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[Note: This is an extract from a Part 1 text about the scientist Marie Curie.]

Adapted with permission from Encyclopaedia Britannica, © 2007 by Encyclopaedia

Britannica, Inc.

The life and work of Marie Curie

Marie Curie is probably the most famous woman scientist

who has ever lived. Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is
famous for her work on radioactivity, and was twice a winner of the
Nobel Prize. With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel,
she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics, and was then sole
winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. She was the first
woman to win a Nobel Prize.

From childhood, Marie was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age
of 16 won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education. Because her father lost
his savings through bad investment, she then had to take work as a teacher. From her
earnings she was able to finance her sister Bronia’s medical studies in Paris, on the
understanding that Bronia would, in turn, later help her to get an education.

In 1891 this promise was fulfilled and Marie went to Paris and began to study at the
Sorbonne (the University of Paris). She often worked far into the night and lived on little
more than bread and butter and tea. She came first in the examination in the physical
sciences in 1893, and in 1894 was placed second in the examination in mathematical
sciences. It was not until the spring of that year that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.

1. Observe el título y la imagen que acompañan el artículo. ¿Qué puede anticipar sobre el
tema al cual leerá en el texto?
Para recordar qué sabe sobre el tema escriba palabras o conceptos relacionados con el

Frase Verbal: Tiempo Pasado Simple

2. Observe las siguientes oraciones extraídas del texto. Luego responda las preguntas.
a. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
b. She often worked far into the night and lived on little more than bread and butter
and tea.
c. She came first in the examination in the physical sciences in 1893…
d. …she was introduced to Pierre Curie

3. ¿En qué tiempo verbal cree que se encuentran las acciones subrayadas y en negrita y por
qué considera que ese tiempo verbal se usa en el texto?
4. Recuerde que los verbos en pasado se clasifican en regulares e irregulares. Encuentre
verbos regulares e irregulares en el texto y complete el siguiente cuadro.

5. ¿Qué recuerda de el verbo “to be” (ser-estar)?

6. Indique si los siguientes enunciados son verdaderos, falsos o no se encuentra
información al respecto. Indique las líneas donde encontró la información.
Enunciado Verdadero Falso No dado Línea
El esposo de Marie Curie fue co-ganador
de los dos Premios Nobel que ella obtuvo.
Marie se interesó en la ciencia cuando era
Marie pudo asistir a la Sorbona, ya que su
hermana la ayudó económicamente.

Coherencia textual: Conectores

Las siguientes oraciones han sido extraídas de una biografía de Marie Curie. Lea las
oraciones atentamente y luego conteste las preguntas a continuación.

a. Together with her husband Pierre, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903, and
she went on to win another in 1911.
Tipo de relación entre las ideas:
Ideas relacionadas:
Idea 1:
Idea 2:

b. Pierre's life was cut short in 1906 when he was knocked down and killed by a
Tipo de relación entre las ideas:
Ideas relacionadas:
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
c. During World War One Curie helped to equip ambulances with x-ray equipment,
which she herself drove to the front lines.
Tipo de relación entre las ideas:
Ideas relacionadas:
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
d. Despite her success, Marie continued to face great opposition from male scientists
in France, and she never received significant financial benefits from her work.
Tipo de relación entre las ideas:
Ideas relacionadas:
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
Puede leer la biografía completa accediendo al siguiente link:

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