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Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris E. The explanation of how disability can lead
people to deep depression
Passage 1
2. Which of the following can be drawn as the
Nick Vujicic was born and raised in Melbourne, conclusion from the story?
Australia, in December 4, 1982, without arms and A. Schools that embrace children with
legs—a rare congenital disorder called disabilities should be appreciated.
“phocomelia.” His mother, Dusanka Vujicic, was a B. Before deciding to enter a college, Nick
former pediatric nurse and also a midwife. His tried to take his own life.
mother had done best what every mother must do. C. Even a pediatric nurse and a midwife, no
Yet during delivery, Nick was born with neither one can be sure about their children’s
legs nor arms, but little did she know, her son will health.
someday be the message of hope, and will touch the D. Nick would have never changed his mind
lives of millions of people. if he hadn’t discovered himself.
Nick struggled and learned to do things even E. Parents’ support is the main reason Nick
with deformed arms and legs. He was the first changed his negative outlook on life.
handicap student who was permitted to attend a
normal school in Australia. Even so, he was still 3. Which of the following can restate ‘His
bullied, laughed at, and considered different. Life extraordinary story is a cure to hopelessness
for Nick was unfair that when he was only eight and the harbinger of unstoppable love and
years old, he thought of committing suicide as an faith’? You can choose more than one answer.
escape from his loneliness.  His inspirational story can inspire
Nick Vujicic’s life was a constant battle of self- hopeless people to get up on their feet
acceptance and grief, but his mother made him again.
realize that his imperfection is a perfect inspiration  His story is a realistic proof that not all
to others. It was his life’s turning point where his people can get hopes and loves.
mother showed him a piece of article from a  His story can inspire people to have hope
newspaper about a man who’s still happy even with and to love.
disability. Nick then understood that life without  His story is remarkable that it should
limbs doesn’t mean a life without purpose. become a movie.
By the age of seventeen, Nick Vujicic had the  His story indicates that not all people
chance to lead a speech at his prayer group. The deserved to be loved.
young Nick met friends that also inspired him to
continue his journey. With Nick’s perseverance, he 4. The meaning of “constant” in Paragraph 3 has
graduated from Griffith University at the age of the same use with ....
twenty-one with a double major in finance and A. Her job was the one constant in her life.
accounting. As of today, Nick Vujicic is a best-selling B. Scientists were satisfied with this figure,
author, evangelist, and well sought motivational and the constant was left undisturbed
speaker all over the world, even without limbs. His until 1975.
extraordinary story is a cure to hopelessness and C. The equipment should be stored at a
the harbinger of unstoppable love and faith. Just as constant temperature.
his father would tell him, “You are a gift, just D. He suffers from constant headaches.
differently packaged.” E. They complained constantly about the
Adapted from: noise.

1. What does the text mainly tell us about?

A. The story of an inspirational disabled
B. The inspiring story of a mother raising a
child with disability
C. The explanation of how a disabled person
coped with his/her disability
D. The struggles people with disabilities face

1|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n
Passage 2 7. “He walked up to the tree and touched it.” The
word "it" in the sentence refers to ....
“Hello?” Christopher called out. A. footsteps
There was silence. No crying. No wind. No B. tree
voice. Christopher looked around the clearing and C. bark
saw nothing but the trail of footprints leading to the D. old man’s arthritic hand
tree. E. wood
It stood in the middle of the clearing. Crooked
like an old man’s arthritic hand. Reaching out of the Passage 3
earth like it was trying to pluck a bird from the sky. When we breathe in, the inhaled air can contain
Christopher couldn’t help himself. He followed the dust, chemicals, and other irritants that can be
footsteps. He walked up to the tree and touched it. harmful to the body, particularly to organs in the
But it didn’t feel like bark. Or wood. It felt like flesh. respiratory system like the lungs. While the tiny
Christopher jumped back. It hit him suddenly. hairs inside the nostrils (cilia) trap many of these
This horrible feeling that this was wrong. particles, some will often get through. To help you
Everything was wrong. He shouldn’t be here. He out, your body reacts to try and forcibly expel the
looked down to find the trail again. He had to get offending particles via the sneeze reflex arc.
out of there. His mom would be so worried. He There are a number of other reasons why we
found the trail. He saw the little-kid tracks. But sneeze, including to clear the nasal passages when
there was something different about them now. you have a cold, to expel allergens if you are allergic
There were handprints next to them. to something, and even dry air and bright sunlight
Like the little kid was walking on all fours. can cause some people to sneeze.
Crack! When a stimuli is detected by the nerve
Christopher turned around. Something had endings in the nose, impulses are sent to the brain,
stepped on a branch. He could hear creatures which initiates a chain of physiological events that
waking up all around him. Surrounding the enable the body to rid itself of the unwelcome item.
clearing. Prior to irritation, the diaphragm muscles are
Christopher didn’t hesitate. He started to run. relaxed. When an irritant enters the body, nerve
He following the trail out. He reached the edge of endings in the lining of the nose signal to the brain.
the clearing. Back into the woods. But the minute The brain tells the respiratory muscles–including
he stepped under the trees, he stopped. throat, chest, and diaphragm–to contract.
The trail was gone. Contraction of the diaphragm causes a sharp intake
He looked around for it, but the sky was of breath. The brain signals to the throat to close.
getting darker. The clouds were covering the stars This, combined with the contraction of the
now. And the moon was shining through the cloud abdominal muscles, raises the air pressure inside
face like a pirate’s good eye the lungs. The throat reopens suddenly, explosively
“Help me!” Christopher called out to the cloud forcing air out of the body, making the chest cavity
face. contract sharply. The diaphragm relaxes once
Taken from: Stephen Chbosky, Imaginary Friend again. Together with the offending irritant, saliva
and mucus from inside the mouth and nasal cavity
5. The horror theme on this excerpt is are also expelled from the body at up to 160km/h
strengthened by the use of the words .... (100mph).
A. creatures, shining, pirate Adapted from: Jon White, How It Works: 101 Amazing Facts You
Need to Know
B. footprints, jump, suddenly
8. What is the purpose of the text?
C. silence, horrible, darker
A. To recount how sneezing became a
D. wrong, handprints, branch
natural body mechanism
E. trail, worried, gone
B. To explain to readers about how living
6. This story could be used by parents who want
creatures sneeze
to teach children not to ....
C. To inform readers about why and how
A. be afraid of the dark
humans sneeze
B. wander around into an unknown and
D. To tell what sneezing is
dangerous place
E. To elaborate on the reasons why people
C. touch or take anything that does not
belong to them
D. be scared of unseen creatures like ghosts
E. play around when they are in the dark

2|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n
9. Before the diaphragm contracts and makes a is especially true for chronic procrastinators i.e.
sharp intake of breath, .... people who simply wait for things to come to them.
A. the brain tells the other respiratory Chronic procrastinators are not only being
muscles to close unrealistic about their lives but are also wasting
B. the brain instructs the throat, chest, and away their valuable and limited time on Earth.
diaphragm to send signals to the nose You don’t procrastinate just because you can
C. the nerve endings in the lining of the nose but because you have decided that it’s the best
give signal to the diaphragm course of (in) action. Putting things off until the last
D. the brain gives command after receiving a minute can create unnecessary anxiety and even
signal from the nose confusion. It also makes it difficult, if not
E. the nerve endings in the nose send signals impossible, to accomplish your task(s) should
to the brain to contract anything unexpected happens. This is one
drawback of procrastination that can derail even
10. Based on the text, people will most likely not the best of intentions because events do not always
sneeze when they .... happen linearly. Last-minute work also tends to
A. are allergic to something feel rushed, which can negatively impact the
B. inhale too much dry air during summer overall quality and make you appear less
C. are exposed to bright sunlight competent than you really are.
D. are catching a cold Adapted from:
E. almost drown that their nose are covered
with water
Text 2
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that offers
Text 1
various reasons for procrastination. However, we’ll
The fact that modern society assumes action
look at some of the studies and research to suggest
equals progress while procrastination leads to
more evidence-based causes of procrastination.
stagnation is not always valid. While
Studies have shown that many adults with
procrastination usually leads to things not getting
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
done, there are also times when it can be beneficial.
can struggle with procrastination. Several potential
How many times have you thought to yourself
ADHD factors are relevant here, including
that you’d have made a better decision with a bit
disorganisation, forgetfulness, distractibility, and
more deliberation? Delaying gives you time to
problems with prioritising and time management.
develop your thoughts and is especially critical
Other studies show that the structure of the
when making important decisions. Even a few
brain can be linked to procrastination. One study
hours of putting something off can let your
showed that those who procrastinate have brain
subconscious mind work on the issue(s) in the
structures that usually makes them less future-
background as you attend to other tasks.
oriented. As a result, procrastinators are less eager
Procrastinating can also give you the time
to perform unappealing tasks in the short term that
required to seek out others’ opinions before you
yield long-term rewards.
take that next step. This is important because it
Furthermore, A 2007 meta-analysis of
gives you the chance to consider different
procrastination found several links between
viewpoints, including those that contradict yours.
certain personality traits and procrastination. The
Indeed, holistic thinking is something that many of
study found a strong and consistent prediction
us can use more of as a complement to our own
between procrastination and task aversiveness,
task delay, self-efficacy (those who have low self-
Do you know that procrastination can boost
efficacy believe that they can’t complete the task at
your creativity? Great writers, artists, and creatives
hand), and impulsiveness (The more impulsive a
of all sorts tend to procrastinate when they’re stuck
person is, the more likely they are to
on their projects. This can include activities like
going on a walk, meditating, or taking a shower –
Additionally, a variety of mental health issues
anything that isn’t related to the work itself. Again,
are often closely linked to procrastination. For
this has to do with your subconscious mind
example, those with anxiety disorders will put off
working in the background as you tend to other
tasks they want to avoid because they’re stressful.
What’s more, those who struggle with
However, one drawback of procrastination is
perfectionism (the need to appear or be perfect)
presumably the invisible pressures that one often
may avoid tasks they are unsure of.
feels. Being stuck in a rut while others are reaching Adapted from:
new heights is not a great feeling for anyone. This procrastinating-top-tips

3|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n
11. How does Text 1 relate to Text 2?
A. Text 2 offers solutions to the problem 14. Which opinion would the first author agree
described in Text 1. with about procrastination?
B. Text 1 explains the benefits and A. All people in the world should try putting
drawbacks of the object whose causes are things off for their improvement.
explained in Text 2. B. If people want to succeed in life, they have
C. Both texts list the benefits and drawbacks to know the way to stay away from
of the same object. procrastination.
D. Both texts list the explains of the same C. Procrastination will definitely elevate the
object. quality of people’s work or studies.
E. Text 1 argues the benefits while Text 2 D. To decide whether or not procrastination
argues the drawbacks of the same object. is good depends on how people use it.
E. People’s assumption about how
12. The first author argues that procrastination destructive procrastination is entirely
can benefit people. Choose the cases in which true.
people can benefit from procrastinating.
 Workers take a sip of morning coffee 15. Based on Text 2, decide True or False for the
when they get stuck on their project to get statements about the causes of
back to it later. procrastination.
 When students have to submit their Statements True False
writing in four days, but they want to One of the causes of
review it before submitting. procrastination is related to
 Students feel anxious about their exams in biological factor.
two weeks, so they travel to a neighboring People who take more time
city to release their anxiety. to decide which to prioritize
 When students have to choose where they tend to procrastinate more.
want to continue their study, they use Researchers have yet to find
some more time to ask their parents, the exact reason why people
teachers, and relatives. procrastinate.
 A famous author finishes a novel in a The common assumption
hurry because tomorrow is the due date to about therelationship
send it to a publisher. between procrastination
with laziness is proven.
13. Based on Text 1, is it true that finishing an People with low self-efficacy
assignment at “final hour” can make an actual will more likely to
smart student seem less competent? In which procrastinate.
paragraph can you find the evidence to
support your answer? 16. Both authors have the same attitude towards
A. Yes, because it is said in Paragraph 1 that “ the topic of their writings, that is ....
… procrastination usually leads to things A. neutral
not getting done.” B. critical
B. Yes, because it is said in Paragraph 6 that C. angered
“Last-minute work … which can … make D. concerned
you appear less competent than you really E. displeased
C. No, because it is said in Paragraph 4 that
“Great writers, artists, and creatives of all
sorts tend to procrastinate when they’re
stuck on their projects.”
D. No, because it is said in Paragraph 2 that “
… you’d have made a better decision with
a bit more deliberation?”
E. Yes, because it is said in Paragraph 5 that
“Chronic procrastinators are … also
wasting away their valuable and limited
time on Earth.”

4|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n
Passage 4 B. The AI sends the data in a form of satellite.
C. The AI works in several days to send the
We’ve used AI’s exceptional pattern recognition data.
to trawl through satellite images and map the D. The data sent by AI is not valid.
tonnes of plastic pollution threatening our seas–in E. AI can help researchers locate plastic
real time. Already, this technique has found more pollution.
than 4,000 unreported informal dumps next to
rivers. This is useful, given just ten rivers 19. Based on the text, which of the following will
contribute nearly all the plastic entering our most likely happen in the future if all ocean
oceans. reseachers in every country employ AI in their
This is just the start. So far, AI has shown work?
promise in our projects mapping seagrass A. It will be challenging to predict which fish
meadows from space and finding unknown reefs species would survive when global
likely to harbour heat-resilient coral. Soon, we warming hit harder.
hope we’ll be able to put AI on the job to find out B. More oceanography graduates all over the
exactly what fish live where–without ever seeing world will be employed in ocean research.
them. C. Global community will pay more attention
We’ve found AI useful at finding unknown reefs to rising sea level and put efforts to end it.
with corals primed to survive despite warming D. Students can safely dive and see all of
waters. That’s vital, given the oceans have taken up fishes even in the deepest ocean.
almost all of the heat trapped by the trillion tonnes E. New species of fish can be found without
of greenhouse gases we’ve put in the atmosphere. having to dive into unknown reefs and
And we’ve found AI can usefully identify certain depth of the ocean.
specific environmental conditions under which
reefs will survive as the oceans heat up. Our 20. “We’ve used AI’s exceptional pattern
research suggests hundreds of reefs among the recognition to trawl through satellite images
thousands in the Great Barrier Reef may be home ….” (Paragraph 1)
to corals which have higher heat tolerance than The word ‘exceptional’ in the sentence can be
normal. Now we know this, we can protect these best replaced with ....
reefs–and turn to them for potential use to restore A. latest
dying reefs elsewhere. B. outstanding
AI is also proving itself as a labour-saver. One C. original
part of science often hidden to the general public is D. strange
the sheer number of manuals, repetitive tasks. For E. developed
instance, if you want to figure out why some baby
coral polyps survive heat or more acid water while
others die, you have to measure colour, growth, and
survival rates over time. We’ve found AI can do this
work, precisely and fast.
Adapted from:

17. What is the main idea of the text?

A. How AI can save species in the ocean from
global warming
B. How AI can be beneficially utilized by
C. The advantages of using AI to overcome
plastic pollution
D. The technology used by oceanographers
to save oceans
E. Why government should start employing
AI in the ocean

18. What can you infer from the first paragraph?

A. The proposed AI hasn’t been used yet.

5|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n
Kunci Jawaban
Lit. Bahasa Inggris – Paket#1 UTBK’24
No. KJ No. KJ No. KJ No. KJ
1 A 6 B 11 B 16 A
2 E 7 B 12 A, B, D 17 B
3 A, 8 C 13 B 18 E
4 D 9 D 14 D 19 E
5 C 10 E 15 TTTFT 20 B
Depok, Apr’23
Tim Akademik IM SMART

6|E x p l o r e – L e a r n - W i n

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