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Submission must be typed in Microsoft Word, double-spaced on letter-size

(8.5”x11”) paper with at least 1” margin on both sides. Include a cover page,
body, and references. Choose one (1) box only to answer.Use 100 words.

2. Submit using this format for file submission: NCM102_Activity2_Name (Last

name first), e.g. NCM102__Activity2_Yasay, Rachel

Essay 1

2.I recently had a conversation with my younger sister about the importance of hand hygiene as a way
to prevent the spread of germs and illness. I explained to her that washing her hands frequently with
soap and water, especially before eating and after using the bathroom, can help reduce the risk of
infection. I also showed her how to properly wash her hands by demonstrating the correct technique.
At first, my sister was a little skeptical about the importance of hand hygiene and didn't see the need
to wash her hands frequently. However, after seeing the demonstration and hearing more about how
germs can spread, she became more interested in the topic and started to take hand hygiene more
seriously. As a result of our conversation, my sister started washing her hands more frequently and
encouraged her friends at school to do the same. She also became more interested in learning about
other health practices and started asking me more questions about how to stay healthy. In
conclusion, by having a conversation with my younger sister about the importance of hand hygiene, I
was able to help her understand the benefits of this health practice and encourage her to adopt it into
her daily routine. This led to positive results not just for her, but for her friends and classmates as
Essay 2



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