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You are the one who is to blame.

" volume_upmore_vert
English And kill the one who carries it. volume_upmore_vert
English There is one who could unite them. volume_upmore_vert
English Not her, the one who killed Shannon. volume_upmore_vert
English Commissioner, you are not the only one who is angry. volume_upmore_vert
English I am not the only one who is worried. volume_upmore_vert
English But Carl Norden is really the one who cracks the code. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm the only one who's left in India. volume_upmore_vert
English There is no one who has done it so far. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm the one who did this. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm not the only one who's afraid of jellyfish. volume_upmore_vert
English But last night, I was the one who put on the brakes. volume_upmore_vert
English You're the one who gave me this. volume_upmore_vert
English One who could reclaim the throne of Gondor. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm the one who's going to die. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm the one who preached in Galilee. volume_upmore_vert
English I was not the one who started causing offence! volume_upmore_vert
English An innovator is one who does not know it cannot be done. volume_upmore_vert
English The man in the street in the countries of Latin America is the one who will
pay. volume_upmore_vert
English Madam President, it falls to me to be the one who cries wolf on this
occasion. volume_upmore_vert
English I am not the one who should be applauded today for this
success. volume_upmore_vert
English And then my question became, am I the only one who does
this? volume_upmore_vert
English It's the dumb kid, the troublemaker, the one who never does his
homework. volume_upmore_vert
English Firstly, because I'm the one who's going to say it. volume_upmore_vert
English I'm not the only one who's obsessed with this whole 30-year
thing. volume_upmore_vert
English He's the one who first identified this condition and raised the alarm
bells. volume_upmore_vert
English No, the pioneer is the one who allows himself to throw overboard a lot of
ballast. volume_upmore_vert
English She was also called Simhanandini, the one who rode the
lion. volume_upmore_vert
English The one who was defiling me then left me and went to rape
Evelyn. volume_upmore_vert
English God, the one who rules the entire universe, wants my
bread?" volume_upmore_vert
English He will not refuse one who is so blithe to go to him. volume_upmore_vert
English You're the only one who could be manifesting these snakes. volume_upmore_vert
English You're the only one who hasn't taken a break. volume_upmore_vert
English Welcome, Frodo of the Shire...... one who has seen the Eye! volume_upmore_vert
English Was it the same one who made you sleep in the living room? volume_upmore_vert
English I'm the one who kills him. volume_upmore_vert
English I've been waiting for the one who will grant me death. volume_upmore_vert
English I mean, am I the only one who can smell the toilet? volume_upmore_vert
English Maybe he was the one who was supposed to give me a training
accident. volume_upmore_vert
English I know you weren't the one who got Penny in trouble. volume_upmore_vert
English The winner is the one who can shoot most people dead. volume_upmore_vert
English You know, Ray was the one who wore the ampersands in the
family. volume_upmore_vert
English Or maybe you're the only one who had to go to the
bathroom." volume_upmore_vert
English The damage to the economy for each one who does this is around
$15,000. volume_upmore_vert
English But let me introduce you to the one who is most at risk here. volume_upmore_vert
English And the one who was raping Evelyn came and defiled me
also. volume_upmore_vert
English No one who has been to Bosnia, no one who has been to any country where every day
they produce casualties killed and wounded, can accept any argument for the continued use of
anti-personnel mines. volume_upmore_vert
English The one, who frees the innocent captive from one prison and locks him up in another,
is a prison guard, not a liberator. volume_upmore_vert
English And the prisoner will not see him as someone who granted his freedom,
but one who took it. volume_upmore_vert
English I must admit that I know of no one who would be brave enough to invite him aboard a
yacht for a single day. volume_upmore_vert
English At the same time, however, there can be no one who is not concerned at the way in
which the major energy companies operate in Russia. volume_upmore_vert
English Professor Scolding is not the only one who knows about all these research findings,
and in fact all experts in this field are familiar with them. volume_upmore_vert
English I stand here as one who speaks up for those labour-intensive
services. volume_upmore_vert
English No-one who wishes to enter monetary union will be excluded because of that or for the
indebtedness which might call for its pre-funding. volume_upmore_vert
English Mr President, I know of no one who disagrees with the view that environmental
legislation should be enforced equally and effectively across the
Union. volume_upmore_vert
English I was the one who, at the Green Paper stage, suggested including a reference to
criminal law. volume_upmore_vert
English Who, however, is saying anything about the man, who is the client, the consumer,
and the one who demands prostitution? volume_upmore_vert
English No one who has met him could forget his smile and gentle
nature. volume_upmore_vert
English I am not the one who tabled the amendment, but it does seem to me that this is the
point of it. volume_upmore_vert
English Mr President, as one who has been concerned with Macedonia for eight years, I have
to contradict Mr Dupuis. volume_upmore_vert
English It does, however, support my view that I am not, apparently, the only one who cannot
agree with the majority opinion. volume_upmore_vert
English If there is no one who wishes to speak against it, I shall put the matter to the
vote. volume_upmore_vert
English No one who has read the report can be left with any doubt as to the seriousness with
which the task has been tackled. volume_upmore_vert
English Really, 15 ministers of agriculture should be present at these decisive debates, not
just one who has to act as the whipping boy for the rest. volume_upmore_vert
English As Pascal said, even the one who hangs himself, somehow, is looking for cessation of
suffering -- he finds no other way. volume_upmore_vert
English The Minister of the Environment of India said, "Well, you were the one who caused the
problem." volume_upmore_vert
English But you're the first one who's ever come back and told us what you
did. volume_upmore_vert
English And no one who gets on the stage, so far that I've seen, has not
failed. volume_upmore_vert
English And that's what I want to focus on -- the one who takes the best part of the
meat. volume_upmore_vert
English Yesterday, David Deutsch, another one who covered most of what I was going to
say. volume_upmore_vert
English And I'm pretty much the one who figured it out, because I was a
nerd. volume_upmore_vert
English The compromise of lowering tariffs, phasing out export subsidies: at the
end the one who pays is the South African consumer. volume_upmore_vert
English Mrs Müller, I think you are not the only one who has problems with this paragraph, and
with others. volume_upmore_vert
English He's the one who reminds us that we're all part of a greater
whole. volume_upmore_vert
English That does not mean that the UCK does not use violence as such,
but the one who carries the main responsibility should be addressed
first. volume_upmore_vert
English He's the only one who's ever given me the feeling that I have any
sense. volume_upmore_vert
English You were the one who said we should wait and you were
right. volume_upmore_vert
English There was one who tried to grab and pinch my nipples... before we even made it to his
car. volume_upmore_vert
English Now the one who won't talk was exchanging live fire with the dead
one. volume_upmore_vert
English Mr van Dam, who was the one who included this in the report, is telling us a load of
nonsense here. volume_upmore_vert
English And the one who is happy, even for a slapstick joke, accepts himself and also the
scheme of things in which one finds oneself. volume_upmore_vert
English He was the one who said that life in a state of nature was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish
and short." volume_upmore_vert
English At the time, I wasn't the only one who didn't know what I was doing -- almost nobody
did. volume_upmore_vert
English She's the one who taught me how to draw and, more importantly, how to
love. volume_upmore_vert
English To which the answer is, "The extroverted statistician's the one who looks at the other
person's shoes." volume_upmore_vert
English Innocent civilians are the one who suffer and their feeling of security is very seriously
undermined by these attacks. volume_upmore_vert
English I speak as one who, in this House during Mrs Fontaine's term of office, was often
harshly critical of her. volume_upmore_vert
English But no one who aspires to be the least bit objective will fail to recognise that we have
not seen six months of formalities, simple management or passive drifting in resigned
apathy. volume_upmore_vert
English Regardless of whether those transactions and communications go on record, the true
criminal, one who is committed to avoiding easy detection, will know how to cover his
tracks. volume_upmore_vert
English I have never been and will not be one who advises members of Lloyd’ s – ‘ Names’ –
who have suffered financially to pursue a case with no expectation of
success. volume_upmore_vert
English As one who is involved with the budget, I am particularly glad that we can take it as
read that this operation will result in greater efficiency and
effectiveness. volume_upmore_vert
English Recent budgetary debates have turned into a humiliating exercise in which we end up
discussing, one by one, who is and is not a net contributor. volume_upmore_vert
English Besides, I am not the one who decides – the administration submits its conclusions to
me, and it is, unfortunately, not possible for me to study each application
individually. volume_upmore_vert
English However, there can be no-one who does not know that outside the EU institutions
there is considerable doubt about the splendid qualities of EMU, the schedule for EMU and the
convergence criteria. volume_upmore_vert
English And let me say this in Danish also in order to demonstrate that I am not just speaking
as spokesman for the Greens, but also as one who feels close ties with
Denmark. volume_upmore_vert
English We believe that he has won the elections, that his people were capable of winning the
elections and that he is the one who deserves all of our support. volume_upmore_vert
English There is a difference between a person who is a Prime Minister and one who, like Mr
Nielson, is a Commissioner and thereby subject to the European Parliament's immediate right
of control. volume_upmore_vert
English I will do as Cato the Elder did to the ancient Romans - he was the one who wanted to
see Carthage destroyed - but perhaps I will not go quite that far. volume_upmore_vert
English That creates the absurd situation where the party under scrutiny, the Commission,
decides what information to put before the one who is to scrutinise it, Parliament, and what
not. volume_upmore_vert
English As one who saw in the New Year in France, I am particularly grateful for Spain's role in
lending Chirac and Jospin a little small change. volume_upmore_vert

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