 7 Travel Sarah: Well, congratulations Jane, Liz and Max! You’ve
just won the ‘Young tourists of the year’ award.
28 BBC: A special breakfast You must be very excited!
Narrator: Giles and Monica travel to the most amazing Jane: Of course, we are! We’re happy. We’ve never
hotels all over the world. This time they’re won anything before. So it’s wonderful!
in Kenya, in Africa. Kenya is a beautiful country Sarah: The prize was for your trip to Mongolia. You’ve
with a lot of exotic animals and fantastic just returned from there, I guess. Tell us
places to visit. You can get to the capital city, something about it.
Nairobi, by plane. When you arrive at this Liz: Yes, we returned yesterday. I haven’t unpacked
luxury five-star hotel, you think it looks like yet.
a typical house in England, but it’s not just Sarah: Why Mongolia?
a hotel. Something makes it very special. Liz: We really love the country, we’ve already been
It’s still dark when the hotel staff start there three times. This time we travelled only
preparing breakfast downstairs. by train: the Trans-Siberian train in Russia
Giles: So, how many people have you got staying and the Trans-Mongolian in Mongolia. It was
at the moment? fantastic!
Staff: We have about twenty-two guests tonight. Sarah: Have you visited many other countries?
Giles: Twenty-two? Max: Oh, yes. We love that part of the world – we’ve
Staff: Yeah. already been to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and
Giles: And are they all having breakfast? Mongolia.
Staff: Yeah, they’re all having breakfast. Sarah: Have you ever been in danger?
Narrator: It’s half past six in the morning and everything Max: Well, no, we haven’t. But we’ve had a lot
is ready for the hotel guests. Here, they don’t of adventures. Only 2 days ago a group
eat breakfast alone – they share it with some of Mongolian goats blocked our road and didn’t
very special visitors from the Kenyan bush. move for 2 hours. Imagine 2 hours in the sun!
Monica: Hello! Jane: For me the greatest adventure is food … We’ve
Staff: This is Stacey, here. already tried so many weird things …
Monica: Stacey? Hello, Stacey. I’ve never done Liz: I think the worst things we’ve eaten and drunk
anything like this. Amazing! I mean, she’s are some Mongolian dishes and drinks. Salted
massive! And the size of her head. It’s just … milk tea, yak milk, horse meat …
Giles: So, how many giraffes can you fit in here? Sarah: Ugh. Sounds disgusting.
Staff: Six at one time. Liz: It’s not disgusting. It’s … interesting.
Monica: Six? Sarah: OK. Last question. Have you decided what
Narrator: The hotel, called Giraffe Manor, gives you to do with the money?
a unique experience. You can share your Max: Well, we’ve decided to spend it on our next trip …
morning coffee and eggs with the tallest Jane: But we haven’t decided where to go yet.
animals in the world. Sarah: Good luck to you and fingers crossed for the
Last year over 7,000 guests visited Giraffe next trip!
Manor. They paid between £500 and £1,000
a night. There are only ten rooms in the 30 Focus Vlog: Amazing places
hotel, so guests often have to book a year
in advance to stay here. Jason: Hello again, everyone! How are you? I’m a bit
Man: We’ve been to every other continent, and I’ve tired and I need a break so I’ve decided to go
never experienced anything quite like this. somewhere for the weekend. I’ve just booked
Woman 1: Look at this baby running! Oh, she’s beautiful. a train ticket to Bath. My friend says it’s an
Oh, I mean … Yeah. amazing place! There’s a hot spring in Bath
Woman 2: Oh, look, oh look, they’re so cute! Oh, they and in the Roman times they built a public
love it. Don’t you? pool in the city. It’s a museum now and you
Boy: What? can’t use the pool any more, but there is a spa
W2: Feeding the giraffe. with a pool. It’s on the roof. Can you imagine
Boy: Yeah. that? I’ve packed my swim shorts and I’m ready
Woman 2: Yeah. to explore Roman Britain, but before that I’ve
Narrator: All the guests love the giraffes, but the hotel got some questions for you! Have you ever
offers many other attractions as well. You can visited an amazing place?
visit Nairobi’s museums, go on a safari and Maeve: The most amazing place I’ve visited was Beijing
see the top tourist sites with an experienced in China. That was very interesting.
local guide. They can plan your trip and book Thomas: Yes, I have visited many amazing places
all your transport and accommodation. Kenya in my life. The favourite place I’ve visited was
is waiting for your visit. Snowdonia in Wales.
Oliver: Yes, I have. Last year I went to Bali with my wife.
It had really impressive rainforests, it had very
lovely volcanoes, which we climbed up, it had
great restaurants, and it had lovely beaches.
Jason: Amazing!

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Amanda: Yes, I have visited an amazing place. I visited 32  ole-play Video: Asking for and
the Cliffs of Moher yesterday.
Jason: Where is that?
giving directions (part 2)
Naomi: I have visited many amazing places. My last Joanne: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the
holiday was in Dubai, two months ago. It was stadium?
amazing because it’s a desert, but it’s got Woman: Sure. It’s in the park – not far from here. Go
beautiful buildings inside it. It’s amazing what past the station and turn right. Take the first
they’ve done with the place. turning on the left into Oxford Road. Then turn
Jason: Tell me about a place you’ve never visited but right into Shakespeare’s Road. Walk along the
would like to go. road past the Travel Agent’s on your right. Go
Maeve: I would really like to go to Portugal. I really across King’s Road and the park is on your left.
want to go to Lisbon because I have a lot Joanne: Ok. Thank you.
of friends that live there.
Thomas: I would like to go to the Arctic.
Jason: I want to go there too!
Oliver: I’ve never visited Istanbul. I hear it’s an amazing Unit 8 Nature
city. It’s got very impressive architecture and
great food and very interesting people. I’d love
to go there.
33 BBC: Scottish Highlands
Amanda: I have never visited Florence, but I would love Narrator: The Scottish Highlands. An old, wild and
to go. beautiful landscape.
Naomi: I have never visited Africa. I would love to see Here, there are high mountains, thick forests
different parts of Africa. I would love to visit and wide open spaces called moors.
… I’ve never seen wild animals in their And Scottish weather.
environment. I’ve never seen Cape Town, I’ve Golden eagles live here and red deer, and
never seen, beaches, African beaches. So yeah, many other wild animals.
I would love to visit these places. In winter it snows.
Jason: And have you ever visited an amazing place? The hares were brown in the summer, but
Let me know in the comments in my vlog. now they turn white. The white winter coat
is thicker and warmer, and it also helps
to keep the hare safe. It is difficult to see it
31  ole-play Video: Asking for and
R in the snow.
giving directions (part 1) The winter is over and the snow is gone. But
the hare’s fur needs time to turn brown again.
Chloe: Hello The white colour now makes it easy to see: for
Jeff: Hi, Chloe. Did you know that the new cinema example, for a golden eagle with its strong
is showing all the Iron Man films on Saturday eyes, looking for anything that moves.
night? The hare doesn’t see the danger yet. When
Chloe: Really? it sees the eagle, it starts running. It knows
Jeff: Do you want to go? its way across the moor. It can run at sixty
Chloe: Sure. I missed the last Iron Man film so I’d love kilometres per hour.
to go. What’s the new cinema? I haven’t heard But the eagle can fly three times faster. The
about it? hare needs more than speed to survive. It
Jeff: Film City. It’s a new arts cinema. Looks great. turns and jumps left and right.
Chloe: OK, good. Where do you want to meet? A last-minute zigzag saves the hare.
Jeff: Let’s meet at the cinema. We can meet early and
have a coffee before it starts.
Chloe: Great! How do I get to Film City? 34 Grammar Animation: Future with will
Jeff: It’s in King’s Road. You know the Jolly Café Tom: What’s up? You look sad.
in Park Street? Sue: I’m doing a presentation about the future of the
Chloe: Yeah … planet for the Science Club … and now I’m really
Jeff: Well, you go out of the café and turn left. Then worried about the future. Do you want to see? In
you turn right into the High Street. the future, there will be terrible pollution. There
Chloe: OK. won’t be any clean air. Our rivers will be very
Jeff: Walk along the High Street past the post office dirty. There won’t be enough food for animals
on your left. King’s Road is the first turning or people. People will be hungry and ill. Most
on your right. Turn into King’s Road and walk animals will become extinct.
past the Ritzy on your left. Film City is next door. Tom: Oh, that’s really depressing! Do you think it’s true?
It’s on the corner of Shakespeare’s Road and Sue: Well, that’s what some scientists predict.
King’s Road. Tom: Do you think humans will become extinct too?
Chloe: Great. See you there at 7.00? Sue: Yes, I do … Of course, it won’t be us … It will be
Jeff: Yes. OK. Bye. our grandchildren. But it’s really sad …
Chloe: Bye. Tom: Humans won’t die out! People are intelligent!
We’ll probably live on a different planet. You know
what? You study too much, you need to have some
fun! Let’s watch this new romantic comedy …

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35 Grammar Animation: be going to Ini: This summer I’m going to go to the beach.
Then I’m going to travel around Spain for a few
Teacher: Good morning everyone. At Witney School weeks. And then after that I’m going to come
we want to protect nature. Today we’re going back to London and enjoy the weather here.
to tell you how we’re going to do that. So let’s Jason: Nice!
start with Julie. Peter: This summer I’m going to find some work
Julie: Hello everyone. I’m going to create a school so that I can get some more money.
garden. William and Emma are going to help Jason: And what are you going to do this summer?
me. We’re going to grow vegetables and then I’m sure you’re going to have a great time!
we’re going to eat the vegetables in school
Teacher: Are you going to have flowers, too? 37  ole-play Video: Agreeing and
Julie: Yes, we are. And we’re going to plant trees all disagreeing
around the school.
Teacher: Thank you, Julie. Richard next. What are you Alice: Hi, Leo. I’m going to take part in Earth Hour and
going to do? I’m looking for people to join me.
Richard: I’m going to put recycle bins all around the Leo: Earth Hour? I’m not sure … To be honest, I don’t
school and I’m going to teach everyone how think it makes much sense.
to recycle. Alice: Why not? It’s a great way to show you care about
Teacher: Very good, Richard. It’s your turn now, Peter. climate change.
Peter: I’m going to start a cycling club with my Leo: Maybe, but one hour doesn’t change anything.
classmates. We aren’t going to take the bus People waste energy all the time. You can’t save
to school any more. We’re going to cycle and much in 60 minutes.
I’m going to teach people to cycle safely. Alice: Yes, I agree. It’s true we won’t save much energy
Teacher: Excellent! We’re going to put solar panels during Earth Hour. But the point is to make
on the roof and we’re going to use energy- people think about the problem, not just to save
saving light bulbs. We’re going to be the energy.
greenest school in England! Leo: I see what you mean, but what about all those
Pupil: Head Teacher, are you going to sell your car candles? People burn hundreds of candles at
and walk to school? Earth Hour events and they produce a lot of CO2.
Teacher: Oh um, right everyone, time for class! It’s all a waste of time.
Alice: Mmm … you have a point. But I still think it’s an
important event. And you know, people and even
36 Focus Vlog: Your plans whole cities make decisions to be more green
Jason: Hi there! In today’s video I’m going to ask because of Earth Hour.
you about your plans. But first, would you like Leo: Well, maybe you’re right. Would you like some
to know what I’m going to do this evening help?
or this summer? I’m sorry, not this time, I’m Alice: Absolutely. Thank you.
not going to tell you in this episode. If you’re
interested in my plans, follow my vlog channel.
Today it’s all about you. That’s right. All I’m
going to do today is ask you two questions
and listen. Off we go to the streets of London!
What are you going to do this evening?
Lindsay: This evening I’m going to have dinner with
my family.
Palak: This evening I’m going to study for my final
Senthan: This evening I’m going to play football.
Nicky: This evening I am going to have dinner with
my friend.
Ini: This evening I’m going to invite some friends
over to my house for a small party. We’re going
to have fruit juice and some sandwiches.
Jason: That could be fun!
Peter: I’m going to study for an exam on Thursday.
Jason: What are you going to do this summer?
Lindsay: This summer I’m going to go travelling across
Mahak: This summer I’m gonna go to Bali with
my parents and I’m gonna play badminton
in the evenings. And then I’m gonna study for
my third year.
Jason: That’s a lot for one summer!
Senthan: This summer I’m planning to work at a bank
and then I’m going to go to Madrid in Spain.
Nicky: This summer I’m going to travel around Peru.

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