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Scenes in Trilogy in the House of Thebes

1.)Oedipus, a stranger to Thebes, became king of the city after the

murder of King Laius. He was offered the throne because he was successful in saving the city from the

2.) Oedipus married Laius’ widow, Jocasta, and had four children with her, two sons, Eteocles and
Polyneices, and two daughters, Antigone and Ismene.
3.) Citizens of Thebes have been stricken by a plague. Oedipus resolves to find King Laius's killer.

4.) When Oedipus saw Queen Jocasta hanged, he blinds himself.

5.) Oedipus became a blind beggar, banished from Thebes.

6.) Oedipus promises Theseus a great blessing for the city if he is allowed to stay, die, and be buried at

7.) Oedipus angrily curses Polynices, prophesying that he and his brother Eteocles will die at one
another's hand. His uncle, Creon becomes the king.

8.) Both Antigone and Ismene's brothers died in battle. Creon has decreed that Eteocles will be burried,
but Polynices will not receive any burial rites. Antigone disagrees, she has already decided to defy the
law and go and burry Polynices herself.

9.) Antigone has hanged herself rather than allow Creon dictate her fate.Haemon has also killed himself
out of grief for his lost love.

10.) Creon is left alone, devastated.

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