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(N) [1st Year]

Advance Nursing Practice
[Common for all Nursing Specialties]
[NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]
M.M. : 75 Time : 3 Hours.

Note : Attempt all questions.

1. (a) Discuss briefly the code of ethics as given by Indian Nursing Council.
(b) Draw an organization chart for health care delivery at National Level
and explain it briefly. [7]
(c) Discuss role of nurse in Prenatal Counselling for genetic disorders. [4]

2. (a) Define Nursing Diagnosis. [2]

(b) Discuss different types of nursing diagnosis giving example for each.
(c) What are the barriers perceived by nurse practitioners in India to
incorpotate nursing process in their daily nursing practice ? [6]

3. (a) What is the difference between conceptual (frame work) model and
theoretical model ? Give at least two differences. [5]
(b) Discuss Florence Nightingale’s theory and tell its application in nursing
practice. [5]

4. (a) Discuss the steps of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in adults [5]

(b) What are the major emotional and adjustment problems of adolescents
and how will you help them in dealing with those problems. [5]

5. Write short explanatory notes on any FIVE of the following : [5x5=25]

(a) Quality assurance in Nursing.
(b) Scope for evidence based practice in Nursing.
(c) Collective bargaining.
(d) Women empowerment and Nursing.
(e) Use of computers in nursing education.
(f) Patterns of nursing care delivery in India.
(g) Use of health informatics by Community health Nurses.

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