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Activity # 1 Group 1 September 14, 2023

Mildred C. Rosema HRDM15

HRDM-2-7 Eula Arnica Gadaingan

1. Planning as one of the major function of management is important. Planning

means having a goal. You have Ideas that will help the organization to function, We
must plan first before doing a project for it to be successful.
It is important in our daily lives because our decision is based on how we make our
thoughts and ideas into reality

Organizing is important for us before start our plan. If anything that you need is
organized, you will know how and where are the materials or persons to look for
when you need it. It saves time and effort.

Directing & controlling is also important in an organization they must have

someone who has power to direct to do their assigned job. Someone to direct and
supervise that the leader must do.

Robert Owen
As a factory manager, Owen concentrated on building a work climate that
encouraged collaboration and innovation in order to increase output while also
requiring fewer hours from his employees and paying greater earnings.

Charles Babbage
Babbage emphasized the importance of division of labor, indicating that greater
profit could be made by specializing. Babbage also emphasized the importance of
balance in processes and the principle of optimum size of the manufacturing unit for
each class of product.

Though they both have contributions as concern to the workers, their difference is
Analytical Engine.

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