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Read all questions and instructions carefully and answer the following questions coherently.

1. Differentiate the 6 different Repository Types.

2. Discuss the importance of Data Visualization.
Read all questions and instructions carefully and answer the following questions coherently.
1. Briefly differentiate the two ethical principles in the health profession.
2. Discuss the 5 key functions of technological security tools according to the National
research Council.
3. Briefly discuss the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Read all questions and instructions carefully and answer the following questions coherently.
1. Differentiate the 6 different Repository Types.
There are six (6) different repository types: study, electronic health record registry, warehouse
collection and federation. Study comes from research studies and electronic medical records.
Electronic Health Record collects the observations for a specific clinical research study. The
registry collects data on focused populations to track outcomes. The warehouse establishes a
connection between data from current systems. Collection organizes data from more
organizations than a warehouse, and more original data sources than a registry. Federation is
like collection except that physical control over data is distributed among organizations.
2. Discuss the importance of Data Visualization.
The importance of data visualization is it can help us to deliver data in the most efficient way.
We need data visualization because our brain isn’t well equipped to devour so much raw,
unorganized information and turn it to something usable and understandable. We need to use
graphs to assess how the outcomes of a certain intervention will be based on isolating certain

Read all questions and instructions carefully and answer the following questions coherently.
1. Briefly differentiate the two ethical principles in the health profession.
Autonomy is the ability to make decisions for oneself, also known as self-
government and upholds the right of individuals to make decisions about their own
healthcare. An example of an autonomy is even if a parent or a guardian is present, the
patient must be the one to make the decisions. The beneficence is the act of being kind.
The actions of the healthcare provider are designed to bring about a positive outcome and
the non-maleficence means doing no harm. Providers must ask themselves whether their
actions may harm the patient. An example of beneficence is it’s the healthcare provider’s
obligations to execute test and treatments using a high-quality equipment so the patients
benefit from this since the healthcare providers used a high-quality equipment and they’ll
get an accurate and dependable results. An example of non-maleficence is that it is the
responsibility of a healthcare provider to conduct test and treatments using a high-quality
equipment and skills so patients know that they’ll get a reliable and accurate results.
2. Discuss the 5 key functions of technological security tools according to the
National research Council.
Availability ensures the timely and reliable access to and use of information.
Accountability means that people will be held responsible for their actions and for how
they perform their duties. Perimeter identification is about securing who can access to the
information system. Controlling access enables access for health care providers to
manage who is authorized to access information.. Comprehensibility and control
3. Briefly discuss the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012.
The Data Privacy Act of 2012 is the government’s way of ensuring that personal
and private data from various stakeholders are protected through law. It outlines the
provisions, penalties, government responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of those who
handle and own data and its implementation through the National Privacy Commission. It
is an important law that every citizen must be familiar with, as our lives are now more
intertwined with the Internet, and along with this comes more opportunities for criminals to
take advantage of our data

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