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Expert Review ajog.


The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal

Nicola Adanna Okeahialam, MBChB; Abdul H. Sultan, MD, FRCOG; Ranee Thakar, MD, FRCOG

Perineal trauma after vaginal birth is Perineal trauma after vaginal birth is common, with approximately 9 of 10 women being
common, with approximately 9 of 10 affected. Second-degree perineal tears are twice as likely to occur in primiparous births,
women being affected.1 To standardize with a incidence of 40%. The incidence of obstetrical anal sphincter injury is approxi-
care, the Sultan classification is recom- mately 3%, with a significantly higher rate in primiparous than in multiparous women (6%
mended for grading the severity of vs 2%). Obstetrical anal sphincter injury is a significant risk factor for the development of
perineal trauma (Table 1).2,3 Second- anal incontinence, with approximately 10% of women developing symptoms within a
degree perineal tears are twice as likely year following vaginal birth. Obstetrical anal sphincter injuries have significant medi-
to occur in primiparous births, with an colegal implications and contribute greatly to healthcare costs. For example, in 2013 and
incidence of 40%.1,4 A national survey of 2014, the economic burden of obstetrical anal sphincter injuries in the United Kingdom
215 maternity units in the United ranged between £3.7 million (with assisted vaginal birth) and £9.8 million (with spon-
Kingdom found that the incidence of taneous vaginal birth). In the United States, complications associated with trauma to the
obstetrical anal sphincter injury (OASI) perineum incurred costs of approximately $83 million between 2007 and 2011. It is
was approximately 3%, with this rate therefore crucial to focus on improvements in clinical care to reduce this risk and
being significantly higher in primiparous minimize the development of perineal trauma, particularly obstetrical anal sphincter
women than in multiparous women (6% injuries. Identification of risk factors allows modification of obstetrical practice with the
vs 2%).5 Similarly, a retrospective data- aim of reducing the rate of perineal trauma and its attendant associated morbidity. Risk
base review from 12 maternity units factors associated with second-degree perineal trauma include increased fetal birth-
within the United States also found an weight, operative vaginal birth, prolonged second stage of labor, maternal birth position,
incidence of OASI of 3% (nulliparous, and advanced maternal age. With obstetrical anal sphincter injury, risk factors include
6% vs multiparous, 1%).6 The incidence induction of labor, augmentation of labor, epidural, increased fetal birthweight, fetal
of OASI was also found to be similar in malposition (occiput posterior), midline episiotomy, operative vaginal birth, Asian
Nordic countries such as Denmark, ethnicity, and primiparity.
Norway, Sweden, and Finland, ranging Obstetrical practice can be modified both antenatally and intrapartum. The evidence
between 1% and 4%.7 Unfortunately, all suggests that in the antenatal period, perineal massage can be commenced in the third
grades of perineal trauma can be asso- trimester of pregnancy to increase muscle elasticity and allow stretching of the perineum
ciated with significant physical and psy- during birth, thereby reducing the risk of tearing or need for episiotomy. With regard to
chological morbidity in the immediate the intrapartum period, there is a growing body of evidence from the United Kingdom,
postpartum period and in the long term. Norway, and Denmark suggesting that the implementation of quality improvement ini-
Subsequent perineal pain and dyspar- tiatives including the training of clinicians in manual perineal protection and mediolateral
eunia, which can last up to 18 months episiotomy can reduce the incidence of obstetrical anal sphincter injury. With episiotomy,
the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics recommends restrictive rather
than routine use of episiotomy. This is particularly the case with unassisted vaginal births.
From the Croydon University Hospital, Thornton
Heath, United Kingdom (Dr Okeahialam and Drs However, there is a role for episiotomy, specifically mediolateral or lateral, with assisted
Sultan and Thakar); and St George’s University vaginal births. This is specifically the case with nulliparous vacuum and forceps births,
of London (Drs Sultan and Thakar). given that the use of mediolateral or lateral episiotomy has been shown to significantly
Received April 5, 2022; revised June 8, 2022; reduce the incidence of obstetrical anal sphincter injury in these groups by 43% and
accepted June 12, 2022. 68%, respectively. However, the complications associated with episiotomy including
The authors report no conflict of interest. perineal pain, dyspareunia, and sexual dysfunction should be acknowledged.
Corresponding author: Ranee Thakar, MD, Despite considerable research, interventions for reducing the risk of perineal trauma
FRCOG. remain a subject of controversy. In this review article, we present the available data on
0002-9378 the prevention of perineal trauma by describing the risk factors associated with perineal
ª 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is
trauma and interventions that can be implemented to prevent perineal trauma, in
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
particular obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
Key words: assisted vaginal delivery, episiotomy, manual perineal protection, obstetrical
anal sphincter injury, operative vaginal birth, perineal laceration, perineal massage,
perineal trauma, vaginal delivery

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1

Expert Review

been shown to be associated with OASI.

TABLE 1 Uebergang et al19 demonstrated in their
The Sultan classification of perineal trauma retrospective cohort study (n¼455,000
Degree Injury women) that after controlling for con-
Intact No visible tear founding factors including mode of
birth, body mass index (BMI), maternal
First Perineal skin only
age, infant birthweight, episiotomy, and
Second Perineal muscles but not involving the anal sphincter epidural, VBAC significantly increased
Third Anal sphincter complex the risk of OASI by 21%. Perineal body
3a: <50% of the EAS thickness torn length is an additional risk factor that has
3b: <50% of the EAS thickness torn been described in observational studies
3c: both EAS and IAS torn
to increase the risk of severe perineal
Fourth Anal sphincter complex and anal mucosa trauma.20e22 Aytan et al found that a
Rectal buttonhole Isolated rectal buttonhole with or without third-degree perineal body length of <3 cm in
tear nulliparous women was significantly
EAS, external anal sphincter; IAS, internal anal sphincter. associated with OASI, particularly in the
Updated from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.2 presence of midline episiotomy.22 Simi-
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. larly, in multiparous women, a perineal
body length of <2.5 cm increased the
risk of OASI.20
postpartum, can negatively affect re- interventions that can be implemented Although perineal trauma is more
lationships with the newborn, partner, to prevent perineal trauma. common in a first vaginal birth, the risk
and relatives.8,9 Morbidity is particularly of spontaneous tears in the second birth
significant in cases of OASI, which have Risk factors has been shown to increase with the
been shown to be associated with worse Strategies to reduce perineal trauma severity of perineal trauma sustained in
perineal pain, dyspareunia, and sexual should focus on the identification of the first birth.23 Martin et al23 found in
dysfunction.10,11 OASI is also a signifi- modifiable risk factors and actions their retrospective study of 1895 women
cant risk factor for the development of aimed at mitigating them. Identified that after adjusting for confounders
anal incontinence, with approximately modifiable risk factors associated with (maternal age, birthweight, length of
10% of women developing symptoms second-degree perineal trauma include gestation, head circumference, fetal
within a year following vaginal birth.12 operative vaginal birth and maternal presentation, and mode of birth), the
Moreover, the management of perineal birth positions with increased sacrum risk of spontaneous perineal trauma
trauma and its sequelae also contribute flexibility (such as lithotomy, supine, (second-degree and OASI) in a second
significantly to healthcare costs owing to and sitting as opposed to squatting, birth increased 3-fold in women with a
resource utilization. In 2013 and 2014, kneeling, and lateral).16 Non-modifiable history of perineal trauma. This risk
the economic burden of OASI in the UK risk factors include increased maternal increased further with the severity of
ranged between £3.7 million (with age, post-term birth, increased fetal perineal trauma sustained in the first
assisted vaginal birth) and £9.8 million birthweight, perineal edema, and a pro- birth. Women with previous OASI are at
(with spontaneous vaginal birth).13 In longed second stage of labor.4,16 increased risk of a repeated OASI in a
the United States, complications associ- With regards to OASI, meta-analyses subsequent birth.24 A systematic review
ated with trauma to the perineum have been performed previously to and meta-analysis of 16 studies in the
incurred costs of approximately $83 identify associated modifiable and non- literature including 99,042 women
million between 2007 and 2011.14 modifiable risk factors.17,18 Pergialiotis found an average rate of repeated OASI
However, it is important to note that et al identified 43 studies in the literature of 6.3% with a range of 2.0% to 13.4%.25
the costs incurred in the United States including 22,280 women who had sus- Preventing recurrent OASI (rOASI) is
and the United Kingdom cannot be tained an OASI.18 Table 2 describes the important because this can potentially
directly compared because childbirth is variables found and the results of their predispose women to subsequent anal
midwife-led in the United Kingdom but quantitative analysis. Non-modifiable sphincter dysfunction and incontinence.
physician-led in the United States.15 risk factors included Asian ethnicity, This was evidenced in a case-controlled
Given the morbidity associated with primiparity, induction of labor, study of 84 women undergoing endoa-
perineal trauma, focusing attention on augmentation of labor, fetal malposition nal ultrasound and anal manometry,
minimizing perineal trauma is (occiput posterior), and fetal birth- which found that women with rOASI
warranted. weight. Modifiable risk factors included had significantly larger anal sphincter
In this review, we present the available epidural, midline episiotomy, and oper- defects and lower anal manometry
data on the prevention of perineal ative vaginal birth. First vaginal birth pressures at 3-month follow-up.26 At 5
trauma by describing the risk factors and after cesarean delivery (VBAC) has also years, Jangö et al found that the risk of

2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022 Expert Review

anal incontinence increased approxi-

mately 2-fold with rOASI.27 TABLE 2
Because of an increasingly diverse Risk factors for obstetrical anal sphincter injury
population, appreciation of healthcare Parturient number
inequalities and cultural competency is Assessed Number (severe lacerations/
variable of studies controls) Effect estimate (95% CI)
very relevant. Therefore, sociocultural
factors should also be considered when Asian ethnicity 11 146,584 (6950/139,634) RR, 1.87 (1.46e2.39)a
appreciating the risk of OASI. A study Primiparity 29 613,989 (13,253/600,736) RR, 1.59 (1.45e1.75)a
based in Sweden showed that migrants Duration of 7 43,095 (1148/41,947) MD, 28.46 (22.44e34.48)a
with short residence and those with a second stage
foreign-born partner had an increased
Induction of 15 501,863 (9924/491,939) RR, 1.05 (0.97e1.15)
risk of OASI.28 After adjusting for con- labor
founding factors including maternal age,
Augmentation 13 76,467 (3536/72,931) RR, 1.46 (1.32e1.62)a
education, pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal of labor
height, smoking, macrosomia, health
region, and year of delivery, the risk of Epidural 23 294,373 (8047/286,326) RR, 1.21 (1.08e1.36)a
OASI increased by 13% (adjusted odds Occiput 12 369,427 (8013/361,414) RR, 2.73 (2.08e3.58)a
ratio [aOR], 1.13; 95% confidence in- posterior
terval [CI], 1.04e1.23). This was partic- Mediolateral 12 564,247 (12,043/552,204) RR, 1.55 (0.95e2.53)
ularly the case in newly arrived migrants, episiotomy
for example, women from South Asia, for Midline 11 475,545 (13,531/462,014) RR, 2.88 (1.79e4.65)a
whom the risk of OASI increased 4-fold episiotomy
(aOR, 4.09; 95% CI, 2.82e5.92). Any type of 29 659,640 (17,080/642,560) RR, 1.54 (1.27e1.86)a
In addition, in comparison with non- episiotomy
migrants (<5 years residency), OASI risk Vacuum 17 554,580 (10,890/543,690) RR, 2.60 (1.78e3.79)a
was the highest in women from South delivery
Asia (aOR, 2.82; 95% CI, 2.15e3.70);
Metallic forceps 14 509,398 (13,293/496,105) RR, 3.15 (1.91e5.19)a
sub-Saharan Africa (aOR, 2.23; 95%
CI, 1.74e2.86); Southeast Asia, East Asia, Instrumental 25 637,150 (16,128/621,022) RR, 3.38 (2.21e5.18)a
delivery (any)
and the Pacific (aOR, 2.08; 95% CI,
1.66e2.06); and North Africa and the Infant 13 257,130 (4960/252,170) MD, 163.71 (115.37e212.06)a
Middle East (aOR, 1.53; 95% CI, birthweight
1.21e1.95). Potential institutional bar- MD in duration of second stage of labor in minutes, MD in neonatal birthweight in grams. Reproduced with permission from
Pergialiotis et al.17
riers such as language, cultural practices,
CI, confidence interval; MD, mean difference; RR, risk ratio.
and health beliefs can increase OASI risk a
Significant risk factors.
because of their effects on antenatal ed-
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
ucation, patient decision-making with
regard to care, and communication and
relationships with healthcare pro-
fessionals (particularly in the active phase OASI.30e35 Table 3 describes the pre- index¼0.79) and externally (concor-
of labor). To achieve optimal maternity diction models published in the litera- dance index¼0.71) and had good per-
care, it is imperative that maternity staff ture and their performance. Given that formance.35 However, to minimize the
receive training with regard to the diverse VBAC is a risk factor for OASI, Luchristt risk of OASI significantly, the most use-
needs of migrant women. Moreover, at al35 aimed to develop a predictive ful prediction models are those that can
these subgroups of women need to be model to estimate the risk of OASI in this be used for counseling in the antenatal
identified and empowered antenatally population, using known antenatal fac- period. Webb et al in their retrospective
and be provided comprehensible educa- tors (maternal age, BMI at delivery, cohort study of 71,469 women (OASI
tion about maternity services and labor previous vaginal birth, smoking) and rate of 2.5%) attempted to address this
care.29 factors generated intrapartum (operative with their prediction model by exclu-
vaginal birth). In their model, factors sively including variables known before
Prediction models independently associated with OASI in birth. Advanced maternal age, fetal
Prediction models have been published the context of VBAC included assisted malposition (occipito-posterior), in-
in previous literature, which can allow vaginal birth and advanced maternal age, duction or augmentation of labor, and
clinicians to take into account non- whereas BMI and previous vaginal birth estimated infant birthweight 4000 g
modifiable risk factors and also modify were protective factors. The model was were found to be significant predictive
obstetrical practice to reduce the risk of validated internally (concordance factors. In addition, the predictive model

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 3

Expert Review

Summary of obstetrical anal sphincter injury prediction models and their performance
Reference Study design Factors AUCa
Chill et al,31 2021 Retrospective cohort Nulliparity 0.76
Advanced gestational age
Luchristt et al,35 2021 b Prospective cohort Advanced maternal age 0.79
No previous vaginal birth
Operative vaginal birth
McPherson et al,30 2014 Retrospective cohort Nulliparity 0.64
Ethnicity (African-Caribbean)
Birth in hospital
Water birth
Operative vaginal birth
Meister et al,34 2016 Retrospective cohort Nulliparity 0.83
Ethnicity (non-African American)
Prolonged second stage
Infant birthweight 3500 g
Operative vaginal birth
Webb et al,33 2017 Retrospective cohort Nulliparity 0.77
Induction/augmentation of labor
Prolonged second stage
Prolonged active second stage
Head circumference 37 cm
Increased birthweight (per unit [kg])
Mediolateral episiotomyc
Prebirth variables 0.71
Advanced maternal age
Fetal malposition (occipito-posterior)
Induction/augmentation of labor
Infant birthweight 4000 g
Woo et al,32 2020 Retrospective cohort Advanced maternal age d

Advanced gestational age

Ethnicity (Asian)
Prolonged second stage
Operative vaginal birth
Previous OASI
AUC, area under the curve; BMI, body mass index; OASI, obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
AUC on receiver operator curve analysis, which represented the percentage of the times that the prediction model would correctly assign a randomly selected patient; b Study population¼vaginal
birth after previous cesarean delivery; c Mediolateral episiotomy¼protective variable; d This study created a probability-based risk stratification tool and did not report the model AUC.
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

had acceptable performance, indicated interventions.33 Therefore, further massage can be commenced in the third
by the area under the curve of 0.71 on research is required to create a clinically trimester of pregnancy to increase mus-
receiver operator curve analysis, mean- useful prediction model that can be used cle elasticity and allow stretching of the
ing that 71% of the time the prediction to appropriately counsel women in the perineum during birth, thus reducing
model would correctly assign a antenatal period. the risk of tearing or need for episi-
randomly selected patient. However, it is otomy.36 Four published randomized
important to note that this model may Antenatal period control trials (RCTs) have evaluated the
not be useful clinically because of its low Perineal massage effectiveness of perineal massage using
specificity, which would lead to a high Women planning a vaginal birth can use almond oil by the woman or her partner
false-positive prediction rate with methods during pregnancy to reduce the from 34 weeks of gestation
associated and potentially unnecessary likelihood of perineal trauma. Perineal (Figure 1)37e40 in the antenatal period. A

4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022 Expert Review

Antenatal perineal massage Risk of perineal trauma requiring suturing with or without antenatal
technique perineal massage

Reproduced, with permission, from Beckmann and Stock.36

Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
Massage can be perfomed by applying down-
ward pressure in a U-shape (arrow).
Illustrated by N.A.O.
included 7 RCTs, which evaluated the Maternal position during labor and
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during
vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. effect of perineal massage in reducing birth
OASI incidence.37e43 This meta-analysis Although there have been studies
demonstrated that perineal massage reviewing the optimum position to allow
2013 Cochrane review pooled the effect significantly reduced the incidence of fetal head descent during the second
estimates from these RCTs and found OASI by 64% (RR, 0.36; 95% CI, stage of labor, the ideal position for de-
that perineal massage significantly 0.14e0.89).44 Unlike the Cochrane re- livery of the fetal head to prevent peri-
reduced the incidence of perineal trauma view,36 no subgroup analysis based on neal trauma is unclear, and there is no
requiring suturing in nulliparous parity was performed.44 In addition, consensus on the protective effect of
women (n¼1988) by 9% (risk ratio there was significant heterogeneity certain maternal positions in reducing
[RR], 0.90; 95% CI, 0.84e0.96) across the studies and evidence of pub- perineal trauma. The upright birthing
(Figure 2). However, the RCT by Lab- lication bias. Therefore, these findings position has become increasingly popu-
recque et al40 was the sole study report- should be interpreted with caution.44 lar over time because it is considered a
ing the outcome in multiparous women traditional method of birthing.45 How-
(n¼492). The authors found that ever, in the developed world, although
although the incidence of perineal Intrapartum these positions tend to occur most
trauma requiring suturing in multipa- During the labor process, there are commonly in home births, women in
rous women was lower with antenatal several interventions described in the birth facilities are more likely to adopt a
perineal massage, this was not of signif- literature that can be implemented at supine position in a labor bed because of
icant benefit.36,40 The number of different stages to reduce the risk of several factors, including cultural
nulliparous women needed to treat with perineal trauma. norms.46e48 A population-based survey
antenatal perineal massage to reduce 1
additional case of perineal trauma
requiring suturing was 14 (95% CI,
9e32). Perineal massage was also shown FIGURE 3
to significantly reduce the incidence of Incidence of episiotomy with or without antenatal perineal massage
episiotomy in nulliparous women by
17% (RR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.73e0.95)
(Figure 3). Again, this was not of sig-
nificant benefit in multiparous women.
The number of nulliparous women
needed to treat with antenatal perineal
massage to prevent 1 additional episi-
otomy was 18 (95% CI, 11e70).36 With
regard to the incidence of OASI, the 2013
Cochrane review found that there was no
significant benefit when antenatal peri- Reproduced, with permission, from Beckmann and Stock.36
neal massage was performed. However, a Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
recent meta-analysis published in 2020

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 5

Expert Review

of 2400 women who delivered in the Cochrane review that identified 30 In the United States, from 1990 to
United States found that over two-thirds relevant RCTs in the literature found 2015, the rate of forceps use reduced
of women had adopted a supine position that in women without epidural anes- from 5.1% to 0.6%, and the rate of
in a bed during their birth, whereas one- thesia, an upright position significantly vacuum use reduced from 3.9% to
third were in a semirecumbent posi- reduced the length of the second stage 2.6%.57 There is variation in assisted
tion.46 A plausible explanation for this is of labor by 6 minutes and reduced the vaginal birth rates in the United States,
that it provides healthcare professionals incidence of assisted vaginal birth by which have been shown to range be-
easier access to the maternal abdomen to 25%.48 The effect of an upright vs tween 1% and 23%, with Western re-
monitor the fetal heart rate, and it is the recumbent birth position in women gions having a higher rate (mean, 8.9%;
common position for conducting de- with an epidural has also been reviewed standard deviation [SD], 3.6) than the
livery, including assisted vaginal birth.48 in a Cochrane review; however, no clear East Coast (mean, 6.1%; SD, 2.5).58 In
Two systematic reviews have been benefit was found.53 the United Kingdom, the rate of assisted
performed previously to investigate vaginal birth ranges between 10% and
optimal birthing positions with regard to Assisted vaginal birth 15%.59 However, some institutions in
perineal trauma prevention49,50 Eason Assisted vaginal birth, if required, can be the United Kingdom have now reported
et al50 identified 7 RCTs that evaluated achieved with forceps or vacuum increased forceps use over time. A rise in
the effect of an upright birth position extraction. However, the incidence of forceps rate will not only increase the
using supporting furniture in compari- OASI is increased with assisted vaginal rate of OASIs but also the rate of levator
son with a recumbent (supine or lateral) birth, in particular with forceps extrac- avulsion, which is a significant etiologic
position. Although upright birthing po- tion. Gurol-Urganci et al54 demon- factor in the development of female
sitions were associated with fewer episi- strated in their large retrospective cohort pelvic organ prolapse.60 Tyagi et al61
otomies, there was an increased study conducted in the United Kingdom performed a retrospective cohort study
incidence of perineal trauma requiring that the incidence of OASI was increased in their maternity unit in the United
suturing. The weighted risk difference 7-fold when a forceps delivery was per- Kingdom, evaluating the incidence of
was small (2%; 95% CI, 5% to 9%), formed. This finding concurs with a forceps and vacuum births over 10 years.
with evidence of significant heterogene- Cochrane review including 10 studies Although the number of births increased
ity between the included studies, which (n¼2810 women) that demonstrated from 4694 to 6387, the rate of forceps-
makes it difficult to interpret the true that undergoing forceps delivery was assisted birth increased from 7.7% in
effect of birth position from this re- associated with a 2-fold increased risk of 2001 to 9.4% in 2010, whereas the rate of
view.50 Lodge et al49 identified an addi- anal sphincter trauma (RR, 1.83; 95% vacuum-assisted birth decreased from
tional RCT and 6 cohort studies that CI, 1.32e2.55) (Figure 4).55 Although 6.6% in 2001 to 3.3% in 2010.
reviewed natural or upright birth posi- there is a place for the use of both forceps In comparison with vacuum extrac-
tions and their effect on perineal trauma. and vacuum in clinical practice, this tion, forceps extraction is 42% less likely
In comparison with the review by Eason supports the progressive global shift to fail in achieving a vaginal birth (RR,
et al,50 their systematic review excluded away from the preferred use of forceps in 0.58; 95% CI, 0.39e0.88).55 Moreover,
birthing positions such as lithotomy, favor of vacuum extraction.56 in comparison with rigid (plastic and
supine or dorsal, lateral, and Trendelen-
burg position. Their review included the
RCT by Altman et al,51 which included FIGURE 4
106 women in a kneeling position, Incidence of OASI with forceps vs vacuum births
leaning toward the head of the delivery
bed or cushion, and 112 women in a
seated position in the delivery bed. This
study found no significant difference
between the 2 birthing positions in the
prevention of all grades of perineal
trauma and of OASI in subgroup anal-
ysis.51 However, it is important to
appreciate that sustaining perineal
trauma is multifactorial, and maternal
positions during labor can potentially
affect risk factors such as length of the
second stage of labor and rate of assisted Reproduced, with permission, from Verma et al.55
vaginal birth. Upright and lateral posi- OASI, obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
tions allow flexibility in the pelvis and Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
increase the size of the pelvic outlet.52 A

6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022 Expert Review

study performed in Singapore found that

more assisted vaginal births were per-
Manual perineal protection technique formed during office hours when a se-
nior obstetrician was present, in
comparison with second-stage cesarean
deliveries.62 This suggests the reluctance
of trainees to perform operative vaginal
births outside of these hours, perhaps
because of fear of failure and a litigious
medicolegal environment surrounding
obstetrics, which has been shown to
significantly affect obstetrical practice,
particularly assisted vaginal birth.63
Given that vacuum extraction is associ-
ated with an increased risk of failed
vaginal birth, clinicans in the United
Kingdom may prefer to use forceps. It is
important that appropriate supervision
and further training in vacuum extrac-
tion is provided to address this rising rate
of forceps use.

Perineal management techniques

When conducting vaginal births, many
practitioners promote the maintenance
of fetal head flexion during crowning to
minimize perineal stretch and trauma
because the smallest diameter is achieved
when the fetal head is well flexed in an
occiput anterior position.64 However,
flexion of the fetal head at crowning may
be ineffective because the fetal head must
extend slightly to navigate the birth ca-
nal, which has a 90 angle.65 In the
Cochrane review evaluating perineal
techniques used during the second stage
of labor and their effect on perineal
trauma, conclusions could not be drawn
with regard to the flexion technique,
because no studies that specifically used
this technique were identified.66 There is
no strong evidence to suggest that the
flexion technique reduces the incidence
of perineal trauma.
However, controlled delivery of the
presenting part by visualization of the
perineum throughout and cooperation
Illustrated by N.A.O. of the woman has been shown to be
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022. protective against perineal trauma.4 This
may often require the presence of a sec-
ond clinician to provide peer support
during the active second stage of labor.
metal) cups, soft (silicone) cups have differences in traction forces that can be The Oneplus multicenter RCT, per-
been associated with a 60% increased generated.55 Interestingly, the incidence formed in Sweden, assessed the effect of
failure rate (RR, 1.62; 95% CI, of assisted vaginal birth also seems to be a strategy called “collegiate assistance,”
1.21e2.17), probably owing to the related to human factors. A retrospective where a second midwife assists with

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 7

Expert Review

n¼1799 women). Again, its effect on

other grades of perineal tears and the
Incidence of OASI with manual perineal protection in non-randomized incidence of episiotomy was uncertain.66
studies The RCT by Dahlen et al72 performed in
Australia was the sole study to report the
technique for preparing the warm
compress. A sterile pad was soaked in
boiled tap water (between 45 C and
59 C), then wrung out and gently placed
on the perineum during contractions.
The pad was then resoaked to maintain
warmth (38 Ce44 C). The water in the
Reproduced, with permission, from Bulchandani et al.71 jug was replaced every 15 minutes
OASI, obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
(45.4 Ce59.7 C).72 However, the
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
controlled application of this procedure
could prove difficult.

birth and OASI preventative strategies. 55% lower with manual perineal pro- Episiotomy
This study found that collegiate assis- tection (n¼74,744 women; RR, 0.45; Episiotomy has been promoted as an
tance in the active second stage of labor 95% CI, 0.40e0.50). Figure 6 shows the intervention to expedite birth and
reduced the incidence of OASI by 31% pooled estimates of the 3 non-RCTs minimize serious perineal laceration.
(odds ratio, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.49e0.97).67 from the meta-analysis.71 However, a The type of episiotomy can vary, with the
Manual perineal protection can be plausible explanation for this difference midline episiotomy traditionally being
used to control the birth velocity of the is that none of the RCTs were powered to preferred in the United States and
fetal head, and reduce the presenting specifically examine the effect of manual mediolateral episiotomy in the United
diameter and subsequently the stretch perineal protection on OASI. Further- Kingdom and Europe.73,74 Mediolateral
on the perineum. This technique is more, technique compliance, time of episiotomies are performed at a lateral
widely practiced in Finland and involves perineal protection initiation, and angle of 60 from the midline at
controlling the speed of crowning by continued perineal support at the time of crowning of the fetal head.75 Lateral
exerting pressure on the fetal occiput delivery of the shoulders could not be episiotomies are performed 2 cm away
with the non-dominant hand while controlled for.71 from the midline, and midline episiot-
supporting the perineum with the thumb Other perineal management tech- omies are performed in the midline
and index finger of the dominant hand, niques to reduce the rate of OASI can through the central tendon of the peri-
with the flexed middle finger, applying also be considered during labor. This neal body.74
pressure on the fetal chin (Figure 5). In includes perineal massage and the The direction of an episiotomy is
addition, the woman is encouraged to application of a warm compress. A important in reducing trauma to the anal
stop pushing and to breathe rapidly while Cochrane review of 5 RCTs evaluating sphincter. Eogan et al76 measured the
the fetal head is guided slowly through the effect of perineal massage during the angle of episiotomy scars 3 months
the vaginal introitus by the clinician second stage of labor on perineal out- following delivery (100 primiparous
conducting the birth.68,69 A biome- comes has been conducted. Clinicians women) and found that the incidence of
chanical model evaluating the distribu- performed perineal massage by inserting OASI reduced by 50% for every 6 of the
tion of tension through the posterior 2 fingers into the vagina and applying episiotomy suture angle away from the
perineum during manual perineal pro- downward pressure using a rotating and midline. Following this, Kalis et al75
tection found that the technique reduced gentle sweeping motion onto the peri- performed a prospective cohort study
tension by approximately 40% relative to neum with a variety of lubricants of 60 women requiring an episiotomy,
a hands-off approach.70 (different oils, jelly, Vaseline, or water). and the incision angle of episiotomy
The meta-analysis by Bulchandani Perineal massage was shown to reduce (defined as 60 ) was measured before
et al71 evaluating the effect of manual the risk of OASI by 51% (RR, 0.49; 95% episiotomy, after repair, and after 6
perineal protection on OASI incidence CI, 0.25e0.94; n¼2477 women). How- months. They demonstrated that an
found inconsistent results between the ever, its effect on other grades of perineal incision angle of a mediolateral episi-
RCTs (n¼3) and non-RCTs (n¼3). The tears and the incidence of episiotomy otomy of 60 from the midline results in
3 RCTs demonstrated that the technique was uncertain. The use of a warm a postdelivery angle of 45 . Furthermore,
was not of significant benefit (n¼6647 compress applied to the perineum to lateral episiotomy did not differ signifi-
women; RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.21e1.89). reduce the rate of OASI was also covered cantly from mediolateral episiotomy
However, the 3 non-RCTs demonstrated in a Cochrane review that included 4 with respect to OASI incidence.74,75
that the pooled incidence of OASIs was RCTs (RR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.27e0.79; Further research controlling for

8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022 Expert Review

Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics mediolateral and lateral episiotomy with

recommends restrictive rather than vacuum and forceps deliveries on the
EPISCISSORS-60 used on a birth routine use of episiotomy.81 This is basis of a sample of 703,977 women, as
simulation model particularly relevant in the case of un- shown in Table 4. Figure 8 shows the
assisted vaginal births, for which a findings from the pooled estimates from
Cochrane meta-analysis demonstrated the meta-analysis for vacuum de-
that a policy of selective episiotomy liveries.87 We found that in nulliparous
reduced the incidence of OASI by 30% women there was a significant reduction
(RR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.52e0.94; n¼6177 in the rate of OASI of 49% when a
women). It is important to note that this mediolateral or lateral episiotomy was
also included 2 studies using midline performed with a vacuum-assisted birth.
episiotomy (n¼1143 women), and there This equated to a number needed to treat
were no subgroup differences found to prevent 1 additional OASI of 28
between the studies using midline and women. With forceps deliveries in
those using mediolateral episiotomy.82 nulliparous women, we demonstrated
From Sawant and Kumar D.77 According to these findings, there was a that there was a significant reduction in
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during
vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.
sharp decline in the use of episiotomy in the rate of OASI of 68% when a medio-
the United States from 60.9% in 1979 to lateral or lateral episiotomy was per-
9.4% in 2011.83,84 This reduction was formed (Figure 9). This finding was
episiotomy angle is therefore required. also observed with forceps-assisted associated with a number needed to treat
To address this, scissors angled at 60 to a births, where episiotomy use declined of 8 women to prevent 1 additional
marker guide limb pointing toward the by 72%, whereas it increased by 37% OASI. However, with multiparous
anus have been devised, called the with vacuum-assisted births83 However, women, although a reduction was also
EPISCISSORS-60 (Medinvent Ltd, the incidence of OASI following assisted observed with forceps and vacuum-
Gosport, United Kingdom) (Figure 7).78 vaginal birth increased from 7.7% in assisted births, this was not significant.
A meta-analysis evaluating the incidence 1979 to 15.3% in 2004.83 Although the It is important to note that all 3 meta-
of OASI before and after the imple- use of episiotomy declined in this time analyses included non-randomized
mentation of this device in 6 observa- period, the rise in OASI incidence may studies, with the presence of significant
tional studies (n¼14,027 women) have been because of a number of addi- heterogeneity and a high risk of bias
demonstrated a 2% risk difference [RD] tional factors. across studies, and therefore their results
(RD, 0.02; 95% CI, 0.03 to 0.00) in With regard to assisted vaginal births, should be interpreted with caution. To
OASI incidence.79 3 meta-analyses evaluated the effect of address this, Okeahialam et al87 per-
Potential risks associated with routine mediolateral and lateral episiotomy on formed sensitivity analyses by removing
episiotomy include blood loss, perineal OASI incidence.85e87 The most up-to- high-to-criticalebias studies to assess
pain, dyspareunia, and pelvic floor date meta-analyses performed by Okea- methodological heterogeneity. They
dysfunction.80 The International hialam et al87 studied the use of found that there was no significant

A comparison of the 3 meta-analyses evaluating incidence of obstetrical anal sphincter injury with mediolateral
or lateral episiotomy and assisted vaginal birth
Author (number of studies) Instrument Parity OR (95% CI) NNT
Okeahialam et al,87 2022 (n¼31) Forceps Nulliparous 0.32 (0.22e0.46)a 8
Multiparous 0.48 (0.18e1.25) n/a
Vacuum Nulliparous 0.51 (0.35e0.73) 28
Multiparous 0.58 (0.26e1.27) n/a
86 a
Lund et al, 2016 (n¼15) Vacuum Nulliparous 0.53 (0.47e0.77) 18
Sagi-Dain et al,85 2015 (n¼15) Vacuum Nulliparous 0.68 (0.43e1.07) n/a
Multiparous 1.27 (1.05e1.53) n/a
CI, confidence interval; n/a, not applicable; NNT, number needed to treat; OR, odds ratio.
Significant findings.
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 9

Expert Review

OASI incidence with mediolateral or lateral episiotomy and vacuum-assisted births in nulliparous and
multiparous women

Reproduced with permission from Okeahialam et al.87

OASI, obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

difference between the studies of low to Quality improvement initiatives College of Midwives supported the
moderate risk of bias and those of high There is a growing body of evidence implementation and evaluation of the
to critical risk of bias.87 However, it is from the United Kingdom, Norway, and OASI Care Bundle project in 16 mater-
clear that larger, higher-quality studies Denmark that the implementation of nity units across the United Kingdom.
are required to provide concise quality improvement initiatives Figure 10 describes the 4 elements of this
evidence-based data to inform future including the training of clinicians in project, which include antenatal educa-
policy. Nevertheless, performing a RCT manual perineal protection and medio- tion, manual perineal protection and
with episiotomy as the intervention lateral episiotomy can reduce the inci- mediolateral episiotomy if clinically
may prove difficult because the decision dence of OASI.89e91 For example, in indicated, and systemic per vaginal and
to perform is based on clinical 2018 the Royal College of Obstetricians rectal examination to assess for anal
judgment.88 and Gynaecologists and the Royal sphincter injury. The implementation of

10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022 Expert Review

OASI incidence with mediolateral or lateral episiotomy and forceps-assisted births in nulliparous and multiparous

Reproduced with permission from Okeahialam et al.87

OASI, obstetrical anal sphincter injury.
Okeahialam. The prevention of perineal trauma during vaginal birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2022.

this initiative was found to significantly encouraging. Women reported that they delivery speed, and by encouraging
reduce the risk of OASI by 20% (aOR, felt supported and empowered, partic- birthing positions other than the sem-
0.80; 95% CI, 0.65e0.98), with no ef- ularly when clinicians communicated irecumbent position, particularly the
fect on cesarean delivery or episiotomy well. Furthermore, most women did upright position. They recruited clinical
rates. Potential confounding factors not have a negative experience with champions who routinely engaged with
accounted for the included time period manual perineal protection or medio- staff to improve motivation. Women-
and risk factors including age, ethnicity, lateral episiotomy.93 It is also important centered care is of utmost importance,
body mass index, parity, birthweight, for clinicians to feel empowered to and clinicians felt encouraged to engage
and mode of birth.91 Other perineal advocate for a change in clinical prac- and reduce the risk of OASI when
care bundles have been implemented tice. The STOMP (Stop Traumatic informed about the potential long-term
following this, including the Women’s OASI Morbidity Project) quality implications.94 There is great scope for
Health Care Australasia Clinical Excel- improvement project in the United the implementation of care bundles
lence Commission perineal care bundle Kingdom aimed to reduce OASI inci- that encompass different preventative
in Australia, which also advocates for dence by promoting the slowing down measures to reduce the rate of OASI.
the use of warm perineal compress.92 of the delivery of the vertex and However, it is important that this be
The self-reported experiences of shoulders by encouraging women to implemented and sustained effectively.
women during the application of peri- stop pushing during crowning, by To evaluate the feasibility of this,
neal care bundles in labor were applying 1 hand to manually control the OASI2, a randomized hybrid

MONTH 2022 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 11

Expert Review

(OASIS) and anal incontinence: a meta-analysis.

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14 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2022

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