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SCHOLAR'S CHALLENGE d. low-pitched
Special Area e. breathy
8. Modern skyscrapers owe MOST to
1. Calling a historical reenactor a farb implies that a. the Museum of the Future
they are b. "World of Tomorrow"
a. engaging in unsafe practices c. London's Crystal
b. ignoring alternative perspectives d. Palace Millennium Park
c. not serious about their reenactment e. the American National Exhibition
d. overly focused on narrow slices of history 9. The primary focus of the Ulster American Folk
e. uneducated about their time period Park is
2. What is an example of a cultural heritage site? a. traditional crafts
a. Great Barrier Reef (Australia) b. cultural exchange
b. Empire State Building (New York City). c. folk music
c. Taj Mahal (Agra) d. immigration and migration
d. Burj Khalifa (Dubai) e. Native American religion
e. Eiffel Tower (Paris) 10. Dubai's Museum of the Future would MOST
3. A taxidermy display created according to the likely feature an exhibit about
Akeley method would necessarily feature a(n) a. cultural tolerance
a. speaker system b. economic development
b. glass case c. robot design
c. CGI render d. climate change
d. artificial environment e. urban planning
e. animatronic skeleton 11. Which of the following instructions would
4. The Spanish Village in Barcelona is also known have prevented the controversy over Kent
as State's production of The Mountaintop!
a. Poble Nou a. "All casting choices must be approved by
b. Barri Gòtic the playwright.
c. El Raval b. "Actors may not be allowed to improvise
d. Villa Antigua at any point”
e. Poble Español c. "Actors must be of a similar age to the
5. What is a main feature of the Millennium City people they are portraying"
Park? d. "Directors may not censor any language
a. a replica of a historical palace they find offensive."
b. a monument to the city's founding e. "Non-American productions must hire
c. a dried-up lake American
d. a state-of-the-art shopping mall 12. Someone concerned with the verisimilitude of
e. an elaborate garden maze a TV
6. The building blocks of neural networks are a. "How realistic is it?"
called b. "Will it age well?"
a. links c. "How were the actors cast?"
b. hubs d. "When is it set!"
c. vertices e. "What book is it hased on?"
d. nodes 13. A diorama is LEAST likely to include
e. points a. models of vehicles
7. After appearing Elvis, actor Austin Butler's b. a painted background
natural voice became more c. models of man-made structures
a. Spirited d. a taxidermized animal
b. monotonous e. ready-to-eat food
14. Which of the following media would Bas 20. Someone who helped plan and create
Uterwijk MOST likely use as the source material Tomorrowland is MOST likely to agree that
for a new a. innovation and progress are key to
a. a painted portrait video shaping a better future
b. a video game avatar b. the future is unpredictable and
c. written journal uncontrollable
d. a black-and-white photograph c. technology will cause environmental
e. a prehistoric skeleton degradation
15. Someone visiting Plimoth Patuxer is MOST likely d. technology can solve all of humanity's
to problems.
a. sample traditional Wampanoag dishes e. individual choices and actions can shape
b. interact with costumed interpreters the future
c. explore a modern art museum
Art & Music
d. participate in a guided tour of Boston
e. watch a modern-day play or musical 21. Someone wishing to recreate Jacques-Louis
about the history of the Plymouth Colony David's Death of Marat with household
16. Which of the following bodily changes might objects would need a(n)
an actor use to make his voice sound deeper? a. hairbrush
a. allowing his head to droop b. iron
b. raising his shoulders c. toaster
c. standing up straighter d. bathtub
d. stretching his hamstrings e. pot
e. taking shallow breaths 22. Gustav Klimt is MOST known for artworks that
17. A fically conservative politician is MOST likely use
to be called a a. Newsprint
a. "Lincoln” b. gold leaf
b. "Hamilton" c. projected video
c. "Gandhi” d. paint sputter
d. "Thatcher e. touchscreens
e. "Roosevelt” 23. The chord progression of "Yesterday" can BEST
18. Cultural appropriation can BEST be defined as be described as
a. celebration and appreciation of cultural a. Eastern
diversity b. Typical
b. use of elements from a majority culture c. Upbeat
by members of a minority culture. d. Complex
c. intentional preservation of cultural e. Energetic
d. establishment of cultural identity and 24. Richard Strauss' Also sprach Zarathustra was
tradition inspired by
e. unthinking adoption of cultural elements a. national river
from one culture by another culture b. philosophical novel
19. Which of the following parks did a painting c. Shakespearean play
inspire? d. natural wonder
a. Beamish Museum e. Greek myth
b. Skansen Open-Air Museum 25. Which of the following artistic movements is
c. Millennium City Park MOST closely associated with depictions of
d. Colonial Williamsburg, Judith slaying Holofernes?
e. Museo del Jamón e. a. Baroque
b. Rococo
c. Romanticism d. Beseeching Heaven
d. Pointillism e. Bloody Vengeance
e. Impressionism 32. If Kehinde Wiley were to adapt the Mona Lisa,
26. A recreation of Guernica is MOST likely to be he would MOST likely change the figure in it to
a. surreal be
b. large a. Mythological
c. realistic b. African-American
d. colourful c. surreal
e. peaceful d. larger than life
27. Komar and Melamid's artistic collaboration e. monochromatic
PRIMARILY focused on 33. What artistic style MOST influenced George
a. Challenging traditional concepts of Wash Carver Crossing the Delaware?
beauty a. cubism
b. critiquing Soviet communism b. realism
c. examining the role of art in consumer c. impressionism
culture d. expressionism
d. celebrating the natural world e. Pop art
e. exploring the boundaries between art 34. Which of the following artworks is MOST
and technology similar in style to show creased for the
28. The focus of Jean-Joseph Weerts's challenge issued by the Gerry Museum in
Assassination of Marat is March 2020
a. the guillotine a. Backyard Guernica
b. John-Paul Marat b. Judith and Holofernes (Pedro Americo)
c. Charlotte Corday c. Judith and Holofernes (Kehinde Wiley)
d. the room d. Death of Marat (Gavin Turk)
e. the journalists e. Charlotte Corday
29. In the context of art produced by artificial 35. Overall, classical music performances have
intelligence, "breeding" refers to the act of become less
a. combining different images a. improvisational
b. collaging photographs b. experimental
c. merging two layers c. participatory
d. training deep learning systems d. elite
e. combining neural networks e. formal
30. The Opera North production of Orfes alters 36. What would be the MOST appropriate subject
the original by for a "CNN opera"?
a. focusing exclusively on vocal a. a mass shooting in the United States
performances b. political events during the reign of Henry
b. incorporating traditional Indian VIII
instruments and singing styles c. the forbidden love between two figures
c. modernizing the entire score with from Chinese history
electronic music d. a retelling of a Shakespeare comedy
d. adding pop music to the original score e. the love lives of a group of artists and
e. replacing the original score with entirely writers
new music 37. Rhapsody in Blue would be MOST interesting
31. What would be the BEST alternate title for to someone who was
Pedro Americo's Judith and Holofernes? a. writing a history of jazz music
a. Holofernes Dead b. researching the development of the
b. Savior of His People orchestra
c. Defying Oppression c. investigating non-Western instruments
d. analyzing the role of technology in music a. They hint at the narrator's belief in the
e. exploring the intersection of music and immortality of the soul.
politics b. They reveal the narrator's guilt.
38. Oliver Messiaen composed Quartet for the c. They indicate the speaker's lack of
end of time while emotion
a. living in Italy d. They establish the meter and rhythm of
b. a prisoner of war the poem.
c. in hiding e. They contrast the organic and the
d. recovering from injuries inorganic
e. fighting on a front 44. Which of the following historical periods does
39. Based on "Ode to Joy", Beethoven would M (currently) appear in an Assassin's Creed
MOST likely have agreed that A arias and game?
native. a. the Xia Dynasty
a. absolute monarchy provides stability b. the French Revolution
b. individuals create their own meaning c. the American Revolution
c. life is meaningless d. the Renaissance
d. all humans are created equal e. the Third Crusade
e. all events are predetermined 45. "Municipal Callery Revisited” is PRIMARILY
40. Which two types of songs does opera typically about a set of
include? a. jewels
a. Arias and recitatives b. clothing
b. Choral pieces and chants c. Portraits
c. Lieders and madrigals d. Coins
d. Art songs and cantatas e. Poems
e. Anthems and oratorios 46. What do onlookers cry out when they see the
41. What would be the BEST alternate title for Call speaker of "Kubla Khan"?
of duty a. "Unhand me!"
a. War Games b. "A dulcimer!"
b. Underwater Quest c. “Behold the prophet!”
c. Civilization d. "The dulcimer!"
d. Galactic Crusaders e. "Beware! Beware!"
e. Lost Kingdoms 47. Which of the following statements could
42. Robert Ingersoll's reflections on the grave of serve as valid criticism for both Braveheart and
Napoleon can BEST be summarized as Disney's Pocahontas?
a. "Lavish tombs are best suited for those a. "It grossly oversimplifies a historical
who have achieved great things" event."
b. "Poetry is a more lasting monument than b. "It romanticizes a disgraced national
marble tombs” figure."
c. "True greatness lies in conquering the c. "It does not fit modern tastes."
self" d. "It depicts colonists in too sympathetic a
d. "It is better to be unremembered than light."
responsible” e. "It skirts around the blood and violence of
e. "Napoleon brought more good than evil the
into the world." 48. Haiku are MOST likely to focus on a(n)
43. My dog has died. a. philosophical concept
I buried him in the garden next to a rusted old b. political event
machine. c. complex story
What is the significance of these lines from d. city scene
Pablo Neruda's "A Dog Has Died"? e. observation about nature
49. Which class is NOT available to a player of
Ghost of Tsushima?
a. Knight
b. Hunter
c. Assassin
d. Samurai
e. Ronin

50. The PRIMARY goal of Age of Empires is to

a. construct impressive buildings
b. conquer other nations
c. develop a civilization
d. achieve space flight
e. map new territories

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