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In your opinion:

• What is the possibility of experiencing another pandemic in the next

30 years?
• Are you prepared to face another worldwide pandemic?
answer: The possibility of experiencing another global pandemic again is high
and in turn is unpredictable. In recent years we have seen events and alarms
from many viruses, natural disasters, rumors of wars, among other problems that
we have as a planet. But if we focus on the fact that a virus is coming and we go
through quarantine again, the possibility is high and there may be at least one
more pandemic, in these 30 future years. Lastly, do I feel prepared? I think not,
because I don't know what virus will come, how it will be, how it is contracted,
how it is spread and many more questions that exist when something new and
negative arrives on Earth, but in terms of quarantine and confinement I think it
could. cope more calmly because I already know what I am expecting and I can
say that for a quarantine I am prepared.

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