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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Shelly Townley

Grade Level: 1st grade

Reflection from prior lesson:

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

1.RF.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
A. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant blends and

Lesson Objectives:
1) Students will be able to apply their knowledge of consonant digraph
sound/spelling correspondences and discriminate consonant digraphs in initial
and final positions in words in the whole group and independently setting.

Student Friendly “I can” Statement/s:

I can read words with different digraphs and consonant blends.

Materials Needed:
Index cards
Train cards
Letter cards
Picture cards

Connection(s) to Research & Theory (what learning theory or research-based method

supports your chosen methodology or assessment? See page 174-175, 246-247 AND 261)
● Good phonics instruction incorporates phonemic awareness.
● Good phonics instruction provides sufficient practice in reading words.

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The Lesson
● Introduction (include time allotment) 2 minutes
○ getting attention: Teacher: Peanut Butter Students: Jelly Time
○ creating a need to know: We have been learning to say sounds in words.
We will take what we know of the sounds we have learned and extend our
ability of knowing the sounds by adding more sounds and where they go.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Yesterday, we went over
initial and final sounds. Let’s look at a couple that we did yesterday. Let's
look at this word. Ant. Let’s read the sounds together..A..n…t.. Now tell
me what is the first sound..A.. Good job, let’s look at one more. What is
this word? Cat. Let's read the sounds together..c…a…t.. Now tell me what
is the last sound? T. Good job.
○ sharing objective, in general terms (I can): Now that we are ready to start,
let's look at our I can statement. I can read words with different digraphs
and consonant blends.
● Content Delivery
○ Time:6 minutes
○ Instructional Methodologies: Whole group and partner
○ I do it: Today we are going to work on the sound /sh/. Listen to my sounds
as I point to the letters. /sh/ /iii/ /p/ . The word is ship. Now try it with me.
/sh/ /iii/ /p/. Next one is /sh/ /eee/ /lll/. Can you point to the picture? Good
job you pointed at the picture of a shell. Next sound, /sh/ /oo/. Point to the
picture. Yes, I said the sounds of the word shoe. Next sound, /d/ /iii/ /sh/.
Which picture goes with the sounds? Yes, the dish is the picture that goes
with the sound. Next one, /fff/ /iii/ /sh/. What picture goes with the sounds?
Yes, fish here goes with the sound. Next one, /b/ /rrr/ /uuu/ /sh/. Which
picture is the right picture? Yes, good job pointing to brush.
○ We do it: Point to the letters s and h on the slide. Then say: these are the
letters sh. When letters s and h are together they stand for /sh/. The letters
sh stand for the first sound in ship and the last sound in fish. Ask: What
sound do the letters sh stand for? /sh/ Each time I point to the letters s and
h, I want you to say /sh/. Point to the letters s and h two more times as the
students respond by saying /sh/.
○ You do it, I Watch: Give the students small index cards and tell them to
print the letters sh on it. Say: The letters sh stand for the sound /sh/. The
first sound in the ship and shoe is /sh/. I’m going to say some words. If the
first sound in the word is /sh/, hold up your sh card and say /sh/. If the first
sound in a word is not /sh/, put the card behind your back and don’t say
anything. The first word is shell. Good job. Next word is show. Awesome.
Next word is cat. Good job putting the card behind your back. Next word is
lamp. Yes, you are right. Next word is, shop. Loved hearing your /sh/. Next
word is mouse. Great. Next word is bird. Nice. Next word is ship. Doing
great. Next word is shark. You all did an awesome job.
Now let's think about how the /sh/ sound can also be at the end of a word.
The last sound in fish and brush is /sh/. I’m going to say some words. If
the last sound in the word is /sh/, hold up the sh card and say /sh/. If the
last sound in the word is not /sh/, put the card behind your back and don’t
say anything. The first word is rash. Good job. Next word is dish. Nice.
Next word is let. Great. Next word is box. Awesome putting behind your
back. Next word is wish. Nice. Next word is push. Awesome. Next word is
thumb. Good job. Next word is fish. Great. Last word is brush. Good job.
○ You do it: Now we are going to go over today's sounds and other sounds
we have already learned. Let's see what sounds you remember. When I
point to the letter, say the sound. /p/ /f/ /k/ /r/ /sh/ /m/ (if they miss some,
go back over one's they miss or struggle with)

● Closure (include time allotment) 2 minutes

○ Re-draw attention to I Can statement:
■ We did the /sh/ sound today. We learned when it goes in the front
and in the back. Remember that I can read words with different
digraphs and consonant blends. Help me remember is the /sh/
sound in the front or back of the word fish?
■ Now, you are going to practice initial sound and final sound with a
partner during center time to use what you learned today and
earlier in the week with the initial sound being the sound in front
and the final sound, the sound in the back.
● Assessments Used

● Differentiated Instruction

● Resources
○ Core Reading Sourcebook
○ Florida Center for Reading Research-

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