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John Lloyd Y.

Abutanatin July 29, 2023

BSBA – MM / Block – A


The Success Rate and Factors Affecting the Outcome of Assisted Reproductive
Treatment in Subfertile Men
What is this article all about?
The article published in the Iran Journal of Public Health in February 2020 explores the
success rate of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments in couples with male
factor infertility. The study aims to identify the factors that influence the success of ART
treatments and the time it takes to achieve a live birth.
The research conducted a historical cohort study involving 323 couples with male factor
infertility who underwent either intrauterine insemination (IUI) or intracytoplasmic sperm
injection (ICSI) treatment. The outcome of the ART treatment was defined as a live birth.
The study analyzed various factors such as demographic data, hormonal tests, type of
infertility, treatment history, and physical examination.
The results of the study showed that the success rate of ART treatments was low
regardless of the length of treatment. However, the success rate increased with the
length of time and repetition of treatment. The cumulative proportion of cases
experiencing delivery increased over time, with 34% of cases experiencing delivery in
the first year, 65% in the first three years, and 78% in the first five years of continuous
The study also identified
several factors that influenced
the treatment outcome. In the
first attempt, the type of male
infertility and the type of ART
treatment were significant
factors affecting the success
rate. In terms of live birth, the
man's body mass index (BMI)
and the type of ART treatment
were significant factors.
Overall, the article provides
insights into the success rate
of ART treatments in couples
with male factor infertility and
highlights the importance of
considering factors such as
treatment duration, type of
infertility, and BMI in predicting
treatment outcomes.
The Success Rate:
The success rate of male infertility treatment was evaluated in a historical cohort
study. The study included 323 couples with male factor infertility who had undergone
either intrauterine insemination (IUI) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
treatment. The outcome of the assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment was
defined as a live birth.
The study found that the rate of live birth in the first attempt was 29.7%.
However, after several treatment cycles, 44.9% of the couples were successful in
achieving a live birth. The study also identified several factors that affected the
treatment outcome. These factors included previous treatment history, type of infertility,
treatment method, man's body mass index (BMI), normality of sperm, and sperm head.
Furthermore, the study conducted a survival analysis to investigate the factors
affecting the time to live birth. The cumulative proportion of cases experiencing delivery
increased over time, with 34% of cases experiencing delivery in the first year, 65% in
the first three years, and 78% in the first five years of continuous treatment.
In conclusion, the success rate of male infertility treatment varied depending on
various factors. The chances of successful treatment were higher when considering the
length of time and having a live birth was determined to be 78% after five years of
continuous treatment.

Zarinara, A., Akhondi, M. M., Ramezanzadeh, F., Shafeghati, S., & Jafarabadi, M.
(2020). The Success Rate and Factors Affecting the Outcome of Assisted Reproductive
Technology in Couples with Male Factor Infertility. Iran Journal of Public Health, 49(2),
332-340. Retrieved from

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