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These questions are consolidated by Aneesah Khadijah. She got these questions from her friends. You are a lawyer representing your client in the court. You are required to sue the other party on behalf of your client based on the scenario given. You should start by briefly explaining the case, followed by submitting your claim. The panellists are the judges. Scenario 1: Your client is a news reporter. One day while walking in Taiping, a wooden board fell from a building under construction. It hit her in the heel. She had 3 surgeries and now she walks with a noticeable limp. She is suing the construction company. Scenario 2 : Your client lives in the countryside. A big chicken farm wants to buy the property next to your client. Your client wants to prevent the purchase. He is worried about the smell, noise and increased traffic Scenario 3 : Your clients are the surviving relatives of a 16-year-old girl who committed suicide. They are suing Facebook because cyberbullying on Facebook led to her death Scenario 4; Your client was walking in Kota Kinabalu at night when he fell in a deep hole in the sidewalk and broke his leg. He is suing the Kota Kinabalu City Council. Scenario 5 : Your client is an elderly woman. Her 40 year old son has been forcing her to write cheques to him so that he can pay off his gambling debts. Scenario 6 : Your client is a husband who recently divorced. He was allowed to take his daughter for one weekendm only two days to go shopping in Penang, but he kept her for three days. His wide is now suing for full custody. Scenario 7 : Your client is a 19-year-old man accused of illegally downloading 10,000 songs. He says that everyone does it and that he did not realize that it was illegal. Scenario 8 : Your client is a lawyer. She is being sued because she missed an important deadline and the judge dismissed her client's case. She says that she forgot about the deadline because she had too many things to do and her mother recently passed away. Scenario 9: Your client is Ayda. The New Year stage shows organized by Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam ended on an ugly note when seven youths threw bottles and stones at the performers. Ayda, the artist then performing, claimed that she had been assaulted even though she was not hit by the bottles or stones. Scenario 10: Your client is the owner of a chemical factory. The people who live near the factory are suing it. They say that their children have been getting sick from the pollution. Scenario 11: Your client is a lecturer in a university. She is accused of taking bribes from the students in exchange for high marks. She denies taking the bribes but she agrees that the students tried to bribe her. The university fired her and now she is suing for wrongful dismissal. Scenario 12: Your client is a 22-year-old woman. She had surgery to have her appendix removed. The doctor forgot to take out a sponge when she finished the surgery. Now your client has a major infection Scenario 13 : Your client Scenario 14: Your client bought a homemade makeups using natural herbs from a couple. Her skin became irritates and she got hospitalized for 6 day. In the product, it wasn't mentioned anything about the ingredients.

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