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VAN ATENA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGS - MOU TO: FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA in the person of Mr. Rafael Franco By this private instrument, we ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS, a legal entity governed by private law, with headquarters at Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, Amoreiras Torre 2 - 148 C, 1070- 102 Lisbon, Portugal, hereby represented by its partner Joo Rodrigo Santos, hereby , in the scope of its duties and, aiming to meet the interests of its partners and shareholders, express interest in analyzing the investment opportunity (but not obliging itself to the effective acquisition of the business) that was brought to us on an exclusive basis by our commercial partner and representative in Brazil, Mr. Rafael Franco (FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA), as follows: * University Center located in the state of Goids - Brazil, containing more than 15, (fifteen) courses in the area of health, medicine, as well as law and dentistry. * Requested value proposed by the current owner of the university center: RS '950,000,000.00 (nine hundred and fifty million reais). ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS undertakes to maintain strictly confidential and in the most absolute secrecy any data or information from FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA, to which it or any of its employees and/or representatives may have access, knowledge or which may be entrusted to you due to the execution and execution of this MOU, further undertaking not to reveal, reproduce, use or disclose, under any circumstances, to third parties, as well as not to allow any of your legal representatives, partners, associates, employees and/or agents make improper use of this data or information This MOU is concluded for a period of 60 (sixty) days from the date of signature. Lisbon, September 16th, 2023 Joao R ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS VAN ATENA MEMORANDO DE ENTENDIMENTOS - MOU TO: FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA na pessoa do Sr. Rafael Franco Pelo presente instrumento particular, nés ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS, pessoa juridica de direito privado, com sede a Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, Amoreiras Torre 2 - 142 C, 1070- 102 Lisboa, Portugal, neste ato representada pelo seu sdclo Joao Rodrigo Santos, ve, no Ambito de suas atribuicdes e, visando atender os interesses de seus sécios e cotistas, manifestar o interesse na anélise da oportunidade de investimento (mas nao se obrigando 3 efetiva aquisi¢o do negécio) que nos fora trazida com carater de exclusividade pelo nosso parceiro comercial € representante no Brasil, Sr. Rafael Franco (FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA), conforme abaixo: * Centro Universitério localizado no estado de Goids - Brasil, contendo em sua grade curricular mais de 15 (quinze) cursos da drea da satide, medicina, bem como direito € odontologia. * Valor pedido proposto pelo atual proprietario do centro universitario: RS 950,000,000,00 (novecentos e cinquenta milhdes de reais). ‘A ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS obriga-se a manter em caréter de estrita confidencialidade e no mais absoluto sigilo quaisquer dados ou informagées da FRANCO INVESTIMENTOS LTDA, a que ele cu qualquer de seus funcionérios e/ou prepostos venham a ter acesso, conhecimento ou que venha a Ihe ser confiado em razdo da celebraco e execucio deste MOU, comprometendo-se, outrossim, 2 néo revelar, reproduzir, utilizar ou dar conhecimento, em hipétese alguma, a terceiros, bem como a nao permitir que nenhum de seus representantes legais, s6cios, associados, empregados e/ou prepostos facam uso indevido desses dados ou informagées, presente MOU é celebrado pelo prazo de 60 (sessenta) dias a contar da data de assinatura. Lisboa, 16 de setembro de 2023 Jo%o Rodrigo Santos ATENA EQUITY PARTNERS

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