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1) Describe the four points of principled negotiation.

 Separate the people from the problem. Strong feelings may intertwine with the crucial
topics in a negotiation, further complicating it. Negotiators work to address emotional
and personality problems independently of the issues at hand in principled negotiation.
For instance, if two department heads are engaged in a contentious argument about
resources, they or their management would use active listening and other communication
strategies to address the intense emotions behind the conflict. Instead of trying to "win,"
the objective is to comprehend other side's problems better.
 Focus on interests, not positions. Instead of taking firm views, negotiators in principled
negotiation concentrate on discovering underlying interests. They comprehend their
fundamental desires, needs, and motives, which results in more sensible answers. For
instance, when two siblings debate about who should host their parents' anniversary
party, they can pick a reasonably priced restaurant when they are aware of each other's
deeper interests. This method can shorten the time spent debating or trying to reach a
compromise by assisting in the discovery of options that satisfy each party's needs.
 Invent options for mutual gain. Negotiators frequently accept the first agreement they
arrive at, happy to have found a solution that both parties can live with. When negotiating
from a position of principle, parties spend a lot of time considering all of their
possibilities before settling on the best one. possibilities in a negotiation refer to any
possibilities that parties may take into account to further their interests, including
conditions, contingencies, and trades. Think about a job discussion when the candidate
demands a greater wage but the hiring company is worried about having enough
employees. If so, the job candidate could be prepared to give up some vacation time in
exchange for the promise of a better compensation.
 Insist on using objective criteria. Parties frequently debate back and forth over whose
“facts” is true during negotiations. Arguments of this nature are likely to result in a
deadlock or an ineffective settlement. A superior strategy? A fair, impartial standard is
used by negotiators in principled negotiation to resolve their conflicts. For instance, they
might consent to follow rules like market value, professional judgment, business custom,
or the law. Importantly, parties must concur in advance as to the objective standards to
use and that they will abide by the results.

2) Identify the types of conflicts during project build up, main program, and phase-out
Build up: conflicts about project priorities, schedules, administrative procedures,
technical conflicts: Functional Manager - Project Manager
Main program: schedules are a major source of conflict: no punctual
completion=further tasks depending on these activities are also delayed= entire project
may be delayed; Catching up only under pressure=Personality conflicts; managing
increasing number of interfaces=technical conflicts
Phase out stages: Main conflict: schedule: problems of main stage are carried over (e.g.
delay); deadline should be met= hectic = stress =causes personality conflicts; Conflict
between Project that phases out and new project (about resources,..)

3) What are the four categories of conflict?

● Technical objectives must be set.

● Senior management and line managers must commit to the project.

● The priority for the project must be set.

● Organizational structure of project must be established.

4) What are the three main requirements of project negotiation?

• Must resolve conflict without major damage to project objectives.
• Must foster honesty between the negotiators.
• Since negotiators are not enemies, must seek a mutually-agreeable Solution.
There are three basic components in requirements negotiation. One is talking about and sharing
information regarding competing requirements with the concerned stakeholders while also
considering ideas and methods to settle that conflict. Another is ranking the possibilities
according to predetermined criteria, such risk, cost, the context of the business, or other project
limitations. The final fundamental necessity is to come to an understanding of how to resolve the
competing requirements and implement that solution on the project.

5) What is the Pareto’s principle?

The Pareto Principle argues that life is not always equally distributed and was initially
related to the relationship between wealth and population. It can be used in a variety of
industries, notably those that provide customer service, such as manufacturing,
management, and human resources. Additionally, coaching and CRM software
applications employ it. The Pareto Principle is most frequently used to time management
because people frequently spread their attention thin instead than concentrating on crucial

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