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Algorithm of Counting Sort 3.

2 draw edge {X,V},Y=Y-{v}

1 Read A[1--.N] 3.2 find all adjacent node from v i.e w and update c[w]
2 Max=0 3.3 if c[w]>c(v,W]
3 For I = 1 to n 3.3.1 c[w] = C[v,w]
3.1if A[i]>Max 3.3.2 N(w)=V
3.2 Max = A[i]
4 for I = 0 to max B tree searching
4.1 b[i] = 0 Bsearch(x,key)
5. For I = 1 to n 1. i=1
B[A[i]]]= B[A[i]] +1 2.while i<=n[x]and key>keyi[x]
6.For I = 1 to max 2.1 i=i+1
6.1 B[i]=B[i]+1 3. If i<=n[x] ans key=ki[x]
7. For I = N down to 1 3.1 return(x,i)
7.1 C[B[A[i]]]=A[i] 4. if leaf[x]
7.2 B[A[i]] = B[A[i]]-1 4.1 return nil
Counting Sort(A,n,div) 5. disk-read(ci[x]
1. for I = 0 to 9 6. Bsearch(ci[x],k)
1.1 B[i] = 0 7. End
2. For I = 1 to n
2.1 B[A[i]/div%10]= B[A[i]/div%10] +1 Minimum and Maximum searching
3.For I = 1 to 9 1. Min = a[1]
3.1 B[i]=B[i]+B[i-1] 2.Max= a[1]
4. For I = N down to 1 3.For I = 2 to n
4.1 C[B[A[i]/div%10]]=A[i] 3.1 if A[i] <min
4.2 B[A[i]] = B[A[i]]-1 3.1.1 Min = a[i]
5. For I = 1 to.. N 3.2 If a[i] > max
5.1 A[i]=c[i] 3.2.1 max =A[i]
• Algorithm of radix sort 4.Print max
1. Read A[1…N]] 5 Print min
2. find max Total comparison = 2n-2
2. For div=1 to max/div>0 step div*10
2.1 call counting sort(A,N,div) Master method of Complexity Analysis
3.print A[1..N] • Recurrence Relation
T(n) = aT(n/b) +f(n)
• Iterative Algorithm to make Maximum Heap Tree Let a>=1 and b>1 be constant ,let f(n ) be a function
1. For i= 2 to n • Three cases
1.1 item = a[i] • 1) if f(n) = O(n log b a -Ɛ) for some constant Ɛ>0 ,then
1.2 key=i T(n) =O(n log b a)
1.3 Par=i/2 2) If f(n) = O(n log b a) then
1.4 While (par>=1) && item >A[par] T(n) = O(n log b a lg n)
log a +Ɛ
a. A[key]= a[par] 3 .if f(n) = O(n b ) for some constant Ɛ>0 an if af(n/b) <= cf(n) for some
b Key=par constant c<1 and all sufficiently large n then
C. Par=par/2 T(n) = O(f(n)
[End while] Priority Queue
1.5 A[key[=item • It is a queue, which works on priority basis as service is given
[End for] to the highest priority element
2. Print a[1.n] • Each elements has a different priority
3 stop • Array is best data structure to create a priority queue
Recursive approach • Maximum heap tree is used to create priority queue
• Max-Heapify (A, i): • Array of structure is used as one information of structure is data and
1 left ← 2*i // ← means "assignment" another part is priority
2 right ← 2*i + 1 • Increase_priority(Q,x,new_pri)
3 largest ← i 1. i=index of x
4 if left ≤ heap_length[A] and A[left] > A[largest] then: 2. Q[i].p = new_pri
4.1 largest ← left 3. Par= i/2
5 if right ≤ heap_length[A] and A[right] > A[largest] then: 4. While(i>1 and Q[par]<Q[i])
5.1 largest ← right 4.1 swap ( Q[i].p,Q[par].p)
6 if largest ≠ i then: 4.2 swap ( Q[i].d,Q[par].d)
6.1 swap (A[i] and A[largest]) 4.3 i= par
6.2 Max-Heapify(A, largest) 4.3 Par= par/2
7. Print A[1..n] 5. end
8.stop • Insert (Q,x,p)-
1. N= N+1
Prims algorithm 2. Q[N] = -1
1. X=1,Y={V-1} 3. Q[N]=X
2. For I = 2 to n 4. Increase_priority(Q,Q[N],p)
2.1 if C[1,i] <>0 Delete
2.2 c[i]=C[1,i] 1. A=Q[1].p
2.3 N[i]=1 2. B=Q[1]].d
Else 3. Swap(q[1].p,Q[N].p)
2.3 c[i]= ∞ 4. Swap(Q[1].d,q[1].d)
3 for I = 2 to n 5. N=N-1
3.1 v = find minimum(c[j]) 6. Heapify(Q,1)

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