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Programming of scientific



Introduction about lambda Function, map, filter and reduce function

Lambda function:

Lambda is a keyword in Python used to define functions, more specifically

Anonymous Functions, and such functions are known as Lambda Functions or
Lambda Expressions

Map function:

What If I ask you to find a square of the first five odd numbers. You would probably
write something like the following:

squares =[]
for n in rangefl, 10, 2):
squares.appendfn ** 2)
The loop iterates through 1 to 10 with a step size of 2 and appends the square of
each number to squares. The approach shown above can be improved using list
comprehension but that too will use for loop. So, there's a faster way to do the
same without using explicit for loop. Python's map function does that. It transforms
the given iterable based on the given condition.

Filter function:

Let's say you want to find the odd numbers from a given list. A quick way to
approach this problem is to use a for loop inside a list comprehension.

nums = [1, 34, 23, 56, 89, 44z 92]

odd_nums = [num for num in nums if num % 2 != 0]
The loop iterates through nums and stores every odd number. The conditional
statement here filters out the even numbers and returns only the odd numbers.
This kind of functionality is known as filtering.

Python's filter does the same in a faster way. It has the same syntax as the map.

Programming of scientific

filterffunction, iterable)
It works similarly to the map. It returns a filter object, unlike a map object.

Let us re-implement the above example using the filter function.

def find_odd(x):
ifx%2 !=0:
return x
nums = [1, 34, 23, 56, 89, 44, 92]
odds = list(filter(find_odd, nums))
# Output: [1, 23, 89]
Let us convert this find_odd function to a lambda function and rewrite the code to
make it shorter.

nums = [1, 34, 23, 56, 89, 44, 92]

odds = list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 != 0, nums))
# Output: [1, 23, 89]
All the items of an iterable for which the lambda function evaluates to true will get
added to the odd.

Reduce function:

Let's say you want to compute a sum of the first five integers. You can write
something like the following:

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
summ = 0
for num in nums:
summ += num
# Output: 15
The loop iterates through nums and keeps adding all the numbers to summ. Again
to make it pythonic, we have a function, i.e. Reduce.

The syntax for the reduce is as follows: reduceffunction, iterable, [, initializer])

Programming of scientific
The reduce applies a function cumulatively on all the items of an iterable and
returns a single value. Don't worry if you haven't get it yet.

Let us re-implement the above example with the reduce function.

from functools import reduce

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
summ = reduceflambda x, y: x + y, nums)
# Output: 15

1. Write a Python program to find the triple of all numbers in a given list of

a = [1,2,3,4,5]

filt = mapflambda x:x**3,a)

print("\n Triple Of The Elements is: ") print(list(filt))


Triple Of The Elements is:

[1, 8, 27, 64, 125]

Programming of scientific

2. Write a Python program to add three given lists using Python map and

+ a = [1,2,3]

b = [2,3,4]

c = [6,7,8]

ans = mapflambda x,y,z: x+y+z,a,b,c)

print(" \n Sum of three given list is:")



Sum of three given list is:


Programming of scientific

3. Write a Python program to listify the list of given strings individually

using python map.

names = ["Aarya"/,Nainir7'Kirtan,7'Dev"]

listify = list(map(list? names)) print("\n After listify the list of strings are:")


After listify, the list of strings are:

Programming of scientific

4. Write a Python program to create a list containing the power of said

number in bases raised to the corresponding number in the index using
python map.

base = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
index = [2,4,1,2,3,3]

result = list(map(pow, base, index))

print("\n Power of said number in bases raised to the corresponding number

in the index:")



Power of said number in bases raised to the corresponding number in the


Programming of scientific

5. Write a python program using a filter function to filter out positive

numbers from the given list.

a = [1,-2,3,-4,-5,6,7,-8,9]

pos = list(filter(lambda x:x>0,a))

print("\n Positive Numbers from the List are:")



Positive Numbers from the List are:

[1, 3, 6, 7, 9]

6. Write a python program using a filter function to filter out even

from the given list.

a = [1,-2,3,-4,-5,6,7,-8,9]

pos = list(filter(lambda x:x%2==0,a))

print("\n Even Numbers from the List are:") print(pos)


Even Numbers from the List a re: [-2, -4, 6> -8]

Programming of scientific

7. Write a Python program to filter all the vowels from a given string.

str = "This is Indus University!"

printf'The String is : ",str)

print("\n The Vowels from the List are:")

for i in str:

if (i=='a' or i=='el or i=='i' or i=='o' or i=='u'): print(i)


The String is : This is Indus University!

The Vowels from the List are:

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