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NAME: _____________gehidi melissa Benavides cabeza_______________

a. Personal Information

En esta sección debe responder las preguntas relacionadas con su información personal.

my name is__gehidi melissa benavides

1 What’s your name? cabeza_______________

2 Where are you from? i am from Tumaco city

3 How old are you? twenty

4 Are you single or married? single woman

5 Do you have children? no

6 Do you live with your parents? yes

7 Where do you live? in the future neighborhood

8 What is your job? study

9 What’s your phone number? three,one,six,six,three, eight,zero,nine,seven,seven

b. Writing questions

En esta sección se le entrega diferentes tipos de respuestas, a lo cual usted deberá construir
las preguntas

1 Where are you from? I am from Colombia.

2 where are you from I live in Tumaco city.

3 how old are you I am forty –two years old.

4 where do you study We study at Sena.

5 You are a teacher Yes, I am a teacher.

6 you have money No, I don’t have money.

7 Your wife is a nurse? Yes, she is a nurse.

8 How are you? Fine, thank you.

9 They are teachers? Yes, They are teachers.

10 What do you do? I’ m student.

c. Articles an/a

En esta sección debe completar la frase con los artículos indefinidos a /an.

1 An excellent person.

2 A beautiful landscape.

3 A old man

4 A difficult excersice.
5 A hot soup

6 AN fat cat

7 AN famous actress

8 AN interesting job

9 A hamburguer

10 AN new mobile.

d. Uncomplete dialogues
En esta sección usted debe completar el dialogo

1 Peter: Hello, Jhon

2 Jhon: Hi, Peter

1 Peter: How are you?

2 Jhon: okay

5 Peter: where do you live?

6 Jhon: I live in Tumaco city.

7 Peter: That´s nice. Bye, have a good day.

8 Jhon: Same, bye.

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