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Mathematics 8 | Quiz 1.1

Name: ________________________________________________ Section: _________________

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of your choice.

1. Which of the following is an expression of one or more algebraic expressions?

a. Equation b. Polynomial c. Factors d. Roots

2. Which of the following best describe the expression “ x 2+ 4 x +4 ”?

a. It is not factorable. c. It’s a trinomial.
b. It has first term. d. It is a perfect square trinomial.

3. Which of the following was used to factor the polynomial?

x 3+ 27=( x +3)(x2 −3 x +9)
a. Common Monomial Factoring c. Difference of Two Squares
b. Sum of Two Cubes d. Factoring General Trinomial

4. Which of the following is NOT factorable by difference of two squares?

a. 4 x2 +25 b. x 2−64 c. 144 a 2−b2 d. 225 x 2−4

5. Which of the following is the factored form of x 2+ 3 x −10?

a. ( x +5 ) ( x+2 ) c. ( x +5 ) ( x−2 )
b. ( x−5 ) ( x−2 ) d. ( x−5 ) ( x +2 )

6. In squaring a binomial, how will you get the middle term?

a. Get the square root of the first term.
b. Get the square root of the last term.
c. Multiply the square roots of the first term and last term.
d. Twice the product of the square roots of the first and last term.

7. What is the greatest number that is a factor of each or two or more numbers?
a. Perfect Square Trinomial c. Greatest Common Factor
b. Square Root of First Term d. Difference of Two Squares

8. Which of the following is the factored form of 2 x2 +6 x−8?

a. ( x +4 ) ( x +1 ) ( 82 )( x− 22 )
c. x +

b. ( 4 x−1 ) ( x−1 ) d. ( x−1 ) ( x+ 4 )

9. What factors should be used if we need to factor x 2−13 x+ 30?

a. -3 and -10 b. -1 and -30 c. -2 and -15 d. Not factorable

10. What is the common monomial factor if the expression x 3 y 8 +15 x 2−27 x 5?
a. x 2 b. 3 x 2 c. 3 x 2 y 2 d. Not factorable

Problem Solving. Answer the following. (Show your solution)

11. What is the factored form of r 5 p 8 +r 8 p 7−r 3 p5? (2 points)

12. What is the factored form of m2−16 m+64 ? (2 points)

13. What is the factored form of 9 s2−144 ? (2 points)

14. What is the factored form of d 3 +216 ? (3 points)

15. What is the factored form of k 2−13 k +42 ? (3 points)

16. What is the factored form of 8 r 2 +10 r−3 ? (3 points)

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