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Having considered how the law and legislation dealing with proper usage of marijuana(cannabis) and
drug results in prevalence of drug related crime;
1)Strongly condemns the nations that have legalizing possession of all drugs to maintain a stringent
behavior against drugs by informing the severity of drug-related social issues and setting the nation’s
regimentation upon the usage of drugs in ways such as but not limited to;
a) Setting up government agencies in charge of strengthening the law against drugs in ways such as;
I. Setting the strict standard of proper usage of drugs;
II. Setting the strict standard of trading drugs;
III. Prohibit some kind of drugs that can bring about any specific effect on body when standards
are not met as mentioned in the two sub sub clauses above;
b) Encouraging the organizations or government to inform the negative effects of specific kinds of
drugs upon society and individuals to people in way such as;
I. Implementing the educational program that can raise teenager’s awareness upon drug-
related crime;
II. Making the advertisement about the drugs definition and its proper usage;

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