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Halle Selassi P.O. Box 50432 usaka Zambia Avenue Tel 9260211 254412500 ECZ/101/8/1Cont 6" February, 2023 TO: ALL PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFIGERSS ot" ayINcIAL EDUCAT pROUINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICER RE: 2011/1/ AND 2011/2 LITER 2025 TO 2027 Enclosed herewith is the examination syllabus for Literature in English for the years 2025 t0 2027. Please note that the School Certificate and General Certificate of Education (SC/GCE) Examination for Literature in English for 2023 and 2024 will be based on the syllabus currently in schools for the years 2022 to 2024, The list of prescribed books for both papers is attached. Kindly inform all concerned accordingly. A. S. Siamunako (Mr) Director - Test Development For/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL OF ZAMBIA LITERATURE IN ENGLISH PAPER I (2011/1) AND PAPER 2 (2011/2) IBED SET 'S FOR TI MINATI 7 Below are the prescribed set books for the years 2025 to 2027. Schools are informed that other editions of set books are available and may be used but simplified and/or abridged versious should not be used. Paper 1 - 2011/1 Section A: Literary Terminologies and Devices This Section has no prescribed set books. Teachers, however, should refer to the Teaching Syllabus and Assessment Schemes for guidance in order to adequately teach the literary terminologies and devices. Section B: Contextual Questions Candidates are expected to study in detail one play and one novel and answer questions on both books. ‘The two compulsory set books are listed below: 1, The Imprisonment of Obatala Obotunde Ijimere 2. The Old Man and the Medal Ferdinand Oyono Paper 2- 2011/2 Essay Questions Candidates will select three (3) books which may include a play depending on the books from the (7) seven set books listed below: 1. Uneasy Yoke Kachinga Sichizya 2. A Wreath for Udomo Peter Abrahams 3. AMan for all Seasons Robert Bolt 4. Mara Bessie Head 5. The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 6. Shaka Zulu Fwanyanga Mulikita 7. Animal Farm George Orwell This list of prescribed set books is for the years 2025 to 2027, Please note that the School Certificate and General Certificate of Education (SC/GCE) Examination for Literature in English for the years 2023, and 2024 will be based on the syllabus currently in schools for the years 2022 to 2024. Note: Teachers should abide by these regulations.

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