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Natalie Crux

Dr. Scott

ENGL 1301

3 December 2021

A time I would not want to relive

It all started on the twelfth of February 2021, a late afternoon my teammates and I

pulled up to our last senior away soccer game. Hours before the worst moment of my life, we

were all rushing to finish homework before we left school. As students athletes our coach set us

responsible for our studies. He would always say “ before you’re athletes, you’re students”.

Finally the time came to start packing up the bus with all of our equipment. We all said a quick

prayer before boarding. As we started the drive we started blasting and dancing to our favorite

music. We made some many unforgettable moments because we played every game like it was

our last. As we were looking for the fields we started to focus and we all started to strap our

shinguards and cleats onto our legs. When we got down I started a blog with all of my

teammates. We were saying how it was going to be a great game that we were undefeated and so

on. We walked onto that field with one goal on our minds. We had to win to continue our season.

We looked professional and scary we had everything we ever wanted in that moment. As coach

warmed us up and called positions I was set as a foward. I was standing next to my best friend

we were standing side by side holding hands as we heard the referee blow the whistle. The game

had started we passed and communicated like no other game. It wasn’t till we had a break in our
defense and the other team had a chance to score on us. Our goalie started crying she had

nothing to lose but she felt disappointed in herself. One person can take a toll on the entire team.

The other team started scoring goal after goal. We were losing eight to zero. My coach was

getting furious. At the time I was the back up goalie and I had little to no training but I was

willing to fight to get us all back on top. I had so many good blocks and so many hits to the

chest. We were still in the first half of our game and the other team had gotten a corner kick on

us. The bad come with a curve towards the goal I blocked it the ball bounced back and went to

the feet of the other team. The girl kicked the ball at this moment I knew I had to block it doesn’t

matter how the only thing that came to mind was kicking the ball. I had so many mixed emotions

running through my body. I hyperextended my leg and my foot slammed into the grown but I

still managed to get the ball out of the zone. I have never felt so much pain run through my foot.

I cried out in pain as I let my team member know I was injured. I could barely bare any weight

on my foot but the game kept going a a few seconds longer that felt like eternity. Until I

collapsed to the ground. I open my eyes and see everyone surrounding me as they picked me up

and helped me off the field. Everyone cheered at I took my final step off. I was checked out by

my trainee but being raised in a Mexican household, we never go to the hospital unless we are on

our death beds literally. I was finally taken to the Doctor only to find out that I tore a muscle that

was nearly impossible to tear. Moments later I heard the worst news of my life “ you’re done for

the rest of the season”. I cried like never before. That never stopped me a few games later I went

on to play my last enjoy home game. Which I happen to injure myself again. Since that game I

never kicked another soccer ball in my life. It was the end to soccer after being apart of the sport

for fifteen years.

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