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Republic of the Philippines

Department Of Education


Division of Quezon


Atimonan, Quezon


(A exploration of North and South with focus on Latin America)

¹st Yr. College 1A


Prepared by :

Kim Lawrence C. Ocon

Submitted to :

Mrs. Nornida Nerier

The World of Regions. A exploration of North and South with a focus on Latin America.

I. Introduction

Global North and Global South, it is divide into two countries the poorest country
and richest country. The richest country is located to upper and that’s the North. And of
course the location of poorest is in the lower and it’s the South. The concept of a gap
between the Global North and Global South in terms of development and wealth.

Despite very significant development gains globally which have raised many
millions of people out of absolute poverty, there substantial evidence that inequality
between the world’s richest and poorest countries widening.

a. Background of study

This article focuses on the close association between inequality and punishment
observed over recent decades at a macro level, at least in some regions of the world. A
review of the empirical literature first provides an overview of the different types of
variables mobilized to try to understand this complex relationship. The aim of the empirical
part is to explore the potential role of attitudes towards inequality in this relationship, on
the basis of country-level data available for West European countries. The results do not
support the idea that a more meritocratic ethos at the country level would create the
connection between inequality and punishment. On the contrary, they suggest the
persistence of a systemic link independently of attitudinal variables. However, by showing
that, the greater the inequality, the more the population calls for redistributive intervention
by the state, and the more it also calls for punitive intervention, the findings could suggest
another pattern. This moves away from a rather deterministic perspective to highlight the
room for manoeuvre for social change

b. Purpose of the research

The purpose of study to know and understand the situation between North &
South with focus in Latin America.

1. To determine why North and South don’t have equality.

2. To getting know the levels of income inequality and welfare generosity and the
levels of punitiveness.

II. Compelling Body of text

According to Màximo Sozzo. European journal of Criminology 19 (3) 368-393 2022. In

this paper, I will describe how two strong connections between, on the one hand,
income inequality and welfare generosity, and, on the other, punitiveness, have been
built in both theoretical and empirical explorations in the contemporary comparative
literature on the sociology of punishment. Then, I will point out the strong concentration
of these explorations on national cases from the Global North as a potential limitation.
From there, I will try to ‘southernize’ this debate, through three empirical exercises
related to a region of the Global South, Latin America. First, I will include this region in a
global comparison of clusters of countries to define whether there is an association
between the levels of income inequality and welfare generosity and the levels of
punitiveness, both now and in the recent past. Second, I will analyze if the same
relationships exist within Latin America countries, both now and in the recent past.
Finally, I will examine whether these same relationships are relevant for understanding
the evolution of the levels of punitiveness in Latin America over the last three decades.
Based on the results of these three exercises, I will examine the shortcomings stemming
from assuming these strong statements as universal, placeless and timeless, warning
that the styles of comparison that have generated them have to be taken as starting
points rather than as arrival points of the analysis and stressing that our analyses about
contemporary penal differences, while taking macroscopic dimensions into account,
should give a strong centrality to the ‘proximate’ processes that mold penal actions and

III. Conclusion

The Global North and South is they have a differences and it is the condition of
their own country. Global North is the richest country and the Global South is the
poorest country. There substantial evidence that inequality between the world’s richest
and poorest countries widening. According to Màximo Sozzo, He will described how two
strong Global North and Global South connection between, on the other, punitiveness,
have been built both theoretical and empirical explorations in the contemporary
comparative literature on the sociology of punishment. He will examine wether these
same relationships are relevant for understanding the evolution of the levels of
punitiveness in Latin America over last three decades. And the number one concern is
the Climate change because that’s the one major that give a big challenges of our time.
The impact of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. It’s a
Global issue and a matter of public concern worldwide, not only in Global North and
Global South.

IV. Global Concern

Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. From shifting
weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the
risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and
unprecedented in scale.

What is a global issue or concern?

A global issue is a matter of public concern worldwide. This list of global issues presents
problems or phenomena affecting people around the world, including but not limited to
widespread social issues, economic issues, and environmental issues.

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