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Test de evaluare sumativă pentru clasa a VI-a

I. Read the text carefully and say if the senteces below are True or False: (20 points)
Dinosaurs first appeared during the Triassic period, between 245 and 233.23 million years ago
(mya), although the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is a subject of active
research. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic
extinction event 201.3 mya and their dominance continued throughout the Jurassic and
Cretaceous periods. The fossil record shows that birds are feathered dinosaurs, having
evolved from earlier theropods during the Late Jurassic epoch, and are the only dinosaur
lineage known to have survived the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event approximately 66
mya. Dinosaurs can therefore be divided into avian dinosaurs—birds—and the extinct non-
avian dinosaurs, which are all dinosaurs other than birds.
Using fossil evidence, paleontologists have identified over 900 distinct genera and more than
1,000 different species of non-avian dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are represented on every continent
by both extant species (birds) and fossil remains. Most research conducted since the 1970s has
indicated that dinosaurs were active animals with elevated metabolisms and numerous
adaptations for social interaction. Some were herbivorous, others carnivorous. Evidence
suggests that all dinosaurs were egg-laying, and that nest-building was a trait shared by many
dinosaurs, both avian and non-avian. (Adapted from
1. Dinosaurs disappeared during the Triassic period. True/False
2. Dinosaurs became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic
extinction event. True/False
3. Dinosaurs can be divided into avian dinosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs. True/False
4. Dinosaurs are not represented on every continent. True/False
5. Some dinosaurs were herbivorous, while others were carnivorous. True/False
II. USE OF ENGLISH - Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences below:
(50 points)
1. His behaviour is much ..........than his sister’s.
a) more bad b) worst c) worse
2. She .......... to watch cartoons when she was in primary school.
a) didn’t use b) uses c) didn’t used
3. I am your favourite cousin, ..........?
a) am I not? b) aren’t I? c) isn’t it?
4. Too much homework .......... anyone.
a) don’t help b) help c) doesn’t help
5. We disagree with your decision .......... it doesn’t consider the impact on the environment.
a) because b) but c) and

6. Look out! That engine .......... explode!
a) will b) is going to c) can
7. Both my parents could speak English very .......... when they were in high school.
a) good b) well c) better
8. .......... dictionaries are these? They are Mary’s and Susan’s.
a) Who b) Who’s c) Whose
9. She is singing .........., but only because of her sore throat.
a) badly b) bad c) not beautiful
10. We all know that water .......... at 100 degrees Celsius.
a) is boilling b) will boils c) boils
III. In one paragraph of 50-75 words, write about a birthday party you attended. Give
your composition an interesting title. (20 points)
Make sure you answer the following questions: a.Whose party was it? b. How long ago was
it? c. Where was it? d. Who did you go with? e. What present did you bring with you? f. What
did you eat? g. What did you drink? h. How did you have fun? i. What time did it finish? j.
What did you like best?









Test de evaluare sumativă pentru clasa a VI-a
Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor subiectelor se acordă 100 de puncte. (Se acordă 10 puncte
din oficiu.) Timpul de elaborare a răspunsurilor este de 50 de minute.


1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True

PART II - USE OF ENGLISH (10 x 0,5 = 50 points)

1.c; 2.a; 3.b; 4.c; 5.a; 6.b; 7.b; 8.c; 9.a; 10.c.


Marking scheme:

• Content and organisation - complete relevance to the topic, describing a past event as well
as the atmosphere and meeting the length requirements - 5 points;
• Vocabulary/Spelling - a wide range of vocabulary used appropriately and accurately;
conveying precise meaning; rare minor errors; well controlled spelling - 5 points;
• Structures/ Punctuation - a wide range of grammatical structures used accurately and
flexibly; rare minor errors; very well-controlled punctuation - 5 points;
• Register and Style/ Effect on target reader - total relevance and integration of the register to
the task; the reader's sustained interest - 5 points.

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