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Chapter I Pages X
Chapter II Pages Y
Chapter III Pages Z
Chapter IV Pages S
Chapter V Pages R

Chapter I: "The Enigmatic Encounter in the Park"

Sunday evening, in the park of the city, in an old wooden seating there is a Man,
an Old Man. The seating was scrawled by the time, and the man, with the emptiest
eyes you could see on a sunny Sunday day, was scrawled by his thoughts. The kind
of thoughts that if you say or try to organize, just turn them louder. The Man stayed
in silence, like he had anybody nearby. Trying just to rest and stay more cloistered
he can. However, all this silence was stopped for a strange flap of wings. It is
normal to hear these sounds in a park, but this time there was something different,
any bird was going to land so close to a person. The Old Man turns himself to look
the bird and he sees a Crow with red feathers, red thrilling and vibrant like life bright
as fire that burnt in the chest of a young man in love. Fire that the old man once had,
but that was wiped out by the rain of the time of life, one time that never more will
come back, the worst of all is that so much time would never go back, however he
did not imagine that the brightness of the Crow would one day return to his chest.
But what did that peculiar Crow want with him?
When the Old Man noticed the presence of that curious Crow, the winds
whispered in his ears:
- Memento mori, my friend. Memento mori. - but what did that mean? The old
man thought.
The Old Man turned to the figure of the Crow and began to wonder - Why would a
bad omen like you be so reluctant to approach me?
With no answers, the man continued to stare at the Crow, as if he were looking
for something to give him a clue about a future event. On the other hand, the Crow
was enjoying himself, so much so that the figure remained still with his eyes
following the Old Man.
The Crow continued to stare at the old man. As he looked into the raven's eyes
with a wary but intrigued gaze, the Raven remained there the entire night. Their
silent communication continued as the sun rose in an orange and red glow. The Old
Man sat in stunned silence, contemplating the message. The Old Man knew that
this was a turning point in his life. With Corvo as his guide, he would embark on a
journey of rediscovery, unraveling the mysteries of his existence.
As he closed the book and looked at the Crow, he spoke with gratitude in his
heart, "Thank you, my friend. You have shown me a path I could never have
With a new purpose and a sense of wonder, the Old Man left the park that morning,
taking with him the memory of the enigmatic Crow and the profound message he had
conveyed. Little did he know that this meeting would put him on a path of discovery
and transformation. And with that they began their journey into the unknown, two
unlikely companions united by destiny and a common purpose.

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