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Komp Bumi Pakusarakan Lama Jl. Kiansantang Rt.06 Rw 16 Ds Tani mulya

Kec. Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat Provinsi Jawa Barat

Name : ................................ Poin Teacher Parent
Grade : III (THIRD) / A / B
Day/Date :
LESSON 1 : Ask and tell names, ask and tell age,
apologize and respond to it.
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D! (Berilah tanda silang (X) pada
huruf A, B, C atau D untuk jawaban yang benar )
1. Look at the picture.
A. Say goodbye C. Say thank you
B. Say Hi D. Shake hand

2. Look at the picture.

A. Say goodbye C. Say thank you
B. Say Hi D. Shake hand

3. Look at the picture.

A. Say goodbye C. Say thank you
B. Say Hi D. Shake hand

4. Hai my ……………… is Seta.

A. Age B. Address C. Name D. Hobby
5. Seta : How ……………… are you Made?
Made : I’m nine.
A. Old B. Address C. Name D. Hobby
6. I’m …………………. Ms. Nurul, I’m late.
A. Old B. Address C. Sorry D. Hobby
7. How to write number 12 in English?
A. Eleven B. Twenty C. Two D. Twelve
8. How to write number 20 in English?
A. Eleven B. Twenty C. Two D. Twelve
9. How to write number 15 in English?
A. Fifteen B. Twenty C. Five D. Twelve
10. Look at the picture.
A. Say goodbye C. Say thank you
B. Say Hi D. Shake hand
Komp Bumi Pakusarakan Lama Jl. Kiansantang Rt.06 Rw 16 Ds Tani mulya
Kec. Ngamprah Kabupaten Bandung Barat Provinsi Jawa Barat

11. Dona : I’m sorry I lost your pencil.

Nurul : It’s ……………………
A.Old B. Okay C. Sorry D. Hobby

12. Meilin : How old are you Seta?

Seta : I’m …………. years old.
A. Egg B. Eig C. Eight D. Eit
13. Dona : How old are you Nurul?
Nurul : I’m …………. years old.
B. Twelvy B. Twelv C. Twelve D. Twilve
14. What picture it is?
A. Ruler, rubber, bok
B. Rulel, ruber, book
C. Ruler, rubber, book
D. Rule, rubber, book

15. What picture it is?

A A. Spin top, yoy, dol C. Spin yoyo, doll, top

C . Spin , yoyo, dol D. Spin top, yoyo, doll

II. Complete the sentences.

16. What is your ………………….? My name is Nida.
17. I’m ………………………… I lost your pencil.
18. I’m sorry Ms. Nurul I’m late. It’s……………………… don’t be late again next time.
19. Hello , I’m Dona, I’m ………………… years old. ( write number 13 in alphabet).
20. Hello, I’m Made. I’m……………………years old. (write number 11 in alphabet).
21. I like playing a……………………….

22. I like playing a………………………..

Mention a things at the picture!




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