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Received: 7 March 2020 Revised: 5 April 2020 Accepted: 7 April 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202000076


Ripening of avocado fruits studied by spectroscopic


Xiaobo Lin1 | Han Zhang1 | Lingna Hu1 | Guangyu Zhao1 |

Sune Svanberg1,2 | Katarina Svanberg1,2

Center for Optical and Electromagnetic
Research, South China Academy of
Advanced Optoelectronics, South China Avocados are considered very healthy due to the
Normal University, Guangzhou, China high content mono-unsaturated lipid, essential
Lund Laser Center, Lund University,
vitamins and minerals, minimal sugar and no
Lund, Sweden
cholesterol and are therefore sometimes referred
Correspondence to as “the perfect fruits”. Avocados, mainly
Katarina Svanberg and Sune Svanberg,
grown in Latin-America, are harvested unripe
Center for Optical and Electromagnetic
Research, South China Academy of and sent overseas. However, the ripening process
Advanced Optoelectronics, South China is very difficult to assess visually and tactilely. A
Normal University, Guangzhou 510006,
tool for precise noninvasive judgment of the sta-
Email: and tus would be valuable as the fruit is too expensive to be cut open unripe or overdue. A white-light
Funding information source and a light-emitting diode unit with four
Guangdong Innovation Research Team excitation wavelengths (365, 385, 395, and
Program, Grant/Award Number:
405 nm) were used for reflectance and fluores-
cence spectroscopy in a fiber-coupled set-up for noninvasive monitoring. Twelve
non-ripe avocados, with approximately the same size and appearance, were stud-
ied and divided into three groups and kept at three different storage conditions; at
room temperature, in a refrigerator and a combination of the two. We showed that
fluorescence was useful for following the ripening process. A method, which com-
pensates for the spatial variations in spectral properties around a fruit, is described.
Remote fluorescence monitoring, intended for orchard use, was also demon-
strated. A low-cost device based on fluorescence for avocado ripeness assessment is

avocado, fluorescence spectroscopy, fruit ripening, noninvasive technique, reflectance


Biophotonics is the science of optical studies of living

matter. The improved well-being of humans, including
Xiaobo Lin and Han Zhang contributed equally to this study. quality aspects of food, may be considered as the final

J. Biophotonics. 2020;e202000076. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1 of 10
2 of 10 LIN ET AL.

goal of biophotonics research, which frequently focuses many other fruits, is that the skin is very protective and
on issues directly connected to the human body. How- eliminates the need for packaging. It also provides protec-
ever, the health is largely governed by external aspects tion against diseases and pest insects, which allows the
such as food intake. Fruits constitute a highly natural fruit to grow in an environmentally sustainable way
part in such contexts. The avocado fruit (Persea Ameri- without the use of any pesticides [1]. It also means that
cana), botanically a berry with a big stone, exhibits the fruit is completely void of toxic substances from
numerous valuable nutritional characteristics and there- potentially harmful chemical agents. This particular and
fore sometimes is referred to as a “perfect fruit” in popu- unique fact together with the advantageous nutritional
lar press, scientifically even proven with possible aspects adds important characteristics to the avocado,
cardiovascular protective effects. Comparing to other which is a climacteric fruit. This means that it has the
fruits, which primarily contain carbohydrates, the avo- ability to ripen after it is picked from the tree. Other cli-
cado fruit has a uniquely high content of fat (15 g/100 g) macteric fruits are apples, bananas, apricots and toma-
[1–3]. Out of this, a substantial part (75% of the total fat) toes, while, for example, citrus, grapes and strawberries
is the healthy mono or poly-unsaturated fat [1–6], which are non-climacteric. The natural climacteric ripening pro-
has a scientifically proven ability to support cardiovascu- cess is associated with increased ethylene production and
lar health [4, 7, 8]. It is also shown that avocado diet a rise in cellular respiration. However, a prerequisite is
decreases the concentration of low-density lipoprotein that the avocado is mature when it is harvested, in order
(LDL) [1, 2, 4, 7, 8], which is the main cause for develop- to ripe properly after it comes off the tree. The avocado
ment of atherosclerosis (eg, 9). Interestingly, a recent fruits are picked non-ripe, hard and light green. The
study reports that high-fat Mediterranean diet (41% fat) fruits are kept in low temperature (3 C-6 C) when
does not cause any increase in coronary heart disease shipped overseas to reach the final destination in a basket
[10], cited as the French Paradox. However, this diet also on the fruit dealer's shelf [21]. They may have been in
consists of a lot of vegetables, virgin olive oil [11, 12] transit for up to 2 months. At such a stage, the avocado is
(with known beneficiary health effects) and antioxidant frequently lacking the appealing flavor, and consistency.
polyphenol-containing red wine [10, 13] (disputable The taste is bitter due to high contents of acid. The taste
effect), which might compensate for the total high fat is extremely dependent on the status of ripeness. The
intake. Avocados have been shown with antioxidant fruit is too expensive to be cut open, either unripe or
property [1, 14–16]. Besides the cardiovascular effect of overdue. It would therefore be advantageous to cus-
this antioxidant property, it has also a proven symptom- tomers if the fruit dealers could have a realistic, handheld
atic positive effect in osteoarthritis [17–19]. The circula- tool to make sure that the avocado is sold at the right
tory protective effect seems to be reached by consuming time for consumption.
0.5-1.5 avocado daily for which a 9%-43% reduction in the The avocado skin is very rich in chlorophyll when
serum cholesterol was shown [3]. Other nutritionally pos- the fruit is non-ripe, and turns darker when ripening.
itive fact is the very low content of sugar (0.3%) [1, 3]. It The slight color change goes hand in hand with the
also contains more than 10 essential vitamins and other development of an attractive taste. However, when this
important nutrients, such as dietary fibers (~7%), and time point is reached is not easy to assess visually or
10 different minerals, including calcium, iron, magne- tactilely. Recently, different spectroscopic techniques,
sium and potassium [1]. including near-infrared spectroscopy, have been devel-
The origin of the fruit is in Mexico, where it was culti- oped for non-intrusive assessment of fruit ripeness [22–
vated by the Aztecs, already as early as 500 BC. Mexico is also 28], and hyperspectral imaging has also been applied
the number one exporter of avocado (43%) followed by Peru [29]. Our group has used fluorescence and reflectance
(13%), Spain (6%) and Chile (6%) [1, 2]. Avocado fruits are as well as gas in scattering media absorption spectros-
common in Western Europe and in the United States, and copy (GASMAS), to investigate the ripening of the trop-
the interest for the fruit is steadily growing. The high ical fruits guava, mango, papaya and nectarine [30],
demand for avocado fruits in China reflects a new culinary and studied the influence of the fruit skin on gas diffu-
habit, with Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou accounting sion in and out of fruits [31]. Based on the experience
for the largest fraction. A 210-fold increase in Chinese from these studies, we have now investigated the tem-
import numbers was reported during the 5 years 2012-2017 poral changes in reflectance and fluorescence proper-
(153 and 32 136 tons, respectively) [20]. ties of the particularly interesting avocado fruit, when
The weight of an avocado is about 130 g, out of which stored under different conditions. The goal has been to
the skin and the stone comprise one third of the total reach an objective assessment of ripening status of
weight. A particularity with the avocado, as compared to these particularly valuable fruits.
LIN ET AL. 3 of 10

The next section describes the fruits investigated each group of avocados was put in a box with a lid.
and the experimental arrangements employed. Then, Group A (a1, a2, a3, a4) was kept at room temperature
the measurements of reflectance and fluorescence are (around 25  C) for 18 days of spectroscopic investigation,
described. Section 4 presents the results, and the out- while Group B (b1, b2, b3, b4) was kept in a refrigerator
come is discussed in Section 5. A simple spectroscopic at 9 C for 28 days. Group C (c1, c2, c3, c4) was placed at
device for ripeness assessment is finally proposed. The room temperature for 5 days and then kept in a refrigera-
approach is possible since spectroscopic functions/indi- tor at 9 C for the remaining 19 days of the spectroscopic
ces with a monotonous change as a function of time study. Between the measurement sessions, all fruits were
were established, covering the time from the fruit stored in darkness. During the measurement, the fruits
being obviously unripe until being obviously overdue. were extracted and photos of the avocados were also
Thus, for a specific device, a function threshold or taken to observe possible visual changes. As an example,
interval, as assessed by a taste panel, can be selected fruit a3 from Group A is shown in Figure 1 during the
for signaling suitability for consumption. A demonstra- time lapse of 20 days.
tion of the possibility of remote assessment of fruit sta-
tus, while they still are on the trees, is also presented
and commented on. 3 | MEASUREMENTS

3.1 | Light emitting diode-induced

2 | M A T E R I A L AN D fluorescence spectroscopy measurements
A schematic drawing of the experimental setup for the
Twelve avocado fruits, with approximately the same size spectroscopic measurements of the fluorescence spectra
and appearance, were selected at a local market in is shown in Figure 2. A fiber-coupled UV light-emitting
Guangzhou, to be investigated in our study. They were diode unit with four excitation wavelengths (365, 385,
all visually fresh and with hard texture. The avocados 395 and 405 nm) was used in the measurements. The
were divided into three groups (A, B, C) with four fruits choice of excitation wavelength in fluorescence studies
in each group. Each avocado was placed in a clear, bowl- influences the relative weight of different chromophores,
shaped container with a corresponding label (eg, a1, a2, and is also related to filter effects by layers of different
a3, a4, etc., or b1, b2, b3, b4) marked on the outside, and constituents, for example, the wax layer on leaves and

FIGURE 1 Photos of avocado a3 during a 20 days period. The numbers indicate the dates
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3.3 | Measurement geometry and


Fruits have non-uniform appearance, which clearly

makes the objective assessment of maturity more chal-
lenging. We decided to acquire as representative data as
possible, and thus proceeded in the way described below.
The fruits were placed on a rotation base, divided into
eight angular sectors. The measurements started at a ran-
dom angle, and eight measurement points separated by
45 were monitored around each avocado. Such measure-
ments were made at three different heights/“latitude”
F I G U R E 2 Experimental arrangement for the measurements
levels on the fruit to obtain in total 24 measurement
of the reflectance as well as the fluorescence spectra points distributed around the top, middle and bottom of
the avocado, as illustrated in Figure 2. The procedure
allowed us to design a reliable practical measurement
method, as detailed in Section 5.
fruits. This was dramatically shown, for example, in stud-
ies on maize [32], but is also very evident in the excita-
tion of human tissue [33], and even cultural heritage 4 | RESULTS
surfaces [34]. In a quest, to find the most appropriate
conditions for assessment of ripeness, we choose four dif- Fluorescence and reflectance spectra of an avocado at dif-
ferent wavelengths in the UV/violet region, where LEDs ferent ripening stages are shown in Figure 3A,B, respec-
are readily available. tively, with the a3 avocado of Group A as an example.
The induced fluorescence light was collected by an The reflectance spectra feature very strong chlorophyll
optical fiber and brought to the entrance slit of a spec- absorption through the visible region extending up to
trometer. An Ocean Optics Model USB4000 compact 690 nm. Under the excitation light at 365, 385, 395 and
spectrometer was employed. To block out the excitation 405 nm (Figure 3C-F, respectively), the two fluorescence
light, while passing the fluorescence occurring at longer intensity peaks of chlorophyll are prominent, with the
wavelengths, a long-pass colored-glass filter (cut off at 740 nm peak falling outside the region of chlorophyll
450 nm) was used in front of the spectrometer. reabsorption, which is not the case for the 685 nm peak.
Photo-bleaching caused by too much UV light expo- During the ripening process, the ratio of the peak intensi-
sure can cause a reduction in fluorescence intensity and ties is changing reflecting the change in chlorophyll con-
also cause changes in the spectral shape as frequently tents (see, eg, [35, 36]). Reabsorption of fluorescence is
encountered in biophotonics research. We made a special frequently observed in biophotonics of human tissue,
investigation of this aspect, and found that such influ- where blood causes strong reabsorption in its Soret band,
ences were negligible for the measurement strategy peaking at 405 nm, and at its secondary absorption peaks
applied. at 540 and 580 nm. Its influence can be reduced in those
contexts by forming fluorescence intensity ratios for
wavelength pairs, where the reabsorption is the same
3.2 | Reflectance spectroscopy (zero differential absorption) but unknown, and is can-
measurements celing out in the division [37]. Here, advantage is instead
taken of the strong differential reabsorption. Both reflec-
The arrangement for measurements of the reflectance tion and fluorescence spectra provide good indications of
spectra is also shown in Figure 2. The reflection spectra the chlorophyll content, and the visible part contains
were acquired by using a halogen lamp, the radiation of information on further chromophores. The influence on
which was transmitted through an optical fiber to the the fluorescence spectra of the excitation wavelength is
sample. Part of the reflected light was captured by the clearly seen in Figure 3C-F, reflecting the position of the
optical probe and the collected light was transmitted to chlorophyll strong Soret band absorption peak around
the compact spectrometer. The reflected light from a 400 nm.
Lambertian surface made of barium sulfate was also In order to study the spectra more in detail, we define
acquired, and the spectrum was used for normalizing the the function R1 = R670 nm/R750 nm to explore the reflection
sample spectra to reflectance curves. spectra, where R670 nm and R750 nm are the reflectance
LIN ET AL. 5 of 10

F I G U R E 3 Fluorescence
spectra for 365 nm as the
excitation wavelength, A, and
reflectance spectra, B, for the a3
avocado from Group A during
measurement Days 2, 5 and
8, and fluorescence spectra of
the b3 avocado, for the four
different excitation wavelengths,
C-F panels

values at 670 and 750 nm, respectively. The changes of R1 5 | D A T A A N A LY S I S A N D

with time in the three groups with different storage con- DISCUSSION
ditions are shown in Figure 4A-C. Likewise, the ratio
R2 = R550 nm/R750 nm was formed. The results for Group A We first consider the most relevant case, when the fruits
are given in Figure 4D, as an example. Data for the other are kept at room temperature all the time (regarding
groups exhibit smaller temporal changes. Similarly, the reflectance, Figure 4A,D, and regarding fluorescence,
functions F1 and F2 are defined to indicate the changes in Figure 5A-H). It can be seen, that the R1 and F2 curves
the fluorescence spectral shapes. F1 is calculated as for the avocadoes are rising with longer storage times. As
F1 = I740 nm/I685 nm, where I740 nm and I685 nm are the fluo- avocados ripen, the chlorophyll content gradually
rescence intensity values at 740 and 685 nm, respectively. decreases, reducing the chlorophyll absorption. The
F2 is similarly calculated as F2 = I550 nm/I685 nm. As dis- reflection intensity around 670 nm then gradually
cussed earlier, F1 and F2 are quite sensitive to the chloro- increases, while the reflection hardly changes beyond
phyll concentration. The results of the fluorescence data 750 nm; thus, R1 is increasing. Regarding fluorescence,
analysis for the different storage condition groups are the peak at 550 nm has a different temporal development
given in Figure 5. The data in Figures 4 and 5 are based than the peak at 685 nm, causing the ratio F2 of these
on all measurements. As will be further discussed later, two fluorescence intensities to rise with ripeness. This is
the error bars, which are similar in relative size for all largely because of the reduction in the chlorophyll con-
the data, are quite large due to the large variability of the tents. For the same reason, the trend of function F1 is
fruit around its circumference. declining. Both the two peaks of the chlorophyll decrease
6 of 10 LIN ET AL.

F I G U R E 4 Temporal
development of the ratios
R1 = R670 nm/R750 nm and
R2 = R550 nm/R750 nm, related to
reflectance properties

when avocadoes ripen, but the peak at 740 nm, not sub- As demonstrated, it is feasible to study the ripening
ject to fluorescence reabsorption due to chlorophyll itself process of avocadoes by using the reflection and fluores-
[35, 36], drops faster. F1 and F2 have similar general cence spectra. The techniques are simple and cost effec-
behavior for the four different excitation wavelengths. tive. Storage conditions strongly influence the ripening as
Actually, F1, relating only to chlorophyll, as expected, reflected in the spectral data.
has identical trends, but the longest wavelength, which We note, that the error bars in the data shown in
best overlap with chlorophyll Soret-band absorption, Figure 4 and Figure 5 are quite large, which is not due to
might be expected to yield a higher signal-to-noise ratio. low signal-to-noise ratios, but rather reflect the fact, that
This is not the case, since for all excitation wavelengths the fruits are not uniform around their circumferences,
excellent curves are obtained. The substantial error bars for example, related to the growing position on the tree
in all cases have a different origin, as will be discussed with regard to the prevailing sunlight (ie, the South direc-
later. Contrary to F1, F2 shows a stronger dynamics tion). Such large variations of course constitute a problem
(steeper slope) with time for the longest wavelength in practical assessment of the status of ripeness. In a
favoring the 685 nm peak excitation and thus the depen- quest to get around this problem, we have tested a
dence on chlorophyll as compared to the visible spectrum method, which largely can compensate for this. Basically,
chromophores is enhanced. we evaluate the spectral characteristics in points on the
The avocadoes in Group B, which had been kept in fruit located at opposite sides (separated by 180 ), and
the refrigerator at around 9 C, show similar trends as take the average value to be the one characteristic of the
those in Group A, but with much less prominent fruit. With a sinusoidal variation of parameters around
dynamics, as expected due to the slowed-down physio- the fruit circumference, this would always yield the same
logical processes. We note, however, that the data for results, because of the properties of the sinus function.
the first few days are identical with those of Group A, This reasoning can be illustrated by the observation that
which is reassuring in view of the identical pre-history the temperature at a given location, as averaged over
of all fruits, where their new storage conditions clearly summer and winter, roughly gives the same value as for
are not expected to express themselves immediately. averaged spring and autumn temperatures, and many
The results of Group C (25 C-9 C) show trends as other similar periodic phenomena can be found. We have
expected in view of the findings from Groups A and B; performed an evaluation along these lines for a Group A
that is, the ratios first change rapidly and then only fruit excited at 405 nm, and the results for three chosen
slowly. Thus, the three groups of fruits exhibit data, times are given in Figure 6, where the consistency is
which are quite understandable. much improved. We note, that the average values,
LIN ET AL. 7 of 10

F I G U R E 5 Temporal development of the functions F related to fluorescence, F1 (left) and F2 (right), formed from the measured data
for avocados under different storage conditions (Panels A-X)

indicated by the dashed lines, increase with time as variation is reduced from 190% to 15% for Day 3, from
expected from the graph in Figure 5H. Average values for 350% to 20% for Day 8, and from 300% to 20% for Day
four different position pairs with 180 separation are 13, which is a very substantial error source reduction.
given as dots to the right in the graph. We notice that the Thus, in a practical device, a particular fruit would be
8 of 10 LIN ET AL.

measured at two opposite, but otherwise arbitrary posi- curve in Figure 5H, an assessment based on the opposite-
tions, and the average values would be the ones per- side approach seems to give an uncertainty of typi-
taining to that fruit. Since the parameter variation clearly cally 1 day.
is not fully sinusoidal, further improvements can be In constructing a useful, handheld device for
expected if two additional positions, at right angles to the assessing the state of ripeness, it seems that the fluores-
ones are added in the averaging. The data for individual cence data obtained for 405 nm excitation (Figure 5H
fruits would be evaluated against the curves (without would provide the largest change with ripeness (show the
error-bars) in Figure 5, which can be considered to accu- strongest dynamics), and thus would be the most suited
rately reflect the ripening physiology pertaining to the for evaluation, considering all data given in Figures 4 and
particular kind of fruits studied, since they are based on 5. Accordingly, we show in Figure 7A a proposed device
24 distributed measurements on each of four fruits, thus consisting of a 405 nm LED, two silicon detectors and
averaged over 96 data readings. Given the slope of the suitable color-glass filters to isolate the green and the
near-infrared spectral regions of the fluorescence, as
illustrated in Figure 7B. While broader spectral regions
are covered here than the evaluated intensities at the spe-
cific wavelengths given in Figure 5, there is clearly a very
close connection to the broader spectral areas, since
shapes of the curve sectors under the spectral envelopes
are largely similar. Regarding the long-wavelength broad-
band chlorophyll recording, we would even expect a
slightly stronger slope with time in the corresponding
ratio curve, given the temporal development of the two-
peak ratio development shown in Figure 5D. As indicated
in Figure 7A the fruit would be pressed against a light-
shielding rubber gasket for measurement, and again
repeated at the opposite position of the fruit. Data record-
ing could be started by a pressure-activated micro-switch,
and after the second recording, the ripeness outcome
would be immediately displayed on the device, as evalu-
F I G U R E 6 Fluorescence data for eight equidistant points
around the fruit evaluated as the F2 function for a Group A fruit for
ated by an on-board microprocessor. Based on
Days 3, 8 and 13. The average values are given as dashed lines corresponding studies on other fruits (see; eg, Reference
showing the increase observed in Figure 5. Also, the pairwise 31), evaluation against other stored temporally dependent
average values, for 0 and 180 , 45 and 225 , 90 and 270 , and ratio curves could be made, possibly activating an alter-
135 and 315 are shown as colored points to the right. The data are native LED, if advantageous. Clearly, the device and its
part of the original ones, as shown as averages in Figure 5H time-dependent stored evaluation diagrams would finally

F I G U R E 7 Proposed
compact fluorosensor for
avocado ripeness testing, A, and
spectral responses for proposed
optical components of the low-
cost device, B
LIN ET AL. 9 of 10

FIGURE 8 Fluorosensor for remote measurements on fruits, A, and three spectra recorded from avocadoes at 10 m distance, B

need to be calibrated against the outcome of a taste-panel temperature storage conditions. We have shown that
subjective ripeness judgment, similarly as discussed, for fluorescence is particularly useful for ripeness assess-
example, for spectroscopic tea quality assessment [38]. ment, and have illustrated a method, which compen-
Finally, inspired by the demonstrated practicality in sates for the spatial variations in spectral properties
assessing ripeness, which could be easily assessable to fruit around a fruit. We propose a simple, low-cost device,
dealers as well as customers, we consider the case of the which might be widely applied by fruit-dealers and cus-
fruit grower, and the case of decision support, finding out tomers alike. This is possible, since we in our detailed
the most suitable time of harvesting by a remote, spectral studies could identify spectroscopic parameters/indices,
measurement of fruits, which are still on the tree. Again, which change in a monotonous way from the time when
this could pertain in relation to avocadoes, but also to fruits the fruit is obviously unripe to the time when it is obvi-
in general, climacteric and non-climacteric. A compact ously overdue. Then, a parameter threshold/interval for
remote fluorosensor of the type developed for water quality the time of preferred consumption can be set for the
assessment [39] was used in a proof-of-principle experi- particular instrument, after the necessary calibration
ment, as illustrated in Figure 8. Figure 8A shows the set-up, towards a taste panel. Finally, we also show, that fluo-
including a 1 W 412 nm diode laser and a 5 cm diameter rescence techniques could be extended also to the con-
receiving telescope, coupled to the same type of compact text of evaluating the status of fruits, while still on trees,
spectrometer, as was used in our laboratory measurements. and at considerable distance (height), which could be
We measured on an avocado placed about 10 m away. interesting for fruit-growers in the assessment the opti-
Recorded remote-sensing fluorescence spectra of high qual- mum harvesting time. Clearly, our conclusions for avo-
ity are shown in Figure 8B, to illustrate the feasibility of cado could be extended to many other kinds of fruits.
remote-sensing monitoring of fruits using fluorescence, in a
similar way as has earlier been demonstrated in many other ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
contexts (see, eg, [32]). The authors are grateful to Professors Sailing He and
Guofu Zhou for kind support. Special thanks to Zheng
Duan, Ye Yuan and Junchen Lu for help with the remote
6 | C ON C L U S I ON S spectrum recordings, and Ning Han for her help in some
of the experiments, and in some paper formatting. This
Spectroscopic techniques, such as reflectance and fluo- work was supported by the Guangdong Innovation
rescence measurements, are useful in assessing the Research Team Program (No. 201001D0104799318).
ripeness of fruits. We have studied the particularly inter-
esting case of avocados in the present paper, motivated C O N F L I C T S O F IN T E R E S T
by the well-known difficulty to visually or tactilely eval- The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
uate the inside conditions of these fruits. The avocado
fruit has sometimes been characterized as the “perfect ORCID
fruit”, since it, while expensive, exhibits so many well- Sune Svanberg
established positive effects on human health. Studies Katarina Svanberg
were performed for fruits subject to different 0617
10 of 10 LIN ET AL.

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