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2gl [ave eet 100 wpm Converted/Edited from TNGTE - Junior - April 1952 Vwe.chairman, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me in the first place thank you most sincerely on behalf of Her Highness and myself for the very / kind welcome you have given us today. You 2a Aeconsi have referred in very flattering terms 24 | to my previous work in my own State. | = CGueT | vajerleny// cose ie gence of Se Be ee oy 3 India are second to none in their be NS Komele bas. oe se desire to serve the motherland and oe oe perl 7 VS it is my earnest hope that I will /// < pe ax. a ube able to serve the needs of this eee CORN 8 a ~~ Province to my utmost capacity and | that you can look upon me, not as a a Prince come (1) from another State, but 7 ~~, 38 one. among you. On. i = Boa See 5 AZ/ You mention im your address various problems which concern your municipality <8 cs 2/ primarily the water supply scheme and “arwmotent/ the need for the construction of Dy Paes: 5285 oe _ flood banks to the two rivers which es flow through your town. You have alsq “| stated that you have approached // Government for grants but that they have not been as helpful as you-have hoped. It is part of the Governor's @uty to listen to /// such grievances; some people have saiq that it is the only duty he perform§; But these are” ‘matters which have really to be decided © Py (2) my Ministers gnd 1 assure you that I will pass them on and they will 9 | receive eve: consideration at ey hand CoN Gy. vam ss a » SPEEDSTAR | Sep -1997|12 cont You have referred also, / Mr. © ‘Chairman, to the food problem in this sabi grovinde. as you know, the Government! i 2. Rave now decided to re-impose controls, 9 but if their measures for // procurement, S distribution and rationing, when they | are introduced, are to be successful — they will’ have to rely ina very | support /// which -are useless. May I therefore appeal “to you to extend every help you can 1 (3) to the officials concerned in the | _administration of these controls. alack imarketing can never ‘flourish if every) : “menber of the “public sets his face fee (oma against / it. the Government look to | Se yu and“ people like you, who are leaders of public opinion in the i illages, to aid their measures \// and i am sure this help will be | << torthcoming./ ¥ Another problem which is facing ‘us today and which is of first i importance is that of /// inflation. > E> \ You would have already read the ve@~=-", eeches and remarks made by our Vee OR u..various leaders on the ever increasing! ee. #5 Lag eate of inflation and the measures | *(4) which they propose to take to put pas fe t ee aes idown this evil, Here too I would Like, = QS aa? make an appeal to you) for your f@arnest co-operation. / Inflation i Sep.1997 is a man-made evil and can be remedied” only by our own efforts. There are any ways in which you can help but // perhaps thé easiest of these is by. ; ‘aiscouragitig unnecessary expenditure | OdeKeand putting your surplus money in 57] savings funds. “You know of Course of Da Awe, ee Se Lecyielei js es — rape ““Pthe National /// Savings Scheme which pest ee [ogfers unique’‘advantages to, people with every grade of income to invest / a ao ' their surplus money sagely and at Lethe same time profitably. (5) Dear Sirs, aie a As wa, have informed to the Manager Xn of your company on the telephone this ‘morning, the gelds sent by you in SX ZEAL response. to / our telegram were deli- ivered in an unsaleable confition, Towing apparently, to faulty packing. e Sou We have returned them today, as —“%_w suggested by you, and trust that // you “7 nave forwarded another consignment, | Soby passenger train, as we hold severa urgent orders for which we require Some of these’ goods. prom time to /// “time it”has occurred to ug that some (of the goods that we order from you [could be packed more conveniently ‘than they are at (6) present\ from the. view point of facility of handling and: easy each when) they are paft of our | —Af---stock. Our foreman recently made | detailed suggestions / of which we | enclose a copy for.your consideratiot SBEEDOTAR] ae ae Sep-1997 j14 4 We ‘our opinion is, their adoption will | jeffect an improvement. If you agree, ont SS ges -fey= we shall be obliged // 3£ you will ee Ss se ed isend the goods now ordered packed ; S Tin the new way, and subsequently, Ashi aa as will let you know if we desire you ito /// maintain the system whenever ody 0 ef EO e ~— eco forward similar goods. jaa Pro Se We are sure that you will agree iwith us in this matter. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, i Manager. (7) eppas suackera engad Ostumod sabod Guteort 25 wasédura Oeha. | gb, Sons BSordasd ats Ugtada og syckity gob asters quai aduass Ismka senha vay. oopasetr samy, Aad Qarevayh Jaasa Ydeua sumbset 3. eobas gquaeas Esk yaGur Caetgd upy Oeter, eng uced tat 990d ga%sars wriotuedhs. shot Ung, Obexsatiier gob Lghes asters gvae atus asm ash. Asc gob apopsosora Cprisacayd sj way af Asn agedia. aOUMNBiD Dy OS WAS Gura Gehd gr8a? ATTENTION READER‘ For quick development of Speed and efficiency, Read: SPEEDSTAR, Shorthand Journal, Use Spredstar Dictatien Cassattes Available at.several leading book stalls and Railway Station Stalls. 100 wpm Converted from Karnataka Govt. Tech. Examinations, May 1988 - Intermediate iMr.Chairman and Friends, 3 am happy’ to welcome one and Fallof you and especially welcome the Chairmen of our Group and Founder of / this company. I am gled that I have got yet snother opportunity to ~ 1G [meet you 411” at this annual cenere, Al Meeting of your Company, held // ten days ahead of what we did lest year. | © iI am extremely happy that our chairman “~~--'has been able to be present here amidst es NS S\cie.jnis /// verious engagements. the | Report of the Directors and the auditeld bf aA yhave. bean with Syou.for quite sometime | (i) now and with your permission, LI ‘shall take them as read. The Report, with certain special | harts added this time, and my letter G..of / the ikeh une have clearly brought +forward the various highlights of the “working of your company during the Hage It Gould be seen theréfrom yelearly // that continuously for “the third year in succession, your company could maintain its all round xcellent growth, which many have frightly described as a shooting /// enquiry. We would like to inform: you,that we are the first in the country to menufacture Mixer and Grinders. |The conditions.// are briefly given below: You have to provide sufficient accommodation so as. to have both gales as well as Service Sections, in a business complex . /// The _puilding will be! subject to inspect by oir Marketing Manager. If the ‘SPEEI Sep. i pares is approved, we will bear | —“e ififty per cent of the rent. (6) ' Further, you should be in a position! “==Mt give cash security of Rupses C._iFifty thousand in foyqur of the company for a minimum period of / | three years and arrange g20d_ clectriéal fittings. You will be eligible for | se commigsion at 30 per cent on the Seema; fies. Regarding clearing our bills,! . ak Sy We ped you will have to clear the bills | iwithin thirty days. If you fail to ‘clear the bills within the stipulate. ~wrtime limit, you will be /// liable .f9 pay interest at 1@ por cent upto | | | i 4 i three months. You shall have to i e c pot Soe AN ste ~~-clear the bills within that period, i Thanking you, i Yours faithfully, (7) HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE Seat Dont" criticize, condemn or complain Give honest, sincere appreciation i Talk about your own mistakes before criticising the other person Ask questions instead of giving orders Let the other man save his face How t4 stop. worrying Do not imitate others Count your blessings -- ‘not your troubles Transform unjust criticism a8 a disguised compliment Do the very best you can Put enthusiasm inte your work dee whee see tee tee Why walk,-if you can run - =- Lee Tacoca SPEEDSTAR Sep.1997 |19 Converted frott TNGTS - English Junior - Oct.1954 I paper Gentienen, ‘ I need _not talk to you about the importance of i 1 | good, efficient, clean, progressive and responsive adminis— i tration. I think that is axiomatic. But this / is no | age of miracles. I do not think miracles have happened. | I£ you want, as we all want, administration of the type | I have // described, you a11 have got to work very hard indeed. We are all launching a new State. There are many, | @ifficulties and problems which require /// not only hard zest, zeal, drive, energy, resourcefulness and | initiative. If you displey these qualities I am sure you “will do. your mest (1) to display them. I think, es night | eur earioea., ; follows day, we will achieve our object. : After ail, what is out objective? It is the happinesb and / contentment of the people of Andhra. In states in i Wadia, I am hot talking o£ the Centre now, administration I should say, is ten // per cent. In the Centre it may be [we | | different; I advanced this view in the Punjab once and |there were many carping critics. But I /// still maintain | that because administration touches the people intimetely. land iw is by the way thet you administer the day to day affairs that the (2) people judge you. Therefore, while not overlooking the importance of policy, I will come to _ I do say that administration forms ninety per work of a state and Particularly a new state: corps of experienced officers and it is for you to // give the tone. The tone is not given: by [speeches or exhortations, buf by personel exemple. There jis no other way. One must b@ prepared to /// practise what L ; one_preaches. I do not think I should explain in detail about the a ‘various adjectives with which I prefaced the BE rioas SPEEDSTAR| Sep.1997 | 20 dministratio: z (3) talked of a cleen administration. | when I talk of that I mean administration completely ee honest, and full of integrity. Ce when <~ talk of efficient administration, / I mean. “administration which is not painfully and needlessly slow Nn put ‘is quick enc prompt. when 1 talk of quick’ and prompt | administration, I do //(not say that there should be hastiness. There is a great deal of difference between Vhestiness and speed. You should be speedy but not hasty. | L/// The proverb is More haste, less speed. That is often: quoted in defence of slow methods, formalism and “red “tape”! of which I have seen (4) a good deal during the last Tgeverel years, and which is also in evidence in Madras, cs ( lmadras is no exception. Probably there is a little / more | | lof formalism here. Formalism is good upto 2 point but * it should be your sleve and not your master. The edminis— tration should be on // some concrete and sound basis and ace ae have got to show progress. That is really 2 condition continued satisfaction of the public. we should /// | » a progressive outlook but it takes time to develop. | ‘As for responsiveness, we must remember thet we are functioning in a democratic set up (5) cae Messrs.Ramadoss C.+ Lahore, i | gsplenade, Medras. Ist August 1997. f= __ Deer sirs, we confirm the followipg telegram sent to you just lnow. "Delivery will / be made! tomorrow". | “Me are peally sorry for ‘the delay. We have done our | utmost to expadite delivery, huf the pressure of = prderd [for good //_blankets from oyr pPovince has made it difficult for us to delfver as promptly aB we wish, and this is so, | 12———= even when, oug mills are //# working day and night. } SeneDSTAN Sep.1997 |21 4 AS oe (cae of the sudden cHange of weather, we jsnow you require the goods at*oness~ weohave? in (6), Jorder to show you that we |are anxious not to cause you inconvenience, put aside other orders which in fact “}should ens been executed before / yours, Our customers are pressing on all sides for Vicraaiats delivery and th: demand is heavy. we ere Re per hee the only manufatturérs of blankets whose // resources) [are ovortaxed aE present. We are confident (tay stytes. xplanation will convince you 9f Sur Snabevbahboss meet [your wishe®, and because, until’ this /// recent rush, we Lhave Hever, failed to exdgute your orders within the, ipulated time, we rely upon your co-operation in the Ppresent case. a Yours traly, mM. WKERE OUTLINE: POR Tie FOLLOWING “IORD. FOR CORRECTION BY YOUR TEACHER (Note: YO=¥our outline; co=Correct outiline)~ = .¥O. ue + inconvenience innocence effective consumption’ necessities | indispensable poorest needed afforded aa irrigation desilting { disrepair stepped electricity harassment serious considerably | ‘ disposal drive ' relief professor i economics farewell renew SEDSTAR| _ Sep-1997 j22 iadecialeaa’ % tees rl 100 Karnataka Govt. Tech. Sxams - Nov. 1987 (inter) Converted & Edited i The Union and the state Covernments have taken up [the land reform policy. . The main intention for this is ;to improve the economic conditions of / the agricultural classes. It is also intended to rescue the labour class from the clutches of the rich people. The work of + | implementation has been/Aaken through legislature. Lael According to the scheme sponsored, the legislature thas made it @ policy ‘not to affect the persons actually lcultivating the lands. Though /// there is scope to | “Wy claim to be a person cultivating the lands personally |by engaging labourers, the legislature has made it hard +4 *© Persons who (1) are not phystally cultivating their j lands personally. There was the System of entertaining | __\._ponded_iebourers by rich people and the amendment in | | legislature has provided / release of the bonded lebourer: from the clutches of the rich people. It is also arranged to provide reliefs to the released bonded {labourers by // the Government by way of giving reliefs i [to them, by way of cash and kind. in the initial stage, Lau. [the scheme brought out by the /// Government worked very thard. But our Government found alternative measures to | i avoid such difficulties. Nevertheless there were many i jcalamities in that the tenants in many (2) cases were imurdered. The land owners however managed to deprive such persons the fruits of their labour. The Government CA Vin all cases_afforded protections / and reliefs to the ‘poor riot classes. The working of this scheme is still Lexperiencing problems. But the Governments ace very | | firm in the final // achievements aimed at in the jon [beginning. : i Gradually the difficulties which were in the way of yt paid on your policy, the surrender value thereon works 1 | _j-out’ to Rupees three thousand only. L “5 Im this context, we desire to apprise you of the meat “/é that it is not’ advissble to surrender your policy, "SBEEDUT: Sep-1997 | 24 4 ae it will result’in huge loss to you. By surrendering oe iyo - policy, you will not (6) only get less than what you have paid but also you will be deprived of the bene- “admissible under the said policy to your dependents. ]/ Therefore, we are of the opinion that it is not advisabla {for you to surrender the policy which you have wisely taker Tin the interest // of you and your family. th case you | think of getting another policy at a later date after your, } financial difficulties are over, you will /// have to pay | “| the enhanced rate of premium. Therefore, we request you to kindly reconsider your idea to surrender the policy. ‘Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (7) DISTRIBUTION CENTRES OF SPEEDSTAR SHORTHAND JOURNAL AT CHENNAI & PONDICHERRY PONDICHERRY Shri B. Dinesh Kumar C/o Radha Typewriting Institute Chetty Street, Pondicherry CHENNAL CITY: Purasawalkam Thirumalai Book Centre West Mamoalam Aruna Book Centre City Stationers Pankej Book Centre Triplicane Super Book Traders Anna Salai American Book Centre Hariman Book Sellers Sacdpet ~ Ranadoss Book Mart ‘Station Way Road Railway Station Stalls Beach, Saidapet, Guindy, Pazhavanthangal, Pallavaram, Chromepet eegee freee SEE Ee * ¥ WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERB IS A WAY ‘SPEEDSTAR Sept.'97 |25 eas Oy T.Ni Govt. Tech. Exams ~ Decmmber 1979 Converted & udited ar | Addressing the conference of Educatior rs. Se s conference of 3 = ists, theMinister for Education sai oe t I welcome you all to this confe~ Coe the History of the progress of / my < s. veh education in India after Independence. fY¥ou all know the various steps that the Government have taken for the é A. expansion of education in this country4 i Delhi. se “ ae oe eee at De’ I now propose to traci pat the time when we achieved // inde pendence, our enthusiasm was very great. But, we had to face a number 9: [aifficulties and we had to Zind tions to many problems. We had Your educationa} /// development wvery large scale and to achieve |aim, wo had to take effective steps. I shall briefly explain some of our achievements in the last few years.(1),; In the field of elementary education, the Central Government have taken many steps as a result of which \a./1 a number of schools had been opened and_ yf large number of children / have been exsuaded to attend the classes. We ‘ had also to meet the problem of aa \_) getting the right type of teachers to “Man these schools. also, there was a. considerable difficulty // in getting yTstudents for these schools. It was omparatively easier for us to make | the necessary grants available for ~hrunning these schools. But it was a tough task for us /// to get the ~BPEEDSTART SS epee os Sept.1997| 26 [teachers and students. ~ anyway, we Zpbeve tackled this 'problan toa larga fextent. In the Field of adult education, “lWe havé accepted the’ suggestion of, jeminent educationists (2) that greater |Stress should be laid on giving the’ Fadults tralning: in all aspects of | ~-.citizenship: rather) than mere imparting | Literacy. In order to give effect to | fthis new poTicy /-we have also changed? Bg PON oe Were tints Cet Cheatin ances i fa Sass "education. I am very glad té state | that this has been accepted by a number 2 ty }0f states in the // country and it has! also attracted the attention of some Of our neighbouring countries. ~ ~~ ees Sy Our aim is to remove. illiteracy SS jim the. course of the next two to five ears. /// A college has been started Ror (HS | 1/7 & college has 2 A hew type of library has also been set up (3) for the benefit of jadults, children and women. "* We have also developed a scheme yof Mobile Exhibitions and Educational We find that they have (evoked considerable interest and enthu+ ‘slasm / among the rural people. A _,fumber of jaeps and other vehicles itake these Rxhibitions to the villages Vand the Pegpje in the rural areas are | given an oppgrtunity to // know the idevelopment$ that &re taking place in | Tene countrys This is followed by an intensive literacy work by a team of stteachers who accompany these vehicles. \Thoy conduct social /// education | >) [classes for a period of a month or six | ““Tweeks. After this intensive campaign, Ge 2S the work of continuing the classes is | Pentrusted to the local teachers. i as for secondary (4) education: | some of the States have. introduced the + syStom of diversification by setting | icultural and tech- _fing a large number of students / from, ba purely literary to a professional “7\-*side of education is also engaging the! opopreabtention of the Government. In the field of technical education, we, have made very good I progress /7 indeéd. “lo have opencd a | number of engineering colleges and I polytechnics. I am sure they will Serve the needs of the industrics to a very large extent. | We have also /// beech opening [more and Wore schools for the physi- -cally handicapped. tt is very. necessary [that the society as a whole should [come forward to help these deserving People. “thank you. (5) se Raja “Strect, West Mambalam, Vchonnai-17, 6thy March 1980 See 2 At the out set we would like to thank you for the courtesy and honour Me / ts durifig’ our visit yo Jadt Menday.t2..discuss..j ys 8 | BF 30 SENIOR Edited/Converted £rom Karnataka Govt. Tech. Examns. 120 wpm = Senior ~ May 1988 *: “Ladies and Gentlemen, ae = I welcome you to this - Ninety’ - Fidos sii bests Annual General Meeting of — “your company. ‘The Directors' Report and the Audited Accountsof the “Tcompany have been with you / for some time and with your permission I will take ‘them as read. Tp she year under review has been a‘digficult one. It was expected that’ the economic policies of // the _j-=e— ym government, implemented in the last a | two years,;would accelerate the growth o£ the Indian economy. However, the : i Marousne , the like of which has ~ not been séén in the last /// one hundred years, has seriously ‘affected every -Laspect of the country's economy. It is fortunate that the foresight shows by the Government in carrying substan’ “stocks of foodgrains, prevented large (1) seale starvation. Normally, in a diversified-compam L —7 iixe yours stability is achieved in | the working results, as ups and downs i frie asertronP@operstions ‘ara bevencea’| No yeabout. As a large number / of your company’s operations are related to yagrieulture, the overall results have been poor this year because of the 7 =), Sx drought. The. worst’ affected was the Fertiliser Division. as a result // ‘ = eS 9 28 oe 7 Yeaof three successive poor monsoons, organise the forma tion 3f similar committves at ,districtpand sedlithi levels, with officials ond non-officials, retired educationists and /// mmbsrs 9£ Lions and Rotary Clubs. T would suggest that District collectors should be over all Presidents for the districts for selling the flags and collecting funds. fh e Yours faithfully, (7) L Two businessmen met for Funch, and durin ; g the course of conversation the subject of money came up. . "My credit is really improving," commented the first man "When I went to the bank this morning to borrow £ifteen-hundred dollars, the loan efficer received me politely. “Then he lent you the money?" "No, not quite, but he hesitated barnes ees a moment before - SPEEDSTAR Sept.1997| 40

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