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Topic 3 Review

1) Name or determine the symbol that represents each of the following elements: (10)

Fe = ____________________ Bromine = ________________

Na = ____________________ Manganese = ______________

Cl = ____________________ Lead = ____________________

K = _____________________ Helium = __________________

Cd = ____________________ Gold = ____________________

H = _____________________ Mercury = _________________

O = _____________________ Titanium = ________________

Al = _____________________ Calcium = _________________

F = ______________________ Nitrogen = _________________

Ag = _____________________ Carbon = __________________

2) Put an exclamation mark next to the elements listed above that are considered to be metals.
Put a star beside the elements listed above that are considered to be non-metals. (10)

3) Consider the list of elements below:

Copper Sodium Argon

a. Which element is likely to be the most reactive? (1)

b. Which element is likely to be a good conductor of electricity? (1)

c. Which element is likely to be the least reactive? (1)

3) Determine whether each of the following elements is classified as an alkali metal,
alkaline earth metal, halogen, or noble gas: (4)

a) Calcium = _________________________

b) Bromine = _________________________

c) Helium = __________________________

d) Lithium = __________________________

4) Determine whether each of the following descriptions is referring to a physical or

chemical property of an element. (4)

a) Aluminum is a shiny, lightweight metal that is known for its malleability. It has a relatively
high melting point, and is a good conductor of electricity.

b) Sodium reacts rapidly with water to produce hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide, which can
be highly corrosive when inhaled.

c) Mercury is considered to be highly toxic, even in low concentrations. Some symptoms of

mercury poisoning include headaches, insomnia, and muscle atrophy.

d) Nitrogen is a colourless, odourless gas that is found in high concentrations in our atmosphere.
Nitrogen has a density of 1.251 grams/liter at 0 C and a specific gravity of 0.96737, making it
slightly lighter than air.
5) Draw an electron dot diagram for each of the following elements: (7)

a) an atom of calcium

b) an atom of fluorine

c) an atom of neon

d) an atom of sodium
e) an ion of beryllium

f) an ion of potassium

g) an ion of oxygen

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