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Narrator: When God finished creating our world and the first two humans, Adam and Eve,

serpent enticed Eve to eat the forbidden apple, while Eve influenced Adam to devour the fruit as

Serpent 1: Eat this Eve..

Narrator: When God learned what they had done, he exiled both Adam and Eve from the Garden
of Eden.

God: You two disobeyed me. as a consequence the two of you will be exiled here in my garden.
Go far away and never come back here.

Narrator: they went far away and lived together. they made love and eve conceived a child. they
had their firstborn, Khane. and then have a second daughter, Belle. when these two pretty ladies
grew up, Belle became a shepherd and Khane became a farmer.

Belle: Father look! I have a newborn lamb

Adam: God has blessed you, and your flocks. you've taken good care of them. I am so proud of

Narrator: Khane looks after the field, and Belle looks after the sheep. Belle was a kind young
woman who loved her parents and her older sister. Khane was so jealous of Belle as she grew
up; she felt that her parents did not love him as much as they loved Belle.

Narrator: Adam told his daughters how he was proud of them. He instructed both of them to
offer sacrifices to God to thank him and seek his blessings.

Belle: I will give the Lord our newborn lamb as an offering.

Khane: I will give the Lord a worthy offering too, Father. I am sure he will be pleased.

Adam: So be it, my daughters. Get your offerings ready.

Khane: Are you really going to offer the newborn lamb as an offering to the Lord?

Belle: Yes, sister, I want to give my best to the Lord. After all, everything we've got actually
belongs to him.

Khane: Listen, Belle, this is just silly. Have you seen God or heard Him? Father is simply telling
you all these stupid stories so that you behave well. Don't waste your newborn lamb as an
offering. Offer an old sheep that is about to die anyway. You will be wiser if you listen to my
words. Look at me. I am going to offer some dried fruits that I was going to get rid of.
Belle: I don't think that is the right thing to do, sister. We will be disobeying our parents if we
offer the Lord anything less than our best.

Narrator: On the other day, Khane and Belle did as their parents had instructed them and placed
their offerings before the god. When Khane placed his offering on the fire, the fire died down.
When Belle offered his newborn lamb, the fire grew to live and enveloped it, consuming it
instantly. This is the sign that God has accepted Belle's offering and rejected Khane's offering.

Narrator: Adam asked Khane why she always looked unhappy. He told her to love her sister. He
told Khane that God loved them equally. Khane promised his father that she would take care of
her sister.

Adam: Don't worry that much, Khane. Even though God rejected your offer, He loved both of
you equally.

Khane: Thank you, father. I promise I will love and take care of my sister.

Narrator: Eve was worried about how Khane was constantly bullying her sister. She told Belle
that although it looked like Khane was angry at her, Khane actually loved him and was only
trying to keep her safe.

Eve: Please still love and respect your sister and be patient with him.

Belle: Don't worry, mother I am alright; you don't have to worry about us. I always love Khane
and respect her fully.

Narrator: Eve was so happy to hear it and she felt so lucky to be the mother of such a wonderful

Lord: Khane, what are broading over? You seem to be unhappy about something.

Khane: Who is that? I can't see you. Where are you?

Lord: No need to be afraid, Khane. I don't hide from anyone. I am always here, never absent. I
am what you see around you. I made you. I am your lord.

Khane: Lord? How come I have never heard you before? And why do you speak to me now, My

Lord: I've been noticing you since you were born. I have seen you grow into a man and go
through your life. And I know your thoughts are troubling you. Why are you sad?

Khane: Nothing, my Lord. I'm just tired from working in the fields and need to rest.

Lord: You can hide nothing from me, not even your thoughts. Make peace with your sister, and
make peace with yourself. She wishes nothing but happiness for you. I am warning you that you
are straying down the path of evil. You have to change. Go now.
Narrator: Days passed from that day, and Khane and Belle met some men. Unfortunately, those
men, including Khane's crush, admire Belle more than her.

Guy 1: I like you, Belle

Guy 2: I also like you, Belle

Narrator: That's why evil in Khane's mind grew as the days passed by. One day, he decided to
get rid of her sister.

Snake 2: If I were you I will kill Belle so you don't have to worry about him anymore.

Belle: Why did you call me out to the field? Where are you taking me?

Khane: Come with me, sister, I want to show you something. It's not far.

Narrator: They walked into the field, and Khane took her to a spot where he had tied up one of
his sister's sheep. And then Khane's expression suddenly changed, and he asked her sister.

Khane: Do you think you are wiser than me now? Just because you seem to be everybody's
favorite girl and God's chosen one, it doesn't mean you can be disrespectful to me. I have no
reason to like and accept everything you do.

Narrator: Khane takes a huge rock and hits Belle on the head with all her force.

Kahne: Oh my God! What have I done?

Narrator: Khane, in spite of her anger, had killed her own sister. She didn't know what to do, so
she dug a hole and hid her sister's body in it.

Eve: Khane, where is Belle? She is supposed to have come home by now.

Khane: How should I know? I am not her keeper. I have not seen him, mother.

Adam: Khane, go look for her. Go at once and bring her home.

Khane: As you wish, father.

Lord: Khane, my son, where are you going? Where is your sister, Belle?

Khane: I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?

Lord: You know you can't keep anything from me. What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s
blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground,
which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you work the
ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.
Khane: I didn't know what to do, but my punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are
driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer
on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.

Lord: Not so; anyone who kills Khane will suffer vengeance seven times over. So go away now;
go far, far away.

Narrator: Then the Lord put a mark on Khane so that no one who found him would kill him. So
Khane went out of the Lord’s presence; he would forever roam the earth like a madman,
horrified by the crime he had committed.

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