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They ask the most insincere, “Are you okay?

How do I respond to that?
“Oh yeah, Im struggling with so many mental issues, i self-harm and i want to kill myself; i’ve
tried 7 times before and am also questioning whether school or home is worse, but other
than that im fine what about you?”
Like no they will tell everyone and i'll be frowned upon
And if i tell a teacher, they will contact my parents and shit will get much worse
No, I am not okay!
I can't sleep, I feel ugly all the time, I feel fat asf, i have mh problems and a few ph problems.
I am struggling
I feel like a danger to myself and the world around me
Teachers, doctors and specialists only care because they get paid; if it was for free no one
would give a shit
I need help
“Friends” aren't even friends anymore they just want to spread things to be popular
They find dirt on you and will leave you one time
Lovers ; boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives etc. are all great therapists but when there
is a break-up or divorce, what do you think they would do with that information?
99 out of 100 times, it will spread through out and ruin your chances of finding someone new
But no, I am so damn fucking okay!

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