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burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112

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Predictors for limb amputation and reconstructive

management in electrical injuries

Nadine Pedrazzi a,b, Holger Klein a,b, Tony Gentzsch a, Bong-Sung Kim a,

Matthias Waldner a, Pietro Giovanoli a, Jan Plock a,b, Riccardo Schweizer a,
Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Burn Center, University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland
Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery, Kantonsspital Aarau, Switzerland

a rt i cl e in fo ab strac t

Article history: Background: Electrical injuries follow a specific pathophysiology and may progressively
Accepted 9 August 2022 damage both skin and deeper tissues, frequently ending in amputations. Type and timing
of soft tissue reconstruction after electrical burns is crucial for proper outcome. The aim of
Keywords: this study was to assess surgical management and outcome of patients with electrical
Electrical burn injuries treated at the Zurich Burn Center over the last 15 years, with emphasis on risk
High-voltage factors for amputation and reconstructive strategy.
Amputation Methods: Patient charts were reviewed retrospectively to identify cases admitted at the
Reconstruction Zurich Burns Center (2005–2019). Patient characteristics and surgical management, with a
Free flap special focus on amputations, reconstruction and outcome were analyzed and risk factors
for amputation were assessed.
Results: Eighty-nine patients were identified and a total of 522 operations were performed.
Escharotomy and fasciotomies were performed in 40.5% and 24.7% of cases, respectively, mainly
at admission. The total amputation rate was 13.5% (23 amputations, 12 patients). Development
of compartment syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, high myoglobin and CK blood levels, kidney failure,
sepsis and respiratory complications during the course were related to higher risk of amputation
(p < 0.001). Sixty-six flap-based reconstructions were performed (25% cases): 49 loco-regional
flaps, 3 distant pedicled flaps, 14 free flaps. Two flaps were lost (flap failure rate 14%). Both flap
losses occurred in cases of early reconstruction (within 5–21 days).
Conclusions: Electrical injuries are still cause of elevated morbidity and mortality, with high
amputation rate. Predictors for amputation can support physicians in the surgical care and
decision-making. Reconstruction remains challenging in this type of injury: the surgical
management with early decompression, serial necrectomies and delayed early re-
construction remains the procedure of choice at our unit.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (

Abbreviations: ABSI, Abbreviated Burn Severity Index; CI, Confidence interval; CK-MB, Creatinine kinase myocardial band; CK,
Creatinine kinase; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICU, Length of intensive care unit stay; IQR, Interquartile range; LOR,
Length of rehabilitation; LOS, Total length of hospital stay; TBSA, Total Body Surface Area

Correspondence to: Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Plastische Chirurgie und Handchirurgie, Rämistrasse 100, 8091 Zürich,
E-mail addresses: (N. Pedrazzi), (R. Schweizer).
0305-4179/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creative-
1104 burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112

Acute renal failure was defined according to the classification

1. Introduction
of RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage kidney disease)
and AKIN (Acute Kidney Injury Network), which assesses the
Electrical burn injuries account for 3–7% of all burn patients
degree of damage based on the presence of one of the following
[1–6]. Nevertheless, this type of injury may be destructive, se-
parameters: an increase in serum creatinine level, a decrease in
quentially damaging both skin and deeper tissues, endangering
glomerular filtration rate, or a change in the volume of urine
the limb function and frequently ending in amputation. Patho-
output [12]. Rhabdomyolysis was identified by combining clinical
physiology of electrical injuries is different from thermal burns.
assessment with blood tests confirming a marked acute peak in
Non-thermally mediated tissue damage can occur when elec-
serum creatine kinase (CK) and myoglobin. As part of our stan-
tricity produces pores in the cellular lipid bilayer membranes
dard admission protocol, patients with relevant skin burns re-
(electroporation), that may contribute to progressive muscle
ceived a first debridement, consisting of whole-body disinfection
necrosis, often resulting in amputation [7,8]. Limb loss re-
with iodine soap, debridement of all blisters and shaving. TBSA
presents a devastating repercussion of electrical injury. Accu-
was calculated using Lund-Browder Charts after initial debride-
rately predict the outcome of electrical burns is very challenging
ment. Fluid resuscitation occurred according to University of
[9]. Literature analyzing the predictive factors of amputation
Utah protocol [13]. Decision for decompression was made
specifically in electrical burns is scarce, however, it has been
mainly by clinical evaluation, while compartment pressure was
proposed that any element related with the amount of muscle
checked in distinct unclear cases. With the aim of minimizing
injury can potentially be used to predict the need of limb am-
pressure-related tissue damage, prophylactic fasciotomies have
putation [8,10].
been performed in all patients with severe high voltage ex-
The type and timing of soft tissue reconstruction after
tremity injuries since 2014 [14]. Amputation was evaluated in
electrical burns is an additional important aspect that is
presence of gangrene, septic complications, destruction of vital
crucial for proper outcome and matter of debate. Because of
structures such as nerves and vessels, precluding functional
the pathophysiology of electrical burns, characterized by
salvage of the limb; in addition, general medical condition, age
progressive tissue necrosis and denaturation of blood vessels
and willingness of the patient to go through a reconstructive
[7], a debate about the timing of reconstruction still open [11].
path were considered. The reconstruction timing after electrical
The aim of this study was to assess surgical management
burn was classified into primary reconstruction (performed
and outcome of patients with electrical injuries treated at the
within the accident and 6 weeks after the injury) and secondary
Zurich Burn Center, one of two national burn centers in
reconstruction (performed 6 weeks or later after the injury)
Switzerland, over the last 15 years, with emphasis on risk
[11,15]. The primary reconstruction was itself subdivided into
factors for amputation and reconstructive strategies.
immediate (< 5 days after trauma), delayed early (within
5–21 days) and intermediate (within 21 days and 6 weeks). After
free flap reconstruction, patients received initially prophylactic
2. Methods anticoagulation with heparin (controlled through anti-Xa factor).
If no signs of bleeding were encountered after 24 h, the dose was
This retrospective chart analysis was performed in accordance adjusted to therapeutic.
with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the local Ethics Discrete values were expressed as counts with percen-
Commission (KEK Nr. 2019–00856, June 13, 2019). Informed con- tages, while continuous variables were presented as mean ±
sent was retrieved from patients where necessary. Patients standard deviation (SD) or median with interquartile range
equal or older than 16 years admitted at the burns unit at the (IQR) as appropriate. Log10-transformation was performed to
University Hospital of Zurich due to electrical injury between achieve Gaussian distribution for skewed continuous vari-
January 2005 and December 2019 were extracted from in our ables. Continuous baseline characteristics were compared
digital patient database and their charts reviewed. All available between groups (no limb loss vs. limb loss) using ANOVA.
charts were analyzed for following criteria: age at admission, Contingency tables with Chi-Square test and risk parameters
gender, Total Body Surface Area (TBSA), Abbreviated Burn were used to demonstrate associations between baseline
Severity Index (ABSI), degree and localization of burn, injury characteristics/complications and the status of limb ampu-
type, surgical management, complications, length of stay, am- tation. Binomial logistic regression models with receiver op-
putations, reconstructive surgery and outcome. Risk factors for erating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to predict the
amputation were analyzed. We included patient’s character- outcome no limb loss vs. limb loss. All tests were two tailed;
istics, including pre-existing medical diagnosis presented at the p < 0.05 was considered significant. Data were analyzed
time of admission not caused by the accident. Thousand volts using Jamovi (The Jamovi Project 2020, version 1.2) and
were defined as cut-off between low and high-voltage [3]. Acute GraphPad Prism version 6.00 for Macintosh (GraphPad
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), infections (pneumonia, Software, La Jolla California USA).
bronchitis), pulmonary embolisms, and pleural complications
have been included as pulmonary complications. Traumatic
brain injuries, hypoxic encephalopathy, septic encephalopathy, 3. Results
cerebral edema, intracranial hypertension and cerebral hemor-
rhage were included as neurological complications. Diagnosis of 3.1. Patient characteristics and injuries
renal failure based on a combination of reduced glomerular fil-
tration rate and urine output, elevation of serum creatinine and Eighty-nine patients with electrical injuries were identified,
uremia. with an average of 6 patients per year. The patient and injury
burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112 1105

Table 1 – Patient characteristics and injuries. ABSI, the patients with renal failure (n = 9, 50%) fully recovered
abbreviated burns severity index; N, number; Q1, renal function, while the other half died during the course.
quartile 1; Q3, quartile 3; TBSA, total body surface area. As a matter of redundancy, we have avoided describing
Characteristics N (%) / results again, that have been published previously. We refer
Median (Q1;Q3) to our previous publication focusing on clinical outcome:
Age 34.0 (23.0;47.0) Schweizer R, Pedrazzi N, et al. Risk Factors for Mortality and
Gender Prolonged Hospitalization in Electric Burn Injuries. J Burn
Male 77 (86.5%)
Care Res Off Publ Am Burn Assoc 2020 [7].
Female 12 (13.5%)
Work-related 59 (66.3%) 3.2. Initial surgical management
Non work-related 30 (33.7%)
Suicide 10 (11.2%) A total of 522 operations were performed, of which 456 during
Voltage the first hospitalization (87.4%), 54 during elective read-
High-Voltage 66 (74.2%) missions (10.3%) and 12 after emergency readmissions (2.3%).
Low-Voltage 23 (25.8%)
A median of 3 operations (IQR 2.0; 8.0) were done per patient.
Type of injury
Three patients (3.4%), with superficial hand burns, did not
Arc 43 (48.3%)
Contact 38 (42.7%) undergo any operation. Patients affected by low-voltage cur-
Unknown mechanism 8 (9%) rent had less surgeries (n = 79; median 2.0; IQR 1.5, 3.0)
TBSA (%) 12.5 (4.6;36.0) compared to patients with high-voltage injuries (n = 443;
ABSI 5.0 (4.0;7.0) median 4.0; IQR 2.0, 10.8). Patients between 41% and 60%
Concomitant injuries TBSA underwent most operations (median 12; IQR 7.0, 15.5).
Fractures 15 (16.8%)
Escharotomy and fasciotomies were performed in 36 (40.5%)
Traumatic Brain Injury 16 (18%)
Inhalation Injury (bronchoscopy 8 (9%)
and 22 patients (24.7%), respectively, mainly at admission.
confirmed) Out of the 35 circumferential lesions mentioned above, 13
(37.1%) benefited from an escharotomy, while 15 a fas-
ciotomy (42.9%). Further surgical care included reiterated
debridements/ necrectomies (n = 53; 59.5%).
characteristics are provided in Table 1. From the various
anatomical regions involved, the most commonly afflicted
3.3. Amputation and risk factors
were the upper extremities (81 cases; 91%), followed by lower
extremities (53 cases; 59.5%), trunk (46 cases; 51.7%), head (46
The total amputation rate was 13.5%, with 23 amputations
cases; 51.7%), neck (35 cases; 39.3%) and gluteal and genital
performed in 12 patients (Table 2). All the amputated pa-
region (17 cases; 19.1%) (Fig. 1). Sixty-two patients (69.7%) had
tients had high-voltage traumas. Fifteen amputations af-
at least one hand injured: 29 one hand (32.6%) and 33 both
fected the upper extremities (finger, n = 5; hand, n = 1;
hands (37.1%). Thirty-five circumferential burns were found
forearm, n = 3; upper arm, n = 6) and 8 the lower extremities
in 17 patients: 17 circumferential burns affected the legs
(lower leg, n = 6; thigh, n = 2). Five patients (41.7% of all am-
(48.6%), 11 the arms (31.4%), five the hands (14.3%), one the
putees) had single amputation while 7 (58.3%) had the am-
trunk (2.9%) and one the neck (2.9%). Among the electrical
putation of multiple anatomical parts. Furthermore, 2
burn patients included, 18 (20.2%) experienced renal failure
women (2.2%) had bilateral mastectomies. Of 23 amputations
during the course, of whom 12 (67%) received dialysis. Half of
performed, 18 were preceded by fasciotomy (78.3%) as sal-
vage procedure. In 2 cases (16.7%) a limited amputation
(fingers or hand only) was attempted for salvage before
whole extremity amputation. On average, amputations were
performed on the tenth day after admission (median 4 days;
IQR 3.0, 9.0).
Blood creatinine kinase (CK) and myoglobin median va-
lues during the first 3 days increased from 465.5 to 2′130 U/l
and from 388 to 1′123 µg/l, respectively. Patients with high-
voltage lesions had higher median CK and myoglobin mean
values than patients with low-voltage lesions (Fig. 2A-B). We
compared the patient collective with and without amputa-
tion (Table 3). The two groups showed no significant differ-
ence in age, gender, co-morbidities and TBSA. Among
amputated patients, 83% developed rhabdomyolysis during
the initial course, compared to only 21% of non-amputated
patients (p < 0.001). Fig. 3A and B depict the probability of a
necessary subsequent amputation according to the level of
Fig. 1 – Burned body region. Number of patients (y-axis), by CK and myoglobin during the first 3 days upon admission
burned body region (x-axis), per type of burn (circular vs. using estimated marginal means derived from binomial lo-
non-circular burn). gistic regression models. Overall, at admission amputated
1106 burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112

Table 2 – Amputated patient characteristics. II, partial-thickness burn; IIb, deep partial-thickness burn; III, full thickness
burn; F, female; M, male; N, number; TBSA, total body surface area.
Age / Gender TBSA (%) / Voltage / Mechanism / Local injury and degree N of Amputation / Days after admission
Amputated area

44/M 58 / High / Contact n=1 2

Leg right IIb, foot right III Distal lower leg right
22/M 4 / High / Contact n=1 7
Arm and hand left III Hand left
26/M 32 / High / Arc n=2
Arm right II, hand right III Upper arm right 3
Arm and hand left III Upper arm left 3
18/M 30 / High / Contact n=1 33
Arm left II, hand left III Upper arm left
24/M 6 / High / Unknown n=2
Arm left III, hand left III circular Upper arm left 5
Arm right IIb, Hand right IIb Phalanx Finger 2 right 77
23/M 26 / High / Contact n=2
Arm and hand right III circular Upper arm right 1
Leg right III circular Thigh right 5
28/M 32 / High / Contact n=1 0
Arm and hand right III Forearm right
22/M 10 / High / Contact n=5
Arm and hand right III Fingers 1–4 right 4
Forearm right 11
37/M 70 / High / Contact n=2
Both legs and feet III Lower leg right 5
Lower leg left 5
26/F 62 / High / Arc n=2
Both legs and feet III Lower leg left 14
Lower leg right 16
52/F 77 / High / Unknown n=1 16
Leg left III Lower leg left
48/M 27.5 / High / Unknown n=3
Arm and hand right III circular Forearm right 1
Leg right III circular Upper arm right 3
Thigh right 3

patients presented a median myoglobin level of 25′965 µg/l distant pedicled and 14 free microvascular tissue transfers.
(7′127 µg/l on day 2, 2′515 µg/l on day 3), while non-ampu- Forty-nine locoregional flaps were performed on 21 patients
tated had 242 µg/l (491 µg/l day 2, 581 µg/l day 3) (p < 0.001) (23.6%), 28 of them during the acute phase and first hospi-
(Fig. 3A). Similarly, admission blood CK was 30′045 µg/l talization, while 21 during further hospital stays, for sec-
(22′067 µg/l day 2, 11,483 µg/l day 3) compared to non-ampu- ondary correction of scars or defects. Most of the patients
tated cases with 326 µg/l (673 µg/l day 2, 515 µg/l day 3) (n = 16, 76.2%) who benefited from this type of reconstruction
(p < 0.001) (Fig. 3B). Fifty-eight percent of the amputees pre- had high-voltage lesions (Table 4). Local reconstructions in-
sented renal failure during the stay, compared to 14% among cluded muscle flaps (n = 7, 14.3%), mucosal flaps for re-
non-amputated cases (p < 0.001). Fifty percent of the ampu- construction of the oral area (n = 8, 16.3%), and a wide variety
tees presented a compartment syndrome, compared to 17% of cutaneous and fasciocutaneous local flaps (n = 34, 69.4%).
among non-amputated cases (p < 0.01). Seventy-five percent Three patients (3.4%) had a pedicled groin flap to cover de-
of the amputated patients presented a lung complication and fects in the hand and distal forearm. Twelve patients (13.5%)
67% a sepsis during the follow-up, compared to 27% and 16% underwent free microvascular tissue transfer, mostly after
among non-amputated cases (p < 0.001 for both complica- high-voltage injury (n = 10, 83.3%). Free microvascular tissue
tions). transfers consisted primarily in arterialized venous flaps
(n = 4), followed by latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps (n = 3) and
3.4. Reconstruction anterolateral thigh (ALT) flaps (n = 3), gracilis (n = 2), serratus
(n = 1) and sural (n = 1) flaps (Fig. 4A, Table 4). The majority of
Sixty-two patients received split-thickness skin grafts (69.7%). microvascular tissue transfers (n = 12, 85.7%) were primary
Sixty-six flap-based reconstructions were performed in 23 reconstruction (< 6 weeks after accident), while a minority
patients (25.8%), with a total of 49 loco-regional flaps, 3 (n = 2, 14.3%) were secondary reconstruction (> 6 weeks)
burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112 1107

injury. Indeed, high myoglobin and CK levels during the first

3 days correlated to significantly higher chance for ex-
tremity amputation, which is in line with other reports
identifying initial serum CK values as a prognostic para-
meter for the assessment of amputation risk [8,16,17].
Hsueh et al. set a cut-off value for CK-MB of 80 ng/ml and CK
of 7233 U/l above which the risk of amputation is extremely
high [8] and Kopp et al. states that in these patients blood
CK represents muscle injury much better than TBSA [17]. No
significant correlation between TBSA and amputation risk
was found in our analysis. Conversely, in Bartley et al. and
Tarim et al. TBSA seems to correlate significantly with am-
putation risk [10,18]. Also myoglobinuria was found in-
dicator of muscle damage and predictor for amputation [19],
[20]. In our analysis, no significant correlation was found
between patients' pre-existing diseases and their risk of
limb loss. In contrast, Thornburg et al. reported that some
co-morbidities, such as diabetes, cardiovascular, renal and
liver diseases but also alcohol abuse and smoking history
were associated with higher amputation risk [21]. In the
study of Bartley et al. for each point increase in Charlson
Comorbidity Index (CCI) score, the odds for amputation in-
Fig. 2 – Blood myoglobin and creatinine kinase median creased by 29% [18]. The amputation rate in our cohort was
values during the first three days after admission. A. 13.5% and involved mostly the upper extremity, as described
Myoglobin median value (ug/l) in blood (y-axis) during the by others [2,10,22–24]. In the literature amputation rate
first three days after admission (x-axis), per voltage. B. varies considerably between the series, ranging from 11% to
Creatinine kinase median value (U/l) in blood (y-axis) during 49.4% and depending on different factors like patient’s
the first three days after admission (x-axis), per voltage. condition, team’s experience and infrastructural resources
[4,16]. The average rate of amputation is higher in patients
with high-voltage injury compared to low-voltage [25] which
(Fig. 4 B). Among the primary reconstructions, five (35.7% of is in line with our results. In Handschin et al., a previous
all free flaps) were early reconstructions (within 5 and 21 study at our burn center, emphasized that the amputation
days), while seven (50%) were intermediate reconstructions rate (13.5% vs 1.5%), as well as the escharotomy and fas-
(within 22 days and 6 weeks). No immediate reconstructions ciotomy rate (47.2% vs. 21%) in electrical burned patients are
before 5 days were performed. The total flap failure rate was significantly higher than in thermal burns [16]. This analysis
14.3% (n = 2). Five of the free flaps (35.7%) presented a vas- included 19 cases with high-voltage burns, which were in-
cular complication, but only 2 (14.3%) resulted in flap loss cluded also in the current study.
(Table 4). One flap presented venous insufficiency and was Surgical strategy for high-voltage injuries treatment can
removed 4 days later, despite the venous revision. Three be very heterogeneous [4]. After initial patient stabilization,
other flaps presented ischemia due to an arterial thrombosis. the majority of acute burns should receive a proper debride-
Two of them recovered an optimal state after local throm- ment, followed by the application of a skin graft [15,26,27]. At
bolysis and arterial re-anastomosis. The third had massive the initial stage, early decompression with escharotomy or
thrombosis and could not be saved. A venous flap needed fasciotomy can be necessary to avoid compartment syn-
revision of the arteriovenous and venous anastomosis and drome and this has proven resulting in favorable outcome [4].
recovered an excellent vascularization. All the vascular In our study, 66 flap-based reconstructions were performed in
complications of these free microvascular tissue transfers a quarter of patients, with a total of 49 loco-regional flaps, 3
took place within the first 24 h after surgery. Both flap losses groin flaps and 14 free microvascular tissue transfers. The
occurred after an early reconstruction, while no vascular introduction of free microvascular tissue transfer has al-
complication occurs in secondary reconstructions. lowed the preservation of otherwise unsalvageable deeply
burned limbs [15,26,27]. Patients with electrical burns benefit
more frequently from free microvascular tissue transfer than
4. Discussion patients with thermal burns [16]. However, free tissue
transfers are reserved for a small number of selected cases
Herein we found that initial development of compartment [11,28,29], presenting complex wounds, with exposed bone,
syndrome, rhabdomyolysis and kidney failure, in addition to tendon or neurovascular structures [29]. This is also reflected
septic and respiratory complications during hospitalization, in our study. At our burns unit the treatment consists in re-
are related to higher risk of amputation after electrical peated debridements within the initial vulnerable phase,
1108 burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112

Table 3 – Risk factors for limb loss. AUC, area under the curve; CK, creatinine kinase; d, day; N, number; Q, quartile; TBSA,
total body surface area.
No limb loss Limb loss Significance (p) Odds (95%-CI) Relative Risk (95%-CI) AUC
(n, % or median) (n, % or median) (median, Q1;Q3) (median, Q1;Q3)

Patient’s characteristics
Age 35 26 0.265
Gender Man = 67 Man = 10 0.728 1.34 (0.25; 7.02) 1.04 (0.79; 1.36)
Female = 10 Female = 2
TBSA 10 28.75 0.097
Diabetes 3 0 0.487 0.85 (0.04; 17.50) 0.86 (0.79; 0.94)
Cardiovascular disease 8/77 (10%) 0/12 (0%) 0.243 0.32 (0.02; 6.03) 0.85 (0.77; 0.93)
Blood values
Myoglobin d0 242 25,965 <0.001** 91%
Myoglobin d1 83 11,738 <0.001** 89%
Myoglobin d2 491 7127 <0.001** 84%
Myoglobin d3 581 2515 0.061 70%
CK d0 326 30,045 <0.001** 94%
CK d1 345 37,489 <0.001** 91%
CK d2 673 22,067 <0.001** 84%
CK d3 515 11,483 0.001** 81%
Rhabdomyolysis 16/77 (21%) 10/12 (83%) <0.001** 19.06 (3.79; 95.84) 1.57 (1.16; 2.14)
Compartment Syndrome 13/77 (16.9%) 6/12 (50%) 0.009** 4.92 (1.37; 17.69) 1.34 (0.98; 1.83)
Renal failure 11/77 (14%) 7/12 (58%) <0.001** 8.40 (2.26; 31.23) 1.52 (1.05; 2.21)
Cardiovascular 15/77 (19%) 4/12 (33%) 0.276 2.06 (0.54;7.78) 1.21 (0.87; 1.44)
Neurological 19/77 (25%) 6/12 (50%) 0.069 3.05 (0.88; 10.60) 1.19 (0.94; 1.50)
Abdominal 20/77 (26%) 4/12 (33) 0.593 1.43 (0.39; 5.24) 1.05 (0.86; 1.29)
Pulmonary 21/77 (27%) 9/12 (75%) <0.001** 8.00 (1.97; 32.43) 1.36 (1.06; 1.73)
Thromboembolism 5/77 (6%) 6/12 (50%) <0.001** 14.40 (3.38; 61.38) 2.03 (1.06; 3.89)
Sepsis 12/77 (16%) 8/12 (67%) <0.001** 10.83 (2.81; 41.75) 1.57 (1.09; 2.26)

with flap coverage in most cases within the first 6 weeks. In that all tissue damage occurs at the time of accident and
the present cohort, flap failure rate is relatively high (14%), immediately after, promoting immediate reconstruction in-
and consistent with literature, which describes failure rates cluding free flaps [31]. The rationale is that early re-
up to 24% [30]. Complications with surgical revision occurred construction allows to rescue part of borderline damaged
in 5 flaps, resulting in 2 flap losses. In one case of lower leg tissues and may result in lower tissue loss. Karimi et al. de-
defect after the failure of a latissimus dorsi free flap, wound monstrated that early flap coverage within 3 weeks could
closure was achieved using repeated debridements, vacuum reduce the length of stay by 65%, the amputation rate by 54%
assisted closure device and coverage with pedicled gastro- and also the wound infection rate [31]. Dega et al. found that
cnemius muscle flap. In the other case, a sural flow through early reconstruction results in a better outcome and limb
flap used to cover a forearm defect was lost. The wound was function, inversely proportional to the time elapsed since
subsequently covered with a groin flap. All flaps having suf- admission [4]. Other authors argue that progressive tissue
fered from complications were performed at different time- necrosis follows the initial trauma [16]. In this case an early
points and the problem occurred in 2 cases after an early coverage may results in fluids collection, infection and flap
reconstruction (18 and 19 days after the accident) and in 3 loss [31]. Baumeister, Ofer and Sauerbier et al. found that free
cases after an intermediate reconstruction (22, 33 and 39 days flap reconstructions performed between 5 and 21 days after
after trauma). However, both flap losses occurred in cases of the trauma had a higher risk of flap failure [30,32,33]. When
early reconstruction. No flap failure was observed after 6 reconstructions were performed in the first 5 days after the
weeks after trauma. In the study of Jabir et al., the timing of injury no failures developed and when performed after 21
reconstruction did not appear to affect flap survival [11]. The days the failure rates were much lower. However, performing
author argues that free flap failure after early reconstruction free flaps at such an early stage can be difficult because of
are more probably related to poor initial debridement prior to patient instability [15]. According to this two-step damage
free tissue transfer than timing per se [11]. However, the ideal theory, serial debridement with removal of all necrotic tissue
timing for free microvascular tissue transfers in electrical would be necessary and wound coverage is performed when
burns remains an ongoing debate [16]. Some authors claim progression of tissue necrosis is over [16].
burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112 1109

Fig. 3 – Blood myoglobin and creatinine kinase as risk factor for limb loss. A. Probability of limb loss as a function of the
estimated marginal means with 95%-CI of blood myoglobin (myoglob) level at day (d) 0, 1, 2, 3. B. Probability of limb loss as a
function of the estimated marginal means with 95%-CI of creatinine kinase (CK) blood myoglobin level at day (d) 0, 1, 2, 3.

Table 4 – Patients with free microvascular reconstructions. ALT, anterolateral thigh flap; d, day after admission; F, female; LD, latissimus dorsi flap; M, male; TBSA, total
body surface area.
Age at burn / TBSA (%) / Voltage / Indication Free flap Recipient vessel Days after Complications (days after free flap)
Gender Mechanism admission
57/M 2 / Low / Contact Left hand defect ALT Radial artery 16 None
22/M 10 / High / Arc Right elbow defect ALT Branch of brachial artery 33 Arterial insufficiency (d1), recovery after
arterial reanastomosis
18/M 40 / High / Contact Right forearm defect LD Radial artery 36 None
22/M 51.5 / High / Unknown Right lower leg defect LD Anterior tibial artery 75 None
40/M 1 / High / Arc Nose, forehead and ALT Superficial temporal 38 None
periorbital defect artery
23/M 26 / High / Contact Lower lip defect Gracilis Superior thyroid artery 30 None
Left wrist defect Serratus flow-through Radial artery 22 Arterial insufficiency (d1) and recovery after
arterial and venous reanastomosis
36/M 35 / High / Unknown Exposed right knee LD Superficial femoral artery 19 Venous insufficiency (d1) and flap loss (d5)
after venous reanastomosis
49/M < 1 / Low / Contact Index defect on the Arterialized venous flap Radiopalmar digital 12 None
burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112

right hand from right forearm artery finger 2

20/M 60 / High / Arc Cranial defect on the Gracilis Branch of superficial 176 None
right side temporal artery
32/M 0.5 / Low / Contact Defect of the proximal Arterialized venous flap Princeps pollicis artery 5 None
left thumb from right forearm
22/F 39 / High / Contact Right ankle and foot Arterialized venous flap Anterior tibial artery 39 Ischemia (d1), recovery after arterial and
defect venous reanastomosis
Left ankle and foot Arterialized venous flap Anterior tibial artery 39 None
48/M 27.5 / High / Contact Left forearm defect Sural flow through Radial artery 18 Arterial insufficiency (d1) and flap loss (d1)
burns 49 (2023) 1103–1112 1111

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