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Stream Ciphers

Use CrypTool to complete the tasks. Download necessary files from CourseWeb before
starting the practical session.

Task 1

 Download the secret.txt text from CourseWeb

 Use Vernam Stream Cipher(Symmetric-Classic) for your encryption
 Encrypt the file using both Key1.txt & Key2.txt
 What are your observations and how does it relate to stream ciphers?
 What is the difference between two keys?
 Now prove that the first encrypted character is indeed ‘B’ by simple pen &
paper approach
(Hint: You may use an ASCII to binary converter tool or a Table)

Task 2
 Now edit the secret.txt file so that it will repeat the word ‘secret’ four times
 Try to encrypt using the same keys in Task 1.
 What is the reason for the error message?
 What changes need to be made in order to get rid of the error message?

Task 3
 RC4 is a modern stream cipher (Self Study).
 Encrypt secret.txt using RC4 (Symmetric-Modern)
Key1 – ‘01’ Key2 – ‘02’
 What are your observations compared to Task1?
 Try to learn how RC4 achieves this property
 Is RC4 secure? What is the current situation with this stream cipher?

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