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Drew Ripper: (Main Character)
Allison Ripper: Biological Mother
Oliver Ripper: Biological Father
Bob Collins: Adoptive Father
Allison Collins: Adoptive Mother
Bridget Shipman: Victim


Oliver: This child is not mine! A monster—I have no child that looks like a monster. I
will kill that baby! Allison: No! You will not touch my son. Over my dead body,
Oliver!!! You sick man!

Oliver: Monster... monster... monster

Allison: You must check yourself, Oliver. You are not in a good phase! How could you
say that to your own child? [cries]
Oliver: Lady, how many times do I have to tell you that he is not my child?!

Six years have passed, and the poor little boy has grown up hearing those words from
his father. His father never treated him like a child; every time he tries to approach
him, he raises his voice. He grew up hearing his parents argue about him all the time.
Drew blames himself for everything.

Until one day, Oliver's mentally sick father kidnapped his own son and wife,
placing them in an underground basement because he believed that 'they' were
going to kill him. Oliver himself couldn't accept that his father was mentally
unstable. Perhaps projection was his father's way of escaping the dark
reality—he projected that there were 'men in black' whom he often saw at night
with those eyes objecting to killing his family. And, as the man of the house, he
felt responsible for taking care of his wife and son and protecting them from the
hands of wicked men, leading him to consider placing them in the underground
basement as his only option.
Poor Allison and Drew were imprisoned in the room, left with even a single
grain to eat—nothing, even a droplet of water to fill in their bodies, and all they
could see were the old things that were stockpiled in the room alongside the
dimly lit light coming from the hole in the upper part of the window. The hole of
hope—the six-year-old Oliver considered it as the glimpse of hope amidst the
darkness and evilness that they were experiencing.
Each day of waking up in the place was accompanied by incomparable
suffering with every sob of agony and despair, as if they were kissing hell like
his grandfather had always taught him about when he was still living. However,
despite all this, Drew’s desperation grew, and he became determined to find a
way to escape and rescue his weakened mother, Allison. But the room was
tightly secured, and any attempts to break free seemed futile. At every failure,
he became extremely upset, but he couldn't do anything about it. As the days
passed by, his mom became weaker, frailer, and paler.
With the tight yet seamlessly cold light kiss, he felt on his cheeks gently
whispering to him “Do everything to save yourself. I wouldn't bother you by
being a cannibal if that’s to make you alive. You are braver than you think,
sweetie”. Drew was awakened by it. That was his only memory after everything
turned black—Drew's mother died due to severe hunger; her body was unable
to survive.
The poor child did everything he could to survive, as he promised. He even ate his
mother's flesh to keep himself from the brick of death. His father was the first to call
him a monster, and now he is proving him right.

On the other hand, his own father was the one who reported what happened to
the police, and he killed himself afterward. When the police arrived at their
home, they discovered two dead bodies: Drew's mom and dad. He witnessed his
father being bathed in his own blood, but he did not shed a tear. He was only
crying because, in the most tragic way, he had lost his mother. Loathing and
agony were the emotions written on the little boy’s mind.
At first glance, the police officers were perplexed as to what had happened to
them; they suspected that someone was behind the crime. They searched for
evidence, and multiple angles to focus on in order to fully grasp what really
happened. However, after a couple of months, until it reached a year, they
stopped the investigation, leaving the case unsolved.
It's been nine years since he left those stories untold. He kept quiet, particularly about
what he did when he was six years old. The officer who assisted him adopted him as
their child. Alice and Bob Collins became his adoptive parents. Drew grew up without
any friends. He doesn't want to interact with anyone being afraid of their judgments.
The only person that can understand him is himself alone.

Today is his 15th birthday—The day he realized he was different.

Drew couldn't figure out what was wrong with him; he was hungry but couldn't eat
anything on the table. He vomits whenever he tries to eat something. His feet
unexpectedly led him to the kitchen. He pulls the refrigerator door open and grabs the
raw meat without hesitation. He lapped it up like a ravenous beast.
Drew: Oh, nothing, Dad. I’m just looking for some drinks.
Bob: But, don’t you like the beverages at the party?
Drew:, dad. Let’s go back to the party.
Alice: Where did you guys go?
Drew: Oh, I just went to the kitchen, mom. I look for something.
Bob: Yeah, he’s a big boy now, darling. Just let him do what he
wants (laughs). Alice: Yes, but just know your limits, young man.

He discovered the next day that eating raw meat depleted his energy. He can't go a day
without it; he's become addicted to it. Then he got to the point where he killed animals
in order to eat their flesh. The people in their area were threatened because their
animals, such as pigs, chickens, and goats, were mysteriously disappearing, but they
only suspected that there was a hunter in their city searching for animal victims.
Drew grew up filled with affectionate love, attention, and purest care from his adoptive
parents while he is growing up. They make sure that he will be able to live life nothing
with satisfaction and blissfulness. In exchange, Drew soared through his studies
with the passion and brilliance, leaving a trail of accolades in his wake and
culminating in a distinguished criminology degree—following the steps of his
legal father.
After getting the degree, his father, Bob---was the one who appointed him as
the assistant of the chief officer in Belmarsh Prison—a jail under the control of
his term as the DGP (Director-general of police). However, he didn't just brag
about the name of his father to get into the position, Drew still did every
training like the other officers. He proved that he is way more deserving to have
all those accomplishments but, most pertinently—making his parents proud.
Despite all these, Drew could still not resist committing crimes. He did it even
now that he is in his twenties. In jail, he began killing people. Many prisoners
would go missing, and as the assisting commanding officer, by the run of his
fingertips, he could manipulate and conceal every piece of information to cover
them up. Most of those that he killed were men who had the same features as
his late biological father—Oliver. He believed that by doing so, he could seek
revenge for his mother's death. It was an addiction that, without it, he could
not live.
Those who were his victims were insanely stabbed in the heart, causing them
to scream aloud. This was also the scenario that his six-year-old self couldn't
forget—his father being bathed in his own blood with a knife stabbed in his
heart. However, to run everything in his hands, he flushed the bones of those
he murdered in the toilet with sulfuric acid, leaving no trace of his crimes. The
poor prisoners have no choice but to cry silently, begging for their lives. And all
along those years, those loud screams were melodies that he would forever
worship. The music he couldn't resist listening to.

Ring...ring...ring...He was frightened awake by the loud noise coming from

the telephone.
Drew: This is Mr. Ripper, the police in charge, How may I help you?
Bridget: Bridget... This...Bridget Shipman..
Drew: Yes, may I know your concern, ma’am?
Bridget: My dad...He was a prisoner here in the jail you’re assigned to. And I just
found out that he was missing...
Drew: Missing? How could it be? I can guarantee you that on behalf of the police cops
in charge of this station, we were able to perform our duties responsibly. But, I'll be
going to fix this matter ma’am as soon as possible. Have a good—
Bridget: Please sir..please…Find my dad. He’s a good man...He was only being framed
up and had not been proven guilty yet. My dad is an innocent man. For heaven's sake,
find him, sir..find him
The woman on the other side was in pain. As she disclosed her father’s
physical appearance, vague animated pictures were painted on his mind as he
remembered the man—the man who was his last victim. And if he may not be
mistaken, he was able to write a letter as his last will but he didn't spend to
time wasting it. Instead, he tore it apart into pieces.
Drew: Yes ma'am, I will do it for you as I promised.
Bridget: He means so much to me. My dad is the only one I have.
Drew: I felt sorry for that. We will certainly inform you ma'am with some updates.
Bridget: Thank you very much, sir. Have a good day.
(The call ended)
Drew unconsciously felt a strange emotion for the very first time, the feeling of
guilt in his heart. If only he could go back in time, he wouldn’t have killed the
father of that poor lady. His heart was shattered into pieces as he heard those
words from a lady who wished her father would come back. He went to the
restroom and talked to himself in the mirror.
Drew: How could you do that? You know how it feels to be left by the people
you love the most...That woman does not deserve all of this. Should I confess to
her? She will never forgive me. But I must pay the consequences of my actions.
How could I help that lady when I was the reason she had that problem? How
could I explain to her that I killed her father...that I ate his flesh and he would
never come back?
When he arrives home, he goes straight to his bedroom. He remembers the
memories of his beloved late mother. Aside from the tick-tock coming from the
clock, his sobs can be heard in the distance, silently crying. He made his
decision the next day. Without hesitation, he filed a case titled "The Case of the
Acid Murderer." He couldn't take it any longer; his guilt was eating him up. He
confessed to everything he did using a voice recorder
On October 26th, as he was about to receive an award and promote his position as a
police officer, he decided to take it as an opportunity to inform everyone about who he
truly is. He confessed to what he did many years ago on the voice recorder. He
admitted to all of his crimes, from killing animals to killing people. Everyone who
heard it was flabbergasted. As the voice recorder continued to play, his adoptive
parents were unable to speak even a single word. He was on stage in front of the entire
audience. Even if it hurts his feelings, Bob did the right thing as an unbiased police
officer. He takes charge of the case that landed his son in jail. Drew was imprisoned
there for almost two years. His case was for a lifetime and there was no bill pay.
On the night of October 26th, with the weight of anticipation upon his
shoulders, Drew stood at the precipice of glory, ready to receive an award and
ascend to a higher position as a distinguished police officer. Yet, he knew deep
within his soul that this moment was not to be stained with pretense or deceit
any longer. The time had come to bare his darkest secrets, to unleash the
demons that had haunted him for years.
Summoning courage from the depths of his being, he seized this momentous
occasion as a stage to unmask the truth. With a trembling hand, he pressed
record on the voice recorder, knowing that what would follow would shatter the
façade he had meticulously crafted. The confessions poured forth like an
unrestrained torrent, his shattering voice as he recounted the crimes he had
committed, from the merciless slaughter of innocent animals to the insane
atrocities of taking human lives. Gasps echoed through the room as the
audience stood aghast, their expectations of celebration shattered, replaced by
the revelation of a monstrous truth.
Among the crowd, his adoptive parents sat stunned, leaving them not to
mumble even a single word. They had given everything to Drew even though
they were not biologically related. Yet, now, they bore witness to this
heartbreaking reality, their hearts torn between the love they had known and
the revelation that unfolded before their eyes.
With the commitment to serve justice and impartiality, Bob was able to do what
was right. Leaving him no choice but to handle Drew’s case. It was a lifetime of
imprisonment and he knew well of himself that it would shatter his wife’s heart
to lose a child—again.
Drew: Thanks for putting me here, Dad.
Bob: I just did the right thing, son. You should have told us earlier.
Drew: Yeah, I sincerely apologize.
Uhm [clears throat]
Lady: Hello, Mr. Bob. I'm the psychiatrist in charge of your son.
Bob: This is Drew, my son. Please take care of him.
Despite the fact that Drew is in jail, his adoptive parents ensure that he is well cared
for. They discovered that he was mentally ill, which he inherited from his late biological
father. All the silent crying from the people he killed was now paid off as he rotted in
jail, where he was supposed to be the person in charge.


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