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Table of Contents Page Number
History of The Venture .

Mission/ Vision Statement .

Value Proposition .

Beneficiaries .

Operations .

Product Differentiation .

Income Generation .

Growth .

Summary of Financial Analysis .

History of the Venture

Solar Power Technology is the proposed name of the business venture, which is located

#36 Frederick Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad. This area is ideal because it’s a busy area which

will naturally attract new customers and it is surrounded with other technological business so

it will bring the company exposure. Solar Power Technology is a social enterprise general

partnership that intends to provide customers with highly advanced solar powered chargers.

The purpose of this business is to influence and promote a healthy alternative to the citizens

of Trinidad and reduce the use of electricity usage. The business hours are from 10:00am to

5:00pm, Mondays to Fridays and on public holidays.

Mission/Vision Statement

Mission statement

To influence consumers in reducing the use of electricity by servicing solar powered

technology for the improvement in climate change and to help better the environment.

Vision statement

To enhance our business by creating more technologically advanced solar powered products

and to become the leading manufacturer in the Caribbean region for said products. We also

intend for our small partnership business to become a franchise.


o To promote sustainability in the environment.

o To influence the use of solar powered products towards environmental stewardship.

o To develop eco-friendly technological practices.

Value Proposition

Solar Power Technology creates value by offering our customers a solar powered power

bank with the solar charger. This ensures that customers can have an extra source of power to

charge their devices when their travelling or if there is faulty weather. We also provide free

shipping to customers who are interested in ordering online.


Our company engages in b2c (business to customer) marketing. The beneficiaries of the

products and services offered at Solar Power Technology are the customers who are

interested in our business nationally and internationally. We also chose a niche market

because it helps us to fulfil the needs and interests of our customers.


Solar Power Technology internal source of advantage

L’Tech structure and systems are built from the internal capabilities of the business (its organisational
structure and culture), including unique skills, technologies, resources, and benefits from products
that could be patented

Product Differentiation

The products offered by Solar Power Technology can be differentiated from our competitor’s

products by its operational excellence, product quality, cost and network.

Operational excellence

Our company provides top notch quality service and professionalism from our employees and

staff for the satisfaction of our customers.


Our products are well designed and manufactured for the comfortably of our customers. Both

solar power charger and bank works efficiently as it serves to provide a healthier alternative

to electricity to those customers who are environmentally conscious.


At Solar Power Technology the products and services are sold to cater for persons within the

middle- upper class income group. Though our products are not within the price for lower

class people, we offer the free trial method which entails one week of limited service and the

free shipping method for those who purchase the complete set of products. There will also be

a 15% discount depending on seasonal demands.


Solar Power Technology has a network agreement with the providers within our region that

provides our business with our technological products. These providers include ProSolar

Caribbean, Solar Island Energy and Goldfield Solar. The business uses various advertising

agencies to draw attention to our product and company. Those agencies are tv, radio and

social media using apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Income Generation


Summary of Financial Analysis


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