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Marking Rubrics

* Sneered~ speak in a mocking

Urge~ to persuade
Babbled~ talk in a rapid and

foolish way that is

like horse modenly
↓ say something
angrily .
1. Plotting the curve

The first step to crafting a good story is planning it on a story curve.

Most stories follow the diagram below:

(A) Introducing the setting – characters (who), time (when), place

(where), conflict (what)

(B) Building tension – with at least 3 tension points (events)

(C) Dramatising the climax

(D) Bringing story to a close

(E) Reflecting on the experience

Write about a time you struggled with how other people saw
you. How did you overcome it?

1.1.1 Building tensions (B)

After setting the scene and introducing the conflict (e.g. something
embarrassing you did), you build tension by showing how things got
worse and more complicated.

• People started gossiping and spreading word about your blunder.

[Event 1]
• You became very self-conscious and withdrawn. [Event 2]
• You started distancing yourself from your friends and slipped into
emotional despair. [Event 3]
Your events (tension points) need to show an escalation of the situation.
Withdrawal Social
1.1.2 Dramatising the climax (C)

This is the point where all the tension points explode into an emergency or
things are at its most intense and dramatic.

• There is a heated argument and you shut all your well-meaning friends
out of your life.
• You experience an emotional breakdown.
Building tension towards the climax is made effective with the use of vivid
descriptions of speech, body language, and facial expressions, which we
will delve into in the next tip #2.
2. Using vivid descriptions

Even with a good plot, you will need to spice up your story.This is achieved
through showing and not telling; using vivid descriptions by describing
characters’ speech, actions and appearance, among others.

2.2 Describing actions and appearance

Use interesting adjectives and adverbs and precise verbs to lend more
action and impact. Look at the table below to see how you can turn
ordinary descriptions into more engaging ones.

Ordinary Good

The ball rebounded off my forearm, to my

The ball bounced straight dismay, and straight into the hands of the
to the wing attacker. other team’s wing attacker who shot me a
menacing grin.

I rushed towards her but

Horrified, I dived towards her, but she
she swiftly avoided me and
dodged to the side and passed the ball
threw the ball to her team’s
deftly to her team’s goal shooter.
goal shooter.

The scoreboard showed

8:9. I was crushed and The blazing scoreboard mocked me: 8:9.
could not bear the cheers The roar of the crowd was suffocating.
from the crowd.
3. Writing a reflective ending

Bring your story to a close by writing a conclusion that reflects the lessons
learnt from the conflict. This helps the reader make sense of what
happened. While an emotional or action-packed story might have kept
readers engaged, a good story should add to their wisdom and knowledge
of the world (eg. human behaviour and moral values).

After that incident, I realised that I was too preoccupied with what people
thought of me. Instead of learning from and making up for my mistakes, I
had wallowed in self-pity and allowed the event to consume me and my
self-worth. One mistake does not define me nor cancel all the efforts that I
have put in to become the athlete I am today. Instead of worrying about
living up to others’ expectations, I have resolved to keep trying my best and
listen to the voices of friends who truly know me.

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