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Havah Siispansiyon Sistemleri / Air Suspension Systems Technodrive 2 Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems TechnobDrive Havali Siispansiyon Sistemi / Air Suspension System ‘Sispansiyon nedir ve faydalan nelerdir? ‘Aralarda daha konforlu ve givvenligi siris keyfini saglamak icin celik yay sistemler yerine havali kirk sistemleri, kumonda sislemi ve diger ekipmanlan ile beraber uygulanan sistemlerdir. Ara yiksekligi, yapilan fron ve diger teslore gére araclara uygulanarak ayarianmaktad. Bu sistemde ek ézelikler konvlarok, combulans gibi ézel tretim araclarda ekstra fonksiyonlar eklemektedir. Omegin, combulanslarda hastanin sedye izerinde igeri cokiarimast icin yiksekligin ayarlanmasi ve Cotomatik sis moduna gecmesi, yok ve yoleu araclannda ise yine yilk ve yoleu indirme yikseklikleri programsol olarak ceyarlanabilmekiedie Ust yopil araglarda sarsint minimuma indirerek, icerideki yoleunun bu sorsinilardan en az etkilenmesi ve ambulans gibi dst yopil soghk oraclarinda igerideki hastaya yopilacak midahale en kolay ve etki seklde yapulmasi saglanmist Keravan, Otobis, Ambulans, OftRoad craslar, Pickup, Engeli Tasima Araclan, vb. craclara havalisispansiyon sistemleri uygulanabilmektedir. What is the suspension and what are the benefits? For more comfortable driving and safety in vohicles, the new TechnoDrive air suspension systems will be powerful instead of steel springs system with its new command contro! system and with their accessories. The height of he vehicles will be adjusted according to tests corried out ‘Adding inthis system into some supersiructured vehicles will add extra functions. For example; jn ambulances, the height of the ambulance and the automatic driving mode can be set for easy loading the patient who is on the stretcher. By minimizing the vibration in the supersiruciured vehicles by air suspension syslems, itis ensured that the passengers will be minimally affected by shocks and vibrations that can be occurred in the road. For example; @ patient who isin the mobile health vehicle / ambulance, will have min effect if he/she has any broken bones, vomiting, pain, etc. ond can be delivered tothe hospital easly and ffectvely. Caravans, Buses, Ambulances, Off Road vehicles, Pickups, Handicapped Vehicles, ec. are the some examples that air suspension systoms can be applied. ‘Sispansiyonsteminin aro: lasigine tlm durunu / Suspension sytem fited othe vehicle tire Sdspansiyon Cestleri Tam Havali ve Yarim Havali olmak izere iki ¢2si sispansiyon sistem bulunmaktadi 1- TAM HAVAL SUSPANSIYON Celik yaylonin eikanilavak yerine kérik sistemi ve diger ekipmaniann tokildgi, sensor horeket’ ile kontrol edilen ve bir program rac ile calistinian ol kumandalt sistemdir. Havali Sispansiyon Modili “El Kumandas:” TechnoDrive Havali Sispansiyonun kumandas icin gelistirlmis olan bu inite, rag icerisinden kumada edilebilecek, bilgisayar kontrol ve kolay kullanim imkant taniyan ézelikedir. 2- YARIM HAVALI SUSPANSIYON Yorum havalistispansiyon sistominde gelik yyaylar mevcudiyetni korurken, izerine kerk sistem eklenerek sarsint minimum diizeye indiilerek sir konforu ve guvenligi saglanmishr. Sofér mchalline konulon kumanda panelinden sistom kumandas ve kontrol yopilmakiadir Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems Technodrive Types of Suspensions There are two lypes of suspension systems, fullyair and semi-air 1- FULLY AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEM tts 0 handoperated systom in which sleel springs are removed and replaced with an cir suspension system with ifs accessorices that is controlled by sensor movement and ‘operated via a program. fon oes Air Suspension Module "Hand Control" Developed for the control of he TechnoDrive Air Suspension. This unit is program based controlled and very easy to use. 2- SEMI AIR SUSPENSION While the steel springs are kept in the half cir suspension system, the bellows system is ‘added to minimize the shock to provide comfort and safety. Systom control and control is performed from the control panel which is located in the driver's neighborhood. Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems Technodrive Lasay. 000 (000 see [2,06 bar =) Cm =| a2,90€ ‘h = Hoc Sispansyon Medi “TachneDrive DesckYaziim*/ Air Suspension Module "TechnoDrive Support Sofware" @@® > & Om @ core: HYUNDAI MeroadesBenr peuceor Pon TOYOTA —Volkewogen, SISTEMIN MONTAJ HAZIRUGI PREPARATION OF ASSEMBLY SYSTEM ‘Moniaj yapilacak arac lift veya uygun The car, that will be assembled, will be kanala olinir. Aracin calisma esnasinda lifted. Safety precautions will be took to hareket etmemesi icin gerekli givenlik prevent the vehicle from moving during Gnlemleri ahnir. Uygua takozlar yerlestrlir. operation. Proper chocks are placed. Set the ‘Arag el freni cekilir. Montaj yapilacak en park brake. The vehicle wil be took to the vuygon yiksekligie chiir. ‘optimum height to be installed. ‘Sspansiyon sisteminin monioj alan / Installation area of he air suspension systoms HAVALI SUSPANSIYON SiSTEMI HAZIRUIK VE SOKUM iSLEMLERI 1. Arag sékilmeye baslanmadan énce dingilini uygun yikseklige sabitleyiniz 2- Sekilde gdrildigi gibi sase ve dingilden denge kolu baglantilarin sékerek cikaninz, (Resim) 3- Makas ile dingil baglanisin saglayan Z ivatalar skini2.(Resim02) 4. Makaslarin sasi ile baglantisiny sokiniz [Resim-03) 5. Amoriisérlerin boglanh civatalann sdkiniz ve amortisérii arag izerinden cliniz. (Resim) Malas siktlecek / Scistors willbe removed Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEM PREPARATION AND REMOVAL PROCEDURES 1- Secure the vehicle's axle to the proper height before starting the vehicle dismantling. 2.As shown in the figure, remove the bridge ‘and link from the chassis and axle. figure01) 3. Remove the Zbolts that provide the axle connection with the scissors. [Figure 02] 4. Disconnect the shears from the chassis (Figureo3) 5-Do not remove the bolts of the shock ‘absorbers and remove the shock absorber from the vehicle. (Figure-04) ‘Amorsr sikilecek / Shock absorber willbe removed Technodrive Technodrive Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems SUSPANSIYON SiSTEMI MONTAJI Sekilde gérildigi gibi Z makas rohber ewatoss, dingl Uzerindeki yovasina oturacak sekilde yerlestirlir ve U civatolarla uygun torkia sii. Bu islemi diger toraf icin de ayn sekilde vuygulanir. (Resim05) AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEM INSTALLATION ‘As you can see, the Z-switch quide bolt will seat on the axle and tightened with U bolts of ‘appropriate torque. This process is applied to the other side in the same way. (Figure05) eee coe Tes Viraj Denge Cubugu Montojt Sekilde g6rildigs gibi destek burcu orijnal ‘omortsér baglant parcasinn arasinda kalacak sekilde monte edilir. Viroj denge ubugu baglant parcast, amortisér baglann parcas ve fren hortum baglant parcast birbiri ile ve dingil Gzerine monte edi. Bu onto} siris yiksokliginde yopilr. Viroj denge cubvgu iizerine gelecek sekilde ‘monte edi. Viraj denge cubugy, lasik ve lostk kelepeesi orjinal vidalan ile montajt yopibr. (Resin-06) Bend Stabilizer Bar Assembly ‘As shown in he figure, the support is ‘mounted so that i remains between the original shock absorber connector. Bend stabilizer bar fiting, shock absorber fing cond brake hose fiting are mounted each cther on the axle. This installation is done at driving height. In will mounted os it will be on the bend stabilizer bar. Bend stabilizer bor will be installed with rubber and rubber cuff original screws, (Figue06) Binal / Bend Stabiizer Bor Bois Kérik Kaide Porcasi Montot Kerik ist boglant parcasint Laide) saseye uygun vida ve torkta monte ediniz. Bu montajda yikseklik ve kérik baglant arian nemlidic fResim07). Sekilde gorilen mesafeyi panhard kolundan iki taraf ayn lacak sokilde ayarlayin (Resim08} Kériik Alt - st Baglanh Montait ve Kérik Alt Plaka Baglantst Parcay! Z makasa monte ediniz. Bu baglantys iki torafa da uygulayinz. Kerik jst baglant parcasini uygun videlarla vygun torkla monte adiniz. Alt baglanh parcasint kérik vidos ile baglayinz Sensér Montojt Sensér baglant: parcalan ile birikte dingil ve sase arasina baglanisi yap. Ayarlanabili nil ile yokseklik calisma mesafesi program yyardim le ayarlanarok sige hazir hole getirilir Resimo9) Tesisatlanin Cokilmesi ve Sistemin Kontrol Tekrik balimde gérilen tesisat cizimine uygun olarak ve kablo soket ve hortum uclarndaki isorelerin géstordigi yerlore taklarak sistomin elekrik ve pnématik ‘montaji yopilr. Sistom gorekli ckipmanlar ile test edilerek kontrol edi. Havali Sispansiyon Sistemleri Air Suspension Systems Technodrive Bellows Base Part Assembly ‘Mount the bellows top attachment (base) on the chassis with appropriate screws and torque. In this installation height and bellows connection angles are importont (Figure07] Set as the apparent distance will be at the ‘same on both sides of the panhard arm as shown in Fig. [igure08) Bellows Bottom-Up Connection Assembly and Bellows Bottom Plate Connection Assemble the piece to the Z frame. Apply this connection to both sides. Mount the upper with suitable screws atthe suitable torque. Connect the lower connection piace with the bellows screw. Sensor Assembly The sensor connectors are connected fogether with the axle ond chassis. With the adjustable spindle, the height is adjusted by the working distance program and made road for driving (Figure 09). ee Installation of Facilities and System Control Electrical and pneumatic assembly of the sysiom is carried out in accordance with the installation drawing shown in the technical section and by attaching to the places indicated by the markings on the cable socket and hose ends. System required several testing with special equipments. << G ee 0 2889 _ fH 0-001 ‘Ambulons lkyardim ve Hastane Cihazlon' ve Tesisleri Sanayi Tic. A.S. bir “Ayan Sirkeller Grubu" sirketidir. Ayan sirketler grubu 1965 yiinda kurulmus olup, Tarkye'nin ilk Ambulans ve Saghk Araclan dretcsi olan Ambulans A. yorigi ve yuridisindaki binlerce resmi ve 6zel kurulusigin uluslorarast standarilara uygun dst yapil araclan ézel siporslere uygun olarak tasarlayarok Gretmektedi Her ir orag dzerine Ambulanslar, Zrhh Araslar, Cenaze Araclan, Kurtorma Araclon, Mobil Kinkler, Mobil Hastanoler, Sak Kabinler gibi bircok arac dst yapsi ve arae ist yapilann destekleyen ekipmanlar Ankara Kazan ve Gebze Fabrikalanmizda imal edilmektedir. Ust yopih araclarda konforu, seyahat rahatht ve givenligi saglamak icin uluslararas!standastlarde HAVAL SUSPANSIYON SISTEMLERI retmi frmomiz tarofndan tim arge galismalar sonucu tim VAN tipi araclara enlegre ediimek Gzere misterlrimizin hizmetine sunulmusr Ambulans ikyordhm ve Hostone Cihazlan ve TesisleriSanoyi Tic. A. i @ company of “Ayan Group", Ayan Group. ‘of Companies was founded in 1965, which is Turkeys fist Ambulance and Health Vehicles producer, that manufactures super structured vehicles in accordance with international standards for thousands of organizations for both local and abroad sales with custom designs. ‘Ambulans A.S. can produce all kind of super structures on all types of vehicles with special equipment productions thot supporis as Ambulances, Armored Vehicles, Funeral Vehicles, Rescue Vehicles, Mobile Clinics, Mobile Hospitals, Health Cabins etc. are manufactured in Ankara Kazan and Kocali- Gebze factories. In order to provide comfor, travel convenience and security in tho upper sirctured vehicles, Ambulans A.S. provides all Ange works for all kind cof special equipments / tools / units o be integrated into all lype of VAN vehicles as AIR SUSPENSION SYSTEMS. ENAMBULANS yan san CHASES SAT A kez Ofs/Hoad Ofice | Fobrika / Factory ‘ube / Branch ‘gute / Branch Fabrica / Facto Rope Gulp Cad No: 8827 | KelaNahales Grhan Tepe Mahalosi | Akcaloca Mahabes, esp Sanap Stes, CGarosranpags 05700 Degimenocny Mavi Kym Soak Nov 88/2 |_—Inon Cad, Nor 7 Ka 2002 Blok, No: 7 GurlajeArtra, Tuhey 160 Pao Kartal Tukey | mt Kocao, Tuy tao Kocoa, Tuy Yat 4903124450244 | Karan Ankara Tukey | Tal -49021644280.7@ | Tal =+9026@%02 0400 | Tel = 400269641 1126 Tol -4903124404722 | Tol =+90912011 2460 | Toi -+002104420979 | Ta -+902629520700 | Tol :+90.262681 1137 For '490312445 0245 | Fax °790312811 2470 | Fax 002184420877 | Te: 490.262.2080 | Fax +90-262643 11 38 ‘iowyananbuanscom _ifoayinimbulracom —sateGayanambuanecom Fax +90 2623920705 sfoayarantdons om febuaneSyeranbuanscom | salsGyenanblanscom wow +

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